Nude photoshoot with Asian part 2

Following on from before as I was requested by many to do so…..

That night after a few drinks and good Chinese food we all were settling down in our beds. This weekend away from the city was already surreal, I was starting to think now after the first shoot and sex show I would of been better getting out of there. Surprising enough the husband was still keen to chat and be friendly with me.

They lived in a small one bedroom flat, quite local style and pokey if people have ever lived in china they will understand. So my bed was the other side of the room to the husband and wife. I was in bed, deciding to cover up I put on a t-shirt and boxers. After about an hour I hearts and felt the woman come over to my bed, still remembering the husband could hear and see everything. She asked if she could join, I didn't get much choice so said ok. She was very confident now, I think with the lights out it gave her this confidence. She started tugging at my penis, rubbing her ass against it. Didn't take much for it to go hard which she started playing with it. Then she took my shirt off and pulled my pants down. She jumped on top of me and started fucking me. She was good! Usually when a woman is on top it takes a while for me to climax but that might she knew what she was doing. She went hard and pushed all the right buttons. Just as I was about to come again I thought, no condom am I going to do this again!

I did and It felt so naughty…she squealed throughout the whole process and the husband was sat up watching! The horny slut then jumped into his bed after and gave him a blowjob…which I had to listen to. ( not my favourite moment but added to the surreal weekend) this was just the first day and they had many further ideas tomorrow…..



  1. Haha not sure about putting them out in the public for everyone to see!

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