Cherry Chapstick / Lily Part I (F/F)

Friends, I'm really feeling the ladies this week. So I thought I'd tell you some of my memories of my favorite female partner. Dare I say the one that got away?

This first section is mostly a prelude. There's no sex here but you know I'm good for it in the follow-up.

One of my favorites mentioned chapstick the other day in passing. Any mention of chapstick brings me back to a warm summer night with the girl whose memory haunts me. Lily. Fucking Lily (not her real name).

I was living away that summer. The friend that traveled with me left after a few weeks and I was all alone. The only people I knew were those I worked with or friends that came to visit. So I decided since it was a small town to lurk on craigslist for a while and see if I could find some friends. Wasn't really looking for a hookup, just locals who were like minded.

Lily had posted that she was looking for friends and if something more developed then so be it. I'd responded to a similar post from a guy and I didn't get raped or killed so I figured what the hell. And her picture was so cute, how could I resist? Worst case scenario I'd make a new friend to explore the city with.

We met up for the first time at a local bar. The key feature of this bar is its wrap-around balcony upstairs. You can see up and down the street and take in the bustle of everyone going by as you sip your drink. Locals drink there so you know its reputable. I wasn't a local though, had been in town maybe three weeks, working a lot. So I made the newb mistake of waiting for Lily at the downstairs bar when I arrived. We hadn't even exchanged numbers, just agreed over email to meet, so I was sitting there for a while thinking she stood me up. Then she came up behind me and said hi, said she'd been waiting upstairs. I apologized for the oversight and she laughed, grabbed my hand, and led me up the stairs. We were instant friends. You know how that happens with some people? They're just – comfortable.

It didn't hurt that I was instantly attracted to her either. I'd seen her face so I knew she was cute but in person…how to describe her? Tall, pale, soft brown hair, lighter eyes – gray if I remember with flecks of green. She was wearing worn jeans and a soft flannel shirt. She was a soft butch if you had to label her, but more feminine than the stereotype. She had gone through a glam period and would later show me pics and she was a KNOCKOUT when she was all dolled up. Absolutely stunning, in an objective, feminine way. But she was most comfortable in jeans and tshirts and sports bras. I was likewise wearing jeans and a soft, red, long sleeved shirt. I don't know why I remember that night so vividly but I'm glad I do because it makes me feel warm and nice inside when I think about it.

We sat at the bar upstairs and made conversation and then moved to a private table on the balcony. Conversation was so easy with us. I was a bit shocked at how easy, honestly, because I'd been with girls before but never out in the open, not on a proper "date", and I didn't feel awkward at all. Later we decided to go play pool at a nearby place and I remember her racking the balls, us flirting across the table at each other, making those suggestive eyes…and there was this moment where it seemed like all the men in the room realized we weren't friends out to play pool but actually on a date and very interested in each other. In another setting that kind of attention might have annoyed me. Men gawking at the gay girls, hoping to catch a peak of something. But with Lily, I was just so grateful that she was with me. I loved showing her off, holding her hand in public, ignoring the stares or better yet, putting on a show for anyone watching. But this was just our first outing and we hadn't even kissed yet. Which brings me back to the chapstick.

That Katy Perry song was still popular that summer – I Kissed a Girl. I know, so cliche and silly but it serves as a plot point in this story and for that reason always puts a smile on my face, as much of an earworm as it is. We played pool and decided to go to yet another place, we didn't want the night to end. We were walking down the street and it was terribly hot and sticky but I was enamored and happy.

She stopped for a second, like she was going to tie her shoe or something, but instead she leaned nonchalantly against a light post and took out her chapstick. Cherry chapstick of course. I suspected this was a ploy to finally kiss me and decided to tease her a little bit. I laughed and walked closer – "Seriously, cherry chapstick? Don't you hate that Katy Perry song?" ((I should mention that we'd discussed earlier her feelings about bi girls. I'd asked her if she had any problem with my being bi because some lesbians do. She'd said no, as long as I was confident I liked girls. She didn't have patience for straight girls using her for a one-off, but she did know and believe that some people are honest to goodness attracted to both sexes)).

She said, "No, why would I hate it?" "Because its the straight girl, wondering if it'll piss off her boyfriend, playing into the stereotype…" Lily – "I think anything that gets people talking about LGBT issues is good for the cause." I raised an eyebrow, "But seriously, cherry chapstick?" She shrugged, "I like cherry, don't you?" (She's smirking at me now, daring me, pulling me in with her eyes). I don't remember if I said something coy or mumbled about tasting it but we had our first kiss there, up against that light pole, our tongues learning each other's mouths, my hands finding her ass and pulling her into me. To this day whenever I visit the city and happen to walk down that street I tap the light pole and smile ear to ear. We kissed a lot more that night but once I've written it up I'd like to tell you about Lily's talents with toys. She was VERY talented. Like I said, her memory haunts me…

Cheers to sweet, snarky girls with pale skin and freckles to spare :) Part II to follow.



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