Hey Baby Its the Telephone Man Part 2 (just the lead up to the sex)

I would love to tell you all that she jumped me and we screwed like crazy and all that… but we didn't. Not yet!

I know now that if I had the balls to make a move she would have jumped in with both feet. But I was too stupid to know that.

So she was very flirty and I flirted back and she knew that I was checking her out like crazy. I tossed a couple soft compliments her way and she blushed a little and said thanks … but I told her I had to get going and she said ok… seemed a bit disappointed and walked me to the door. Suddenly her face lit up and she said hey, the pics from my vacation will be in soon, you should stop by and I can show them to you. (I had told her I had never been to the Bahamas but really wanted to go there). I was like "Yeah that would be great!"

So I gave her my pager number (yes pager, I told you it happened a long time ago).

A couple days later I got a page that read "Pics are in, home all day if you want to stop". I worked the same area most of the time and was not far away so I headed over as soon as I could. But when I got there, there was another car in the drive. So I was like ok, shit, is her husband home or what. I sat in my truck for a few minutes and was like screw it! I went to the door and rang the bell. She opened it and at the top of the steps I saw another middle age attractive brunette standing there looking very suspiciously at me. So she leaned toward me and whispered, " I didn't know she was coming, just play along"… She started talking louder and acted like she forgot she called to have phone work done, and asked if I could come back another day. I played it off and walked away, pissed, frustrated and excited at the same time. She obviously had something in mind by the way she tried to cover things up.

About an hour later I got another page, "She just left, still have the pics if you want to see"

I was just coming off lunch and got straight in my truck and headed for her house. When I got there she had changed her clothes. Nothing too sexy just jean shorts, loose fitting and a t-shirt. But she looked really hot still.

She took me to the basement family room, offered me something to drink and started showing me the pics. As she leaned in to me to show them, I could smell her sweet perfume and feel a hint of nervous energy. She was showing me pics of the island but they included her in a bikini in most of them. I made some jokes about it in a sexual way and she did not seem to mind at all. The more we laughed the closer she got until we were almost touching. I wanted to grab her and drill my tongue down her throat!, My cock was hard as steal and I know she could feel me breathing heavy. That is when it happened. She was holding her glass of ice tea and the sweat dripped off onto one of the pics. She hurried and wiped it off and I said, "You are dripping"… we both laughed and then she looked into my eyes and I can still here her saying "You have no idea!?" In a voice that quietly echoed, "fuckme"! the she picked up her glass and I swear she licked the drops of water off the outside and looked right at me. No more holding back.

I reached up and grabbed her shoulders and pressed her against the couch. She sat her glass on the end table and before I kissed her I just said very quietly… "Are you sure" she just nodded yes…. Part 3 coming up

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3a0zro/hey_baby_its_the_telephone_man_part_2_just_the


  1. fucking A is correct! I work in the same field and I cannot tell you how many times I wished this would have happened to me! One of the things I really loved about the job is that every day, there was a chance that something like this could maybe possibly but not likely happen. And then?! …

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