Midday parking garage sex

I made an arraignment for a ride to work with my fwb. I told my roommate (who I have slept with but doesn't know about my new friend yet). He was going to bring me to work.

Walking to the car he saw I didn't have panty lines and thought thong. I showed him I'm not wearing anything not even a bra. This was part of the deal along with quick sex acts if mentioned. I'm OK with this, I've only wore panties when I was on my period since I was 15. At a red light, he cupped my pussy but that was all.

Before lunch, he texts me to meet him by the elevators. I go out to meet him and he takes me to the parking garage. But this time he's on the top level. He has an old school xterra with the seats down. Opens the back hatch and tells me to choose a position. I go doggy style. No panties so easy access but he has to lay on me because of the roof. It was really sweaty but hot. I didn't get off though and he went inside me. He tells me to push it out so I cup his cum in my hand and lick it up. I went to the bathroom after to clean up.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3auwxt/midday_parking_garage_sex


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