FREE this weekend – Mythological romantic tragedy (Crossposted)

In honour of the first day of Summer, BALANCE IN CHAOS is FREE Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st. It will be free on Kindle Unlimited until June 28th.

Discordia is chaos incarnate and while Greece invades Egypt, the African sands are hers to turn bloody. When Anup, stoic judge of the dead, tries to plead with her to leave his lands in peace, her fires burn brighter until he finds a solution; transform her bloodlust to proper lust.

Soon, Discordia begins to crave Anup's touch, finding it brings a thrill that chaos cannot provide. As the two continue their forbidden engagements, Discordia gradually comes to realize Anup believes she can be more than just destruction and a puppet to war. Inspired by Anup's faith in her, Discordia begins to feel more than just hunger for the Egyptian jackal god and is willing to change everything to be his…
