Banging a hot girl while on a foreign exchange trip! [HS]

So it started this week… I was on a foreign exchange trip in Spain for High School. The dude I was staying with told me to get ready for some action, because supposedly the Spanish girls love hooking up with American guys. I was still a virgin, and was ready!

We went to a club on Friday night; everyone who was involved with the exchange program. And of course, there were other Spaniards in the club. So we walk up, I'm sober, and get in, and I get to experience what clubs are like in Spain. This is no real club, it's directed at high schoolers and some college kids, but it was still great. Boy, let me tell ya, the myths that Spanish chicks have great asset is no myth! Almost all of the girls I saw when I walked in were smokin hot! All wearin yoga pants or super short jean shorts, and a few had tight skirts. And they weren't ugly girls with big butts, they were sexy af and had perfect asses and tits, great faces too.

So I started out hanging with some guys I knew, figured it was good to seem cool. But girls were dancing all around us, and some of my buds had already joined them, so I decided to approach someone. A pretty hot chick, maybe 16 years old (a year younger than me), wearing yogas with a good ass and a tight top, but she didn't have much tits. I walked up to her, started dancing (sort of) near her, and she came up and bumped near me. I bumped back and got an enthusiastic response, so I grabbed her hips and started grinding her. First time I ever grinded, boy it felt great. My hard disk (concealed by my tight briefs) rubbed against her firm ass… what an incredible feeling! I kept my hands on her hips for 30 seconds, then moved them to her exposed stomach because of her low cut shirt. I just wanted to feel her skin. She kept grinding hard, so I slid my hands down her thigh and squeezed her ass. She didn't go for this though, and sort of slowed down and walked away mid song.

Wtf? I can grind my dick against your ass, but can't touch it with my jand? Whatever I figured, remembering what my exchange student had told me. Plenty more like her.

I spotted another girl dancing alone. 5'5", light brown hair, way better breasts than anybodys I'd seen so far, and tight yoga pants to display another perfect ass. I made eye contact with her, she smiled and kept dancing, so I walked up to her and kept bumping her while dancing. Song switched to a fast paced one, so I grabbed her hips and thrust my pelvis into her ass. We grinded for 1 full song, I swayed her back and forth by the hips, and pulled her into me as hard as I could. She loved it.

Then I remembered something else my exchange student had told me… Spanish girls love to "front grind". She was twisting a good bit, so I spun her around and we grinded face to face. Sexiest thing ever! I know in front grinding the girl is supposed to like hip the guys leg, but we each were leaning back pressing against each other. I figured by this point she was into me, so after a song I grabbed her ass and pushed her into me as hard as possible. Then I gave her a hug, and pulled her in. I whispered "vaya a yo", my best effort to say "come with me". I don't know much Spanish, lol. But we held hands and raced out of the club, or at least started to.

Logistics were a problem. We couldn't do anything at my students house, or her house either. I asked her where we should go? She spoke decent English, said she didn't know. I sensed my chance slipping away, so I grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the heart of the club. We went down stairs by the bathrooms, and I pulled her inside. Only shot I had. And they were decently nice bathrooms lol. Clean enough.

I locked the door, and grabbed her and she grabbed me back. We made out and I took off my pants. We got our clothes off quickly, and soon I saw her breasts! Wow! Better than most porn stars, and she was like 16. I was naked and I slid the yogas off. I had never done it before, but I figured out what to do so on enough. Slid a condom on, had one in my pocket, and got on the floor. She got on top of my, almost cowgirl style, and I slipped in. What a feeling!! First time is supposed to hurt, but it felt incredible! She was gorgeous, and she had done it before clearly. She rode me up and down as I grabbed her breasts and ass. But soon after, we were done. And she stood up. Threw the condom out, got dressed (both of us obviously), and opened the soor. We were lucky, nobody saw us come out. We looked at each other and smiled and laughed, and I pulled her back upstairs to the club. Hugged her, and we split ways. I grinded with like 7 or 8 other girls that night, including the same one I banged again. Almost hooked up with her again, she was clearly still into me. And it was hard.for me to to better than her. But I suspected she only wanted to say she'd hooked up with an American guy. Still, I wasn't about to turn down more see with her, so I followed her outside and we almost did it in the woods outside the club, but people needed up coming so we left. We exchanged numbers, and I promised he we'd see eachother again.

Spain is the wholey land for foreign exchange trips. Any forign girls will want to hook up with you, as long as you are from a different country. Some of my friends banged over 20 girls there, and yes, they are like 17 and 18. It's super easy to hook up in a foreign country, and Spanish girls have imsane asses and love to front grind, so get on a foreign trip if you have the chance.



  1. The first time isn’t supposed to hurt for a guy lol. Also, maybe read over your work again before submitting.

  2. Why do they want an American dude so much. Are you still in high school?

  3. come with me = venga conmigo and im pretty sure it wasn’t her first time…..and as u/thelawlness said, the first time for a guy never hurts. Might end quickly (i.e. "soon after"), but that’s another discussion for another day.

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