The Best Drunken Mistake I’ve Made- Part 2

(If you haven’t read the first part of my story the here is the link. Sorry it took so long for me to write this. I got nervous at how many people liked it and almost didn’t post this. I’m glad I am now tho.)

The next morning was more comfortable than I ever could have imagined. You would’ve thought Davey, Scott and I had been having sex for years. They both were completely unafraid to talk about it and there was absolutely no shame being thrown around at all. When Kyle finally came out from his tent from his tent the first Davey immediately yelled across the whole camp ground “DUDE, KYLE! We totally got fucked up and had a three way last night!”. We all started laughing uncontrollably. “No way!? That makes so much sense! We could totally hear you guys and had no fucking idea what was going on!”. The fact that our entire group was able to laugh about such an intense experience goes to show how open and carefree this group was. Not only that, but on the first night the tone was set that anything could happen on this trip, and you were going to be greeted with laughter instead of judgment.

The rest morning the morning was a little slow. We all were hung the fuck over. As soon as we recovered we grabbed our skis and snowboards and started to hike towards the sand dunes. The actual dunes were about 2 miles away so we managed to sweat out most of the booze from the night before. The hike was great because it gave Davey and I the chance to get to know Lola better. To this day she is one of the coolest people I’ve met. She was from the south of Spain so she couldn’t speak English very well. This made everything she said adorable. Not only that but because of where she was from, she had a much more promiscuous demeanor to her. When she got to hot she tried to pull her t-shirt off and her sports bra came off with it. The girl couldn’t care less. She just kind of shrugged and we all laughed and kept hiking. We rode on the sand dune for almost 3 hours. The best part of it all was Davey and Scott taking their shirts off. I don’t know if I really mentioned this before, but both of these kids were smoking hot. Both of them had started lifting a lot since last time I saw them, and the second I took off those tank tops, I realized what a lucky girl I was. Every time I looked at them I thought of the fun from the night before. My swimsuit bottoms were damp the whole day. Towards the end of the day Davey and I decided to do one more run up the dunes together. I remember deciding that I wanted to play around this situation for the rest of the day. Once we got to the top and we were a little out view I decided to give Davey a little surprise. I dropped to my knees, pulled down his boxers, and took him in my mouth for a couple of seconds. He moaned when I pulled his boxers up and begged me not to stop. I grinned and took off down the Dunes.

After our day at the dunes we all wanted the same three things. To clean off, cool down and get fucked up. Our camp was right next to a river and all of us couldn’t wait to jump in once we got there. Lola was kind of freaking out from the heat so she started to run ahead when we got close to the camp. To our surprise she didn’t take the even take the time to change. She stripped out of all of her cloths and jumped in butt ass naked. I loved this idea. After all I was hot, I wanted all this sand out of my hair, and most of all I wanted to give the guys a show. I took a little more time undressing, bending over slowly to make sure I showed off my ass. Once I jumped in, all the boys followed. And just like that, Skinny-dipping together in the river became a ritual for the rest of the trip. I intentionally made Scott wait in the river until everyone else was out. The second we thought we were alone I reached for his cock and at the same moment he grabbed my tits. We both giggled a little and then started kissing. I wanted him again tonight.

Once we were all changed and warm, we started a fire and grabbed the tequila. 6 shots and 20 minutes later, we were all starting to feel pretty good. I was as horny as I’ve ever been during most of that day, and the only thing that could make it worse was tequila… and it was about to get worse. Davey pulled out a plastic bag and unraveled it revealing about 40 pills. It was ecstasy! Now at this point we had all gone to a rave together, so we all were so excited to see this happen. We each took two and waited for the fun to begin.

The combination of the drugs kicking in, the booze, and the people we were with, made for a perfect mixture for things to get wild. I had no problem being the one to start things off. I whispered my plan in Lola’s ear and she nodded in agreement. We Yelled “Hey boys!” and then started making out hardcore. It’s a childish ploy, but hey it works every time. Lola was making out with me normally at first… but then she got way, way more intimate pretty quickly. She started to grab for my lap and I stopped her. That’s when we made eye contact… I could see that the pills had hit her and I realized the drugs had hit her…. HARD. Without saying another word, she grabbed Kyle and dragged him into the tent. She had his pants off before she unzipped the entrance.

I remember thinking to myself, “oh shit, these pills must be unreal, I’m not going to be able to control myself at all.” Davey and Scott must have been thinking something similar, because we all were looking at each other the exact same way. We were just sitting there waiting for the inevitable rush of lust to take over. I gave a nervous giggle. Fuck it, I know what I wanted and I decided not to wait. I stood up and took my top off and walked over to the two of them. I took one of each of there hands and put them on my tits. They didn’t waste a second. Scott stood up and started kissing me, much harder than he had the night before I might add. Davey grabbed me by my ass and slowly started inching my pants down. Scott must’ve noticed this because he slipped a finger into me the second my pussy was exposed. I remember having a moment where I thought we should make it back to the tent first.. and then that moment passed. It was a flash of grouping, tongues and clothing coming off for a while. I was kind of in a horny hypnosis for a while, just acting on instinct. That’s when the pills hit. I was straddling stroking Davey’s cock while I half straddled Scotts face. That's when the world came to a screaming halt, and my fantasy began. An incredible wave of sensation and desire rushed over me. I wanted everything they could give me, and I needed it now. I remember taking Scott’s face and grinding it into my pussy. The sensation overwhelmed me, I moaned like an animal. I remember both the boys having wide eyed expressions from my response. I couldn't stop moving. I needed to be grinding, rubbing, feeling something against my body constantly. An intensity came over me, and I unleashed onto Davey's body. I pulled is dick up towards my mouth and took it in with ease. My hips were in a constant motion, grinding against Scott's face. My hands meanwhile were moving all over Davey's parts. I stroked every inch of him, I couldn't get enough. My tongue was in a constant flurry as I took Davey into my mouth over and over. I must've been sucking too fast because he had to pull me away. I moaned so load from Scott's performance I was pretty much screaming. This time the boys didn't waste anytime getting to business Scott. Pushed me away and stood up pulling his pants down. He guided my head to his dick. It was bigger tonight, and I couldn't get enough of it. I was in such a trance that I was easily able to take all of it I'm my throat and didn't even notice until Scott said something. Davey snuck up behind me and pushed his head against my lips. I remember being so ready for him, I don't think I've ever been that wet since . And then he pushed it in with one powerful thrust. I've never heard of a girl cumming from one pump before. But the second he was in me my whole body began to shake. I was amazed at how overwhelmlying good it felt. I would've screamed if Scott hadn't been filling my mouth. Davey pulled out slowly and a shuttered the whole time. For a couple of minutes the three of us got lost in ecstasy. Every time Davey thrusted, I shuttered the same way. It was the most intense pleasure I've ever felt. After a while I could tell the drugs hit Scotty, because he started grabbing my hair like it was silk. He also started to get into a fast rhythm. Which turned me on so much because it matched my own rhythm. I decided I wanted Scott inside me. I went switched ends. Scott's dick entered my face as Scott began hiss drug induced rampage on behind me. Holy fuck it was so fast and so intense. The boys looked must've talked about something before hand because they stated to signle one another. Next thing I know Davey is gone. I barley even noticed. Scott flipped me around to my front. And picked me up off my feet. He felt so strong as I rocked up and down on his cock with the same fast pace rhythm as before. Next thing I know Davey was behind me. I turned backwards and gave him a passionate kiss. I could tell the pills were affecting him too. That's when Davey pushed two fingers up against my ass. He asked it it was ok. I didn't just say yes…. I begged him to do it. He pushed his two lubed up fingers deep inside of me. It felt like a lightening bolt hit me. I had never been so stimulated before. Davey pulled out his fingers and pushed his cock in. And then it began. The most pleasurable moment of my life. Rolling balls bouncing between these two gorgeous men as the took me in the same rhythm over and over… and over again. I can't tell you how many times I came. It was the first time I'd ever gotten DP'd. Up until that point I had always liked anal, but now that I had experienced this it was a whole new world of feeling. I've been addicted to it ever since.

The night after that was a sweaty mess drug induced of sex. Each of the boys came a couple of times each. I remember feeling Davey bust a load inside of my ass, and he didn't even stop to take a breath. He just kept pumping away at the same speed as before, carried away by the intensity of the moment. I woke up naked pinned between the two of them. I was soooo sore the next day I could barley walk haha. I guess that's what you get when you have sex for hours the night before. The boys were so loving and sweet in the morning. It felt so good to be the center of both there attention. We all knew it was just a fun crazy fling just lasting the week, but I began to feel a serious intimacy and love towards these boys.

We were all in a little disbelief that morning and we were all exhausted. When we talked to Kyle and Lola it seemed that they had just as much of a crazy night as we did. Apparently they had watched us all fucking by the campfire for a while while they were doing there own business. My screaming had got there attention haha .. I was so embarrassed. We all took that day off. We all slept a lot and recovered. It was a relaxing heaven for me. I spent the day cuddled between my two new found loves.

The next night was my favorite night of the trip. We ended up playing some fun games with Kyle and Lola. Let me know if you guys want more :)



  1. Oh I (and I’m sure everyone else), definitely want more. This is even hotter than the first story, and the image of you being done by both of them while you’re being real loud is just so hot.

  2. Thank you so much! I was nervous about writing this stuff, so I’m so glad you like it haha.

  3. You’ve got nothing to be nervous about. If anything, I’m just a tad jealous because we seem to really enjoy the same kinds of things. Groups, exhibitionism / (perhaps voyeurism too?), Public, having friends who you pay with, etc.

  4. i’m claiming false – you’re calling this a drunken *mistake* ^^Imtotallykiddingaboutcallingitfalse!!! How do i get friends like yours!? Lol I’m praying this doesn’t have some sort of super sad ending and you three lived together as a three way couple for ever and ever

  5. Sounds like a really special experience….part 3 is a necessity.

  6. Lol if you read the first story it explains why that’s the title! And thank you, I’m so lucky to have these friends. I think it was just the area we grew up in. Colorado has the most amazing people. And I can’t give away the ending but I can promise you it’s nothing sad

  7. Two hot stories. Well written. Love the 3 way action. I hope you continue.

  8. That was so fucking hot. Your writing is great. I was praying they would DP you. Talk more about that, or another time those two got to share you.

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