Meeting my Reddit crush…How /u/HighAvailability rocked my world. Part 1 (f/m)

/u/HighAvailability and I have been Reddit, and eventually text, friends for quite some time. I initially sent him a message because one of his posts made me laugh so hard that I literally had tears streaming down my face at work. (Read this…you’ll thank me: ).

Casual chat and banter turned into explicit sexting pretty quickly. We’re both witty, sarcastic, and sexually depraved. Our chemistry was immediately intense, and I had the distinct feeling that I’d found the male version of myself. Unfortunately, we live almost 1500 miles apart, so the possibility that we’d ever meet in the flesh was remote. We came close a couple times, but the universe seemed hell-bent on disrupting our plans. Finally, the stars aligned. HighAvailability (henceforth referred to as HA) flew into my city yesterday afternoon. I tracked his flight from my office then left work early to head to the airport. I didn’t tell anybody where I was going or who I was about to meet. I wasn’t nervous until I was standing there waiting for him to walk out of the terminal. It’s impossible to know if virtual chemistry will translate into real life until that moment when you’re actually together. That was exactly what I was thinking about when I saw him walk out of the terminal. A couple seconds later, he turned around and saw me walking towards him. We wrapped our arms around each other, and he said I was more beautiful in person. Without missing a beat, we kissed…in the middle of the airport, and the rest of the world disappeared in that moment. The kiss was deep and passionate, and I felt him getting hard against me as we pulled each other closer. That elusive X-factor was there and so much more intense in person.

After what seemed like an eternally long drive full of touching and teasing, we made it to the hotel. The front desk clerk referred to me as “the wife.” I guess we look like we belong together. On the elevator we started to kiss again and then somehow made it down the hall to the room (by room, I mean suite which is larger than my first apartment). Clothes started coming off immediately. He wasn’t wearing any underwear, and neither was I. We’d exchanged enough pictures that I knew his dick was huge. Just under 8” long and 6” around. I’m a small girl, so I was….mildly nervous.

We crashed onto the bed, kissing and groping. I started licking his thighs and sucking on his balls, eventually running my tongue across every glorious inch. I grabbed it and held on tight. I told him I wanted him to fuck me. We fumbled for a condom, and as soon as it was on, he got on top of me and started rubbing the tip across my clit and eventually to my pussy. After a couple minutes of teasing me with just the tip, he looked down into my eyes and went balls deep into me. It felt incredible. Better than incredible. We fucked, we made love, he was on top, I was on top. I came so fucking hard. I had to ask him to switch positions a couple of times because he was too big for me to handle. When he came, I felt the spasms and cum erupting. He kept cumming and cumming, and then we collapsed onto each other….spent and so satisfied. When we finally moved to get up, I realized there was blood…everywhere. He’s the biggest I’ve ever been with, and it hurt so good even when he was pummeling against my cervix. I was mortified, but he seemed unphased. Apparently this has happened before…more than a few times. Big.dick.problems. It looked like a scene from Dexter. We stripped off the bedspread, put it in a laundry bag, and he slipped a $20 to the maid to remove the evidence.

I had to go back to my house last night, but I took today off work. I got us coffee then let myself into his hotel room early this morning. He was still asleep, so I climbed into bed with him…and so began one of the most absolutely mindblowing days of my life. To be continued…

Part 2 from highavailability's perspective!



  1. Really love this story. Thanks for sharing, and can’t wait to read more.

  2. This happened to me too, except instead of being smooth and charming and meeting up and fucking her brains out I made a crap joke and didn’t know how to continue the conversation so I stopped. It was HOT.

  3. Yay for reddit dreams coming (cumming?) true! And double yay for big.dick.problems.

  4. You have to hand it to that guy, he writes depraved funny shit! I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt, this could be true…

  5. I tend on writing part two from my perspective and if anyone in this thread thinks this is me on both ends you havent read my writing. But nevermind that, as Reddit says "pics or it didnt happen" those pics will be forthcumming.

  6. dude, i read this shit (the grandma story) out loud to my SO and cracked up in numerous places. holy FUCK do you have a fucking great literary voice. if you can come up with like 12-15 more of these stories, you MUST publish that shit. fookin’ aye!!!!

  7. I appreciate the compliment sir. You should read my comment history further and you will see a few other…..cringeworthy stories. Sadly this will not be one of them when l finish it tonight as it went rather well…..for a change.

  8. Definitely true. I have no doubt that his depiction of part 2 will be epic, but I’m almost sad that I’m not writing it bc it was 3 days of the best fucking sex I’ve ever had…and for better or worse, I’ve had a lot of sex. I lost track of how many times I came, and now it hurts to walk.

  9. You go, girl! I’m happy for you both. Don’t let haters destroy that lovely buzz. :) This story has been super hot!

  10. I for one thank you both very much for sharing this story. This seemed like so much sexy fun! Looking forward to the sequel from your perspective. :)

  11. Do you mind if I ask what he does for a living? Because that comment really was a glorious piece of literature. I was just wondering if he writes or has more similar work.

  12. Sadly it is nothing close, I am actually a Systems Administrator (IT Guy). I take great pleasure in knowing that you enjoy my writing style because it is really just my inner monologue put to paper. As others have often pointed out, my Grammar (or lack thereof) sometimes is a detriment to my writing. So I try to work on that, but comments such as yours give me the motivation to keep sharing my misadventures. So nope, not a writer by trade but I moonlight on reddit. Shameless plug if you liked that you might enjoy [this]( or [this](

  13. well, i suppose i’m a ma’am, but your stories arent cringeworthy, they are HILARIOUS!!! if you ever want to do a compilation, pm me. i have an editor for you!!

  14. Please accept my apologies, I am a chauvinist pig and when I hear SO it’s usually guys not wanting to say "Wifey".

  15. Hippies never appreciate it. You must be one of them heathen pit shavers.

  16. Well that’s a deal-breaker. I only get off if it smells like you had a orgy in the dumpster behind a Chinese buffet.

  17. I’m way too classy for that shit. I only have my orgies in the dumpsters behind Starbucks.

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