My first sexual experience (MFF)

So first off please forgive any gramma errors. This is a story about my first sexual experience with a married couple. It's long so bear with me. A little background on me I'm 25 used to be a totally innocent girl and total prude. I didn't start touching myself until I was like 21 and don't have much sexual experience…not because it hasn't been offered but because I was raised in a religious good girls don't have sex before they are married and don't give themselves to men who have no intentions of marrying them community. Up to this night I had only made out with guys and had my boobs groped a little.

This was a few months ago, me and a few friends went to a show for a friends birthday. After the show we all still wanted to hangout and headed to this classy bar. When we got there,we me up with Katie (white) and her husband Chris (white) the married couple. It was a group of 9 of us, 4 couples and me the single one out of the group. I knew everyone in the group except Chris. He and talked and got to know each other as people usually do in a group setting.

As the night went on we kept drinking and the couples started to get a little handsy and overtly flirty with each other. I took that as my cue to excuse myself as the single person and head home, but Chris and Katie insisted I stay they were planning on inviting people to their apt. I agreed of course because I hadn't hung out with Katie in a while. The check came and Chris insisted on paying my tab. I felt a little awkward about it but Katie insisted it was okay. So I let him. We all head out but Katie stayed behind and went to the restroom. The other couples left and Chris and I where waiting outside for Katie. 2 couples went home and another one went to go get more liquor and would meet us at Katie and Chris'. While waiting for Katie to come outside, Chris was looking at me funny and I asked what's wrong.

He said, "When we were taking tequila shots I wanted you to to lick the salt from my hand."

Now I get flirty and enjoy teasing and being teased when drunk so I played along, "Why didn't you offer your hand. I would have done it." To be honest I wouldn't have done it. I would have felt awkward to do it with Katie there.

"I guess I was shy," he said. I don't know what got into me (Rum…dark liquor makes me horny and tequila gives me confidence…I had both that night) I took his hand and licked is index finger and sucked on it slowly while looking at him. He smiled at me with a naughty look in his eyes.

"I want to kiss you so badly right now," he said while I still had his finger in my mouth.

This threw me off guard and I let go of him. "I don't think it's a good idea, Katie is your wife and she will probably be upset."

He maintained my eye contact the entire time and it turned me on so much but I knew deep down this was wrong and I was trying to stand strong on my moral ground. He must have seen me getting turned on and the internal conflict I was having. He reached out for my hand and looked me in the eye with this strong dominant look but also soft and said, "I know she won't mind. She thinks you are hot and I do too."

I was literally at a loss for words. There I was standing outside a bar with a married man wanting to kiss me. How the fuck the did this happen? The tequila confidence kicked in and I leaned in a little, he followed through and kissed me softly. At this point I was already getting wet and I could feel it. We pulled back and I said, "Again, but a little rough this time." He pulled me in and kissed me hard and nibbled on my bottom lip. "Like that?" He asked looking into my eyes. I felt like he was fucking me with his eyes.

I suddenly remembered Katie and pulled away. "She is gonna be back any second now." I awkwardly stood next to him and I could tell he was pleased with himself and there I was having an internal struggle that I had made out with a married man…my friends husband at that! I was ashamed of myself but I was also hella turned on than I had ever been in my life. Which made so mad at myself how can I be turned on when I did something so wrong.

Katie came out and we started walking to their place. She grabbed my arm while we where walking and hooked our arms together. We were all a little drunk, me more so than them. I was slightly leaning on her and she was rubbing my hand while we walked and talked. This should have been a sign that shit was gonna go down, but it's this also normal girl behavior. Me and my girlfriends hold hands all the time sober and not sober and rub each others hands and arms for comfort. I thought she was just comforting me because I was drunk but little did I know…

As we were walking Chris said something along the lines of Katie has told me so much about you and how beautiful and smart and ambitious you are. Now every girls likes to be told she is beautiful but I LOVE when a guy says that beautiful and smart and ambitious. It's a turn on to find guys not intimidated by that. I felt myself getting more wet. Katie agrees and starts saying that I remind her of the actress Lupita Nyongo and my short hair cut and my dark chocolate skin. And I was just like, "oh thanks but really don't think I look like her. I'm a little more curvy than her." She keeps rubbing my hand and said, "I like your curves and your boobs look great in that dress"

(Again common girl behavior I complement my girl friends boobs all the time. Also side note I'm about 10 pounds heavier than Lupita. I'm 135 at 5-4 most of that is in my ass …I have a black girl ass.)

So we get to their apt. Katie and I are chillin on the couch talking about school I think and Chris comes back with wine. We sip on the wine and then the conversation dies down a bit. Next thing I know Chris looks me in the eye like he had earlier and says, "I want you to kiss my wife." I was stunned. He had a teasing look in his eyes and I wasn't about to be out teased. I had this confidence (courtesy of tequila) I have never had and my panties were soaking at this point.

I looked at Kaite and said, "Can I kiss you? Are you okay with it?" she said yes and next thing I know her and I are having a full on make out session on the couch and Chris is sitting on the opposite side watching. I pull away from her and look at Chris and asked if it that was okay. He said yes and asked us to keep going. Her and I made out a little bit more and my hands went into her shirt. Then she unzipped my dress and I had gone without a bra for the night because the dress didn't required it. I looked over to Chris and at some point he had unzipped his pants taken off his shirt and was stroking himself. I had never seen a cock before in real life let alone a guy stroking his cock. I felt a little panic when it finally sunk in what was happening. I was making out with a girl, I had never done that. Was I a lesbian since I was enjoying myself? I had no idea what to do. I thought of just running out their apt but I was so horny and curious I couldn't move.

Katie must have noticed the struggle I was having and assured me I can leave if I wanted to. I said I wanted to stay but I'm a virgin and wasn't going to have sex with Chris if that's what they wanted. She said it's okay we won't do that. Chris agreed and said that its was okay and he wouldn't either. She was my friend and I trusted she wouldn't do anything I wasn't comfortable with.

Katie and I went to back kissing and at this point was set on proving that just because I was a virgin I didn't mean I didn't know what I was doing and ZERO experience. Even though I really had zero experience. I was determined to 'fake it till you make it'. I had recently started watching porn so I thought back to the videos that I had seen with girls that turned me on and did that to her. I became a little dominant with her and I took off her bra and went straight to her breasts. She had small Bs that were so perky and I wanted to make her nipples hard. I sucked on her nipples a little hard at first and she said to do it softly, so I did. I was aware of Chris watching us and that turned me on so fucking much. More so than sucking on my friends nipples. I think he couldn't take it anymore because next thing I knew he was in the couch with us making out with his wife and his hand found my nipples. He pulled at my nipples hard and soft as if caressing the pain away. This was too much stimulation for me. The whole scenario what so fucking hot I didn't know what to with myself but I kept my cool.

I started kissing Katie's neck and next think I now the 3 of us are kissing and alternating between each other. Katie excused herself to go to the bathroom and next thing I know me and Chris are making out hard and his hand goes into my panties. He slowly pushes in one finger and asked if that felt okay. I nodded because I was too turned on and couldn't find my words. He pulls his finger out of me and sucks on it while looking at me with his fuck me eyes. He does this several times, he fingers me and tastes the finger. His moans while he was sucking on his finger were making me drip. He fingers me again and this time I take his finger and put it in my mouth. I had never tasted myself before this point. I had thought it was gross but seeing him enjoying my juices I wanted to try. He smiled at me when I sucked in his finger.

"Put in 2 this time," I tell him. He kisses me and says okay. He puts in 2 fingers and this when I felt myself stretching a bit. I was so incredibly wet that he went in easy but I could feel the tightness and I think maybe he did too and he held his fingers there for a second. His thumb found my clit and that's when I almost lost it. He pulled out his hand from my panties and pulled my panties off. I sat up in the couch and he took off his boxer briefs and stood right in front of my face with his hard cock staring at me.

"He said I want you to suck me like you sucked my finger," I had not fucking idea what to do. I had never given a blowjob before. My girlfriends talked about giving them but hadn't. I wasn't about to punk out…again the tequila confidence kicked in. I knew I wasn't going to give him head like a porn star. I knew there was no way could that like any of my girlfriend bragged about doing it. Then I remembered reading one of those Cosmo articles about guys advice for girls and one comment stuck out to me said something along the lines of, "I love it when a girl is enthusiastic about giving a blowjob it's such turn," so I did just that. Enthusiasm. I grabbed his dick and put it in my mouth and started sucking like I had on his finger earlier in the night. I probably want as deep as he wanted to be so he pushed my head further into his dick and I could feel it in the back of my throat. For a second I couldn't breath coz it took me by surprise. I pulled back and removed his hands. I looked up at him and said "Let me suck you the way I want to." I laughed and agreed. I made him sit on the couch and I was on my knees and I took at at a pace I was comfortable with. Which was probably too slow for him but I watched for his reactions and teased him while going down on him. He seemed to like it.

Katie came back into the living room while I was going down on him and she said, "let me." I got up and sat next to Chris while she gave him head. I was staring at her doing it as an educational moment so i could learn how to do it better but also because it was so fucking hot. Chris and I started making out and his finger found my pussy again. He fingered my with one finger and teased my clit. We came around the same time. I was so fucking wet after I came it was literally dripping down my thighs when I stood up. I had never cum so hard before in my life. Katie who was still on her knees looks at Chris and says something. I have no idea what she said but next thing I know Chris was standing behind me and kissing me. While Katie licked my cum up my thighs and made her way to my pussy she put her mouth around my clit and 2 fingers in my pussy. Next thing I know Chris is pulling on my nipples hard and everything went dark.

I don't know how long I was cuming/out for but when I came out of it Katie was still licking and kissing my thighs and Chris was kissing my neck softly. I was feeling so spent and tired and I think they could tell. They made me a bed on the couch and they went to bed. Their bedroom was right off the living room and they left the door open. I could hear them having sex and her moaning and him grunting. I would have touched myself to that but I was exhausted. I fell asleep to the sound of them having sex.

The next morning I woke up to them having sex again and the tequila and rum was long gone from my system and last night felt like it had been a really hot dream.

I went to the bathroom cleaned up a bit and told them I was heading to my apt. I ordered an uber and Katie walked me out of their apt in a robe. She told me she had fun and I would see her at school.

After the shock wore off a few days later…I texted her I had fun and they should let me know when they wanna have fun again. Since then I have been more open to sexual experiences without feeling guilty about it.



  1. Do you have any more experiences with them? If so, I’d love to hear more.

  2. Wow that must’ve been an amazing experience, and your English was great.

  3. Especially nice to read the last sentence. As someone who used to be religious, it is nice to see others experience liberation from that guilt. Realizing that sex is a physical act – not a moral one – was one of the most enlightening realizations I’ve ever had.

  4. As soon as i read the Cosmo part i was waiting for a disaster to happen

  5. I agree it’s such a liberating realization. I live with less guilt and less judgement of myself.

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