[F4MM] The Best Drunkin Mistake Ive Ever Made

The summer of my freshman year of college I was a full fledged wild woman. I had a long term boyfriend for 3 years and once that ended I really started to come out of my shell. I've always had a very free spirited personality, and I truly felt that having casual sex was just a way of getting to love someone for a short while. I don't believe in the term "slut". As long as your safe when your doing it, I don't know why anyone should care.

My friends from High school and I decided that we were going to do a fun week long camping trip to the Sand Dunes. We've done this pretty consistently over the years and its always a blast. This trip ended up being a little bit smaller. It was my my neighbor (and one of my best friends) Scott, His best friend Davey, this kid kyle from chicago, kyles new slutty foreign exchange student lola, and me. Two of my girl friends were supposed to come as well, but the bailed last minute on me.

The Sand Dunes are a 13 hour drive. I ended up riding with Davey in his two seater Jeep. Davey and I have always had chemistry and this long drive was the perfect recipe for us to start hooking up. We laughed the whole way there, Davey was an absolute blast. I was also drinking a lot the entire drive so I was pretty loose after a while. I don't remember how it happens exactly but at some point I went down on Davey for about 30 seconds because of a dare. It was as funny as it was hot cause Davey was yelling "HELLZ YES" while I did it haha. This is why I love him. The campsite was 10 miles off the road and it's a rough drive. We got there and set up camp, there was nobody for miles. Immediately we start drinking heavily. We were singing songs, and playing drinking games all night. We all were insanely faded. I was making out with Davey sporadically through out the night. I wanted him so badly. As the night when on Kyle and Lola went to there tent early to fuck. They were so load! We could hear them loud and clear from the fire and we were laughing our asses off. After a while Davey got too drunk and went to his tent to pass out. I was a little disappointed but no biggie. Scott and I stayed up a while and talked and drank some more. Then he decided to go to bed too. He went to the same tent Davey was in. They had set up my own tent right next to there's. I went and got my PJs when suddenly I had an Idea. I was horny so I decided I was gonna go wake up Davey and try and bring him over to my tent and hump his brains out. I slowly snuck into the tent and poked him. He was out cold. I poked him harder- still nothing. That when I had brilliant idea of waking him up the way all men dream about. Stumbling.. I slowly unzipped his sleeping bag and than his pants, and put his cock in my mouth. He stirred a little but still nothing. I licked his balls a little and eventually he was fully hard. That's when he jolted awake. I couldn't help but giggle. "Sara?!" Said a voice …. But it wasn't Davey voice!!!! "Scott?" I said In shock. "I'm so sorry, I thought you were Davey!" I turned and looked at the sleeping bag next to me. I saw the outline of Daveys face, but he wasn't asleep- he was wide awake and watching us! I thought Davey would freak out but he didn't mind at all. In fact he urged me to keep going. I wasn't sure at first….. But I was so drunk I don't really need to think. I just went back to sucking Scott off. Davey watches us for a while. It was insanely hot. He kept grabbing my ass while I was doing it. Eventually Scott suggested I give Davey a turn. I didn't even think twice, and immediately Dove for his lap. Davey's dick was surprisingly huge. It took way more focus to get It all the way down. While I was focusing on pleasing Davey, Scott came up behind me and slowly nudged my PJ bottoms off. I was soaking as this point . I could feel Scott's breath close to my pussy, so I spread my legs and lifted my ass so he could have access. Scott buried his tongue into my kitty. This surprisingly made me start sucking Davey's dick with way more intensity. I could only stand this for so long until I asked if one of them wanted to fuck me. They both nodded in agreement. They both put condoms on while I touched myself waiting patiently . They had a hard time finding them so it was a little awkward, but we were all to turned on to care I think lol. I let Davey fuck me first. He came up behind me and slipped it in. Honestly I hadn't had a dick as big as his before, and it hurt for a moment. Eventually he got into a rhythm. Scott just sat there watching us, drinking his beer. It was super hot just to have him nonchalantly watching his best friend fuck me. Davey felt so good and soon I was pretty close to cuming. I told Davey to grab my hair and he started fucking me really hard. This is where it get hot. I was screaming at him not to stop that I'm about to cum when suddenly he pulls his dick out. I was so frustrated and I turned towards him to protest. But Scott had already started moving behind me. Davey had pulled his condum off and was making his way towards my face. Scott started to fuck me while I slipped Davies member down my throat. After a minute or two Davey shot his load into my mouth. He grabbed my hair really hard as him came and held my head all the way down. This was so hot because Scott was going to town on the other end. Once Davey finished, Scott grabbed my hair and started fucking me wayyy harder than Davey was. I came almost instantly….. But Scott kept going. I don't know it was because of how drunk he was or what but Scott fucked me for a really long time like that. Eventually he came in his condom and we all fell asleep in the tent. I was worried it would be awkward in the morning but I woke up and Scott and Davey were both totally cool about. Davey started making jokes about it immediately, and Scotty came right up to me and gave me a kiss first thing. This was only the first night too! We had an entire week of fun after that. Maybe I'll tell you about it if you guys like this story :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/39bgqe/f4mm_the_best_drunkin_mistake_ive_ever_made


  1. Thanks! It was probably the hottest moment of my life. Gold you liked it

  2. I am 24 years old. I’m 5’9′ with bleach blonde hair and B cups. I am a purre barre instructor, which is sort of like high intensity yoga. I have a great butt like everyone that works there, they call it the purre barre bumb :) I have blue eyes and long legs

  3. Not as much as you probably did, but yes, I thoroughly enjoyed… :-)

  4. I know it’s not really dance, but it’s related enough that I’m curious if you dance too.

  5. It is kind of like dance! I don’t have a professional dancing background. I did do Poms in high school so I was used to counting during music. It’s such a great workout tho!

  6. Super hot story. I really hope you write about what happened the rest of the week!

  7. I’d like to apologize ahead of time, as I’m grateful to you sharing your story, but… You said that you didn’t believe in the word "slut" in the first paragraph. That’s all well and good. But then in the very next paragraph you call the foreign exchange student Iola "slutty". I just wanted to point out to you how hypocritical that seems. She deserves to not be slut-shamed either.

  8. Holy good god this generation is a bunch of wankers. Everyone who upvoted this is a wanker too. You all need to be wanker-shamed.

  9. This generation is a bunch of wankers, fact. But in this specific case it really did happened, she was hypocritical.

  10. I see your point. I should have said she was more naturally promiscuous cause of her culture. I don’t think I did anything to slut shame her tho. I see your point. I will we wiser with my word choice for part two

  11. That’s why we’re here. We’re all wankers. This is a wanking subreddit. What do you think we came here for, intelligent debates on the context of slut shaming?

  12. I love that story, so hot! I wonder what it sounded like from the other tent. You must have been pretty loud too, no? Perhaps giving lola some competition. Lol they must have been in awe.

  13. Thank you for your consideration. I really did enjoy your story, and think that you are very brave for sharing it. And you get another +1 for understanding that I wasn’t trying to be personal, but to give you another perspective you might not have noticed.

  14. I’m all for constuctive criticism. What’s your perspective on this, then? Where do you feel I’ve gone wrong?

  15. So you don’t believe in the word slut , but actively describes someone as slutty

  16. OK I just laughed out loud in my office. Maybe Wankers wasn’t the best term to use. But you get my point obviously.

  17. That’s a fair point. I’m sure most of the individuals who read this story didn’t even bother thinking about those things. They were just interested in the sexual aspects. And you could probably strip everything in this story away except for the sexual aspects, and it would still be entertaining. But I would argue that you can have a "dirty" story and still have a moral basis for it. The entire concept of treating sexuality as something dirty is exactly what she was decrying in the first paragraph. She felt that it was natural to share sexual relations with others as long as they were safe. And while I know that stretching the boundaries of what’s acceptable by society can indeed be sexually stimulating, it’s also not necessary either. The main reason I was pointing it out is because it jarred me out of the story pretty hard. The first paragraph set me up to understand that she was a proponent of free love and physical connections. It defined her as a woman strong in her own convictions, and someone who wasn’t afraid of labels like "slut" that society tried to throw on her. Yet in the very next paragraph, she then used that same label to identify someone else. Now there are two different ways that she could have come across. Either she’s one of the girls that uses "slut" as a term of endearment, or she’s willing to use "slut" to discredit and put down others that aren’t her. And based on the fact that she only talked about Iola as a satellite girl to Kyle, it didn’t sound like she found her endearing at all. Which made her come across as an Alpha bitch. Thus my problem. I love a good sex story as much as the next person (especially if they’re true). But I dislike it when the protagonist comes across as a bitch or bastard. It makes me care less about the individual, and thus care less about the story. I’ve since come to understand that she is indeed a much better person than she came across in the story, and now I’m able to enjoy the story to it’s fullest because of it. But I wanted to point out to her why that disconnect happened, in case she wasn’t aware. And she accepted my criticism with grace and valor.

  18. Holy shit please get out of your house and do something else today. Do you actually think I’m going to debate with you about this ins r/gonewildstories ? That’s my whole point my friend, I don’t give a shit what you think, moralizing here is just bloody ridiculous.

  19. That sounds like an excellent idea! It’s a good day for a run to the beach. Thank you for the suggestion, and I hope you have a good day!

  20. You’re the least angry person on the internet. We could learn from your example.

  21. > That when I had brilliant idea of waking him up the way all men dream about. while we’re on the subject, isn’t it great how much a woman’s sexual attention is valued? Here is this gift to you, men, that I’m gladly giving because I have a vagina, so please accept it. If a girl wants sex, she can almost do no wrong to have it.

  22. These stories are a HUGE gift for us. Especially with insight from the female perspective. However my mother raised me to never use the c word ever, to me whenever someone says they will never use a word I picture my mother with that word. Silly I know but I could never picture her telling us to never use the word and then describing someone using that word.

  23. Every dudes dream. To get down with a bomb shell and his best bud haha. Good job making these dudes life lol

  24. Christ that story was hot. And did either eat that firm ass of urs? Tell us about the rest of that trip please

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