The Rugby Player. Part II [f/m]

Part I (just the lead up) is here

The next day my friend and I debated whether to go to the rugby game we'd been invited to. As hot as it would have been to watch those guys get all sweaty, I didn't think it was worth it because 1) highly unlikely anything physical would happen there and then and 2) even though I was fine with actually being a "groupie" I didn't want to live up to the stereotype needlessly. After all, I wanted Billy's cock, not just to fawn all over him. Let the other groupies do that.

Later we "got cute" for the night ahead of us, relaxed, pre-gamed a bit. I remember that my friend was trying to convince me not to be so single minded, to be open to whatever else the night might have in store for us. And usually I would be. But not this night. I'd already decided his dick would be mine.

We arrived at this new (new to us) bar which was situated on the coast in front of a pier. There were several boats (ships?) docked there and it was a really nice view. The main bar was on the second floor and open-air so you could look out over the marina and the water. That night there was a live band and the dance floor was already full. I spotted dress shirts and ties, the rugby players were indeed in attendance. I didn't spot Billy immediately, but that didn't worry me, I needed to get a drink in me first.

My friend and I got drinks and started chatting up locals. She got into a deep conversation with a guy and I took that as my cue to go hunting. I'd spotted Billy in my periphery by then – dancing and drinking, bouncing around on the dance floor. Girls flocked to them with their carefree attitudes and muscles. Their sexy accents probably didn't hurt either.

I made my way onto the dance floor and was loving the band, sincerely getting into it and having a good time. I had my drink in hand but was swaying to the music and shaking my ass. I thought to subtly move closer to where Billy was dancing but I realized that I'd lost track of him, didn't see him immediately. Then I felt an arm reach across me and heard a plink. There was a ping pong ball in my glass and a grinning Billy standing next to me. "Looks like you'll need a new drink, love." I smirked, downed the rest of my rum and diet, and threw my arms around him in a hug. "I'm so happy to see you! How was your game?" He grabbed my hand and maneuvered through the crowd to the bar, telling me about his day, the game, some play by play moments that were funny or memorable. I don't know that I was listening entirely. His hand wrapped around mine was melting my courage a bit.

We got to the bar and he asked what I wanted. "Whatever you're having." He turned and raised an eyebrow at me, put a finger under my chin, "But American girls don't drink whiskey straight." I wanted to kiss him then. I would have let him bend me over the bar and take me right there. But I knew if that's what I wanted that I had to keep my wits about me. "Oh but we do, if it's Bourbon", I smiled. He laughed and jabbed his teammate with an elbow, "this girl drinks straight Bourbon, good times right?" His friend looked me up and down and said with a smirk "I wonder what else she does…." Game on.

Billy and I took our drinks and went back to dancing. The band was playing mostly 90s rock stuff, really good for nostalgia, but not the bump and grind that would have come in handy in the moment. I didn't care though, he kept me laughing, and that is often the best turn on. Gradually though we got drunker and needier. On one of our trips to or from the bar we ended up pressed against a railing and he finally kissed me. It just made me want more but he wasn't holding out on me. His hands were everywhere, grabbing my hips, my ass and pulling me into him. I could feel his hardness press against his shorts and into my jeans. "Do you want to go for a walk?" he said as we came up for air. "Yes, let me just tell my friend what's up."

I scurried over to my friend, still deep in conversation with the project she'd found. "Billy and I are going for a walk!" I announced succinctly and perhaps far too proudly. "I have my cell and I won't go far." She laughed at me, but genuinely seemed happy that things were going my way.

We headed out to the marina and walked along the water. You could still hear the band and the buzz of the full bar. We were holding hands, walking, talking, laughing but then he stopped and pressed me up against one of the railings. Right behind one of the yachts that were tied up. It was "backed in" so I had my back to the (stern?) – the very back deck of it. We were making out again, hands roaming everywhere. I palmed his hard cock beneath his clothes and let out a whimper when I realized how big it had grown. This wasn't going to be just any cock.

I can't remember whose idea it was to get on the boat. I'd like to think it was mine but I remember that he jumped the railing first, landing easily on the back deck area before helping me climb over. We made our way around the side to the front to make out on the (bow?) all Titanic style and such (but sweatier and raunchier and giggly). I realized that if the people inside the bar really looked closely that they'd be able to see us though, and I didn't want security or the cops breaking up my good time. We explored a little more and found the stairs up to the helm of the yacht on the second floor, where the wheel was. There was a narrow corridor and the steering wheel and from up there an even better view out over the water. It was very peaceful but you still had the buzz of the bar in the background so there was both a sense of privacy and exhibitionism.

We were both genuinely taking it all in when I decided to rev things up. I kissed him, sweetly, standing face to face there in that little narrow area. Then I dropped to my knees in front of him and started undoing his belt. He was caught off guard for all of a nanosecond before he began helping me, pulling clothes off, undoing his tie the rest of the way.

I was genuinely taken aback (in a good way) when I finally laid eyes on his cock. It was so damn wide, such girth. I went to town on that beauty. Licking, sucking, cock worshipping away. It was difficult to take the whole thing in my mouth, to stretch my lips around something that wide and take the length, but I wanted it and I nearly always get what I want. He was leaning back, his head thrown back enjoying it and mumbling encouragement to me as I savored it. "Watch me suck your cock" I reminded him and he snapped his attention to my face. To my lips filled to the brim with him. I love being watched when I give a blowjob. I love the effect on a guy when he sees the fire in my eyes and how much I'm enjoying what I'm doing to him.

"I need to fuck you," he announced. Mmmm..mmmm I mumbled, shaking my head a little side to side with my mouth still full. Popping it out and smacking it against up against my cheek, "this is what I want right now." "No darling, I need to fuck you and I need to fuck you NOW. I have a condom."

Well then. I hadn't originally planned on having sex but this was just too good of an opportunity to turn down. The view, the thrill of breaking onto this boat, him, that cock, it was all making me a bit dizzy and naturally I was horny as hell.

He climbed down onto the floor with me, shedding the rest of our clothes. I think my bra was tossed over the steering wheel, haha. His mouth was all over me, at my neck, devouring my breasts, hungry to repay the pleasure I'd just given him. Now that I knew what was coming I couldn't wait though, "I want you inside me" I panted. He was happy to oblige, slipping a condom on before kneeling at my pussy and sinking that beautiful cock deep into me. Seriously, what girth. I felt full, stretched, wild with lust. I wanted to scream out, to moan at full volume, but the bar was within earshot. By the time I was ready to cum my volume was increasing, I couldn't help it, I was going to explode. He was astride me, still smiling that damn smile, and now pressing his hand into my mouth so that I could unleash all that pent up energy and wanting. I screamed a delicious orgasm into his hand and that encouraged him to cum too, and we collapsed in a sweaty mess there under the steering wheel of the boat. I giggled, "whisky dick is apparently not a problem you have." "There's no such thing where I come from, love" he grinned back at me.

We put our clothes back on and climbed back over the railing. We snapped some pictures posed there, us with "our" boat, as if we would ever forget that otherwise. We made our way back to our friends at the bar all grinning and wearing that "just sexed" glow. My friend didn't need any explanation when she saw me come back with his arm around my waist. His teammates, they seemed to be all high fives and inside jokes. I didn't care, I got what I wanted, and it was entirely worth it.

We said goodbye later, exchanging numbers and promising to Facebook. We knew that his team was headed into the city I was moving to the next day and we talked of getting together. But I didn't really think it would happen because I needed to move and set up my rental and he would be doing the touristy stuff with his mates. But we promised anyway, because that's what you do when you're googely-eyed after a good orgasm, and we kissed and said goodnight.

I remember my friend closing the car door and turning to me, "so?!?" "Billy has the most beautiful cock I've ever seen," I gushed.

And thankfully that wasn't the last time I saw it.

Part III tomorrow friends. Thanks for reading :)



  1. Part two was definitely worth the wait! But now I can’t wait for part three!

  2. I won’t say exactly, for privacy, just in case. But I’ll narrow it down to British, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh.

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