The Girl Next Door, Chapter 2 [M/F]

A few weeks passed after I first met Julie. I saw her from time to time, usually just a quick glimpse through my blinds of her coming or going in her Jeep Wrangler. It was Summer and she had the soft top removed and she liked to drive around in short shorts and sunglasses with her hair in a long pony tail – the very picture of a cute California girl. I'm not afraid to admit that hearing her Jeep's engine start up would get me moving to the front windows every time.

Then I remember one Summer day in particular. It was a Saturday and I had gotten up early to work on a project at home. I just happened to be near the window that had a view of their driveway when I saw her walking out to her Jeep. She must have just woken up because she was dressed only in some loose boxer shorts and a skin tight spaghetti strap top. Her long hair hadn't been brushed yet today and the loose wild strands were catching the sunlight. I watched transfixed as she opened the door to her Jeep and bent over to look for something inside.

Good lord this girl was a goddess. Her skin was smooth and perfect, especially all the way down the back of those sun-kissed legs. I could soak my eyes with her body all day long, between her bare legs and the thin, tight shirt I could watch the way her muscles worked, so toned and taught…

My reverie was cut short when she abruptly stopped looking through the Jeep and stormed back to the house frustrated. She must not have found what she was looking for. I smiled to myself and exhaled, enjoying the increase of my heart rate from seeing her. I was about to turn away to go back to my project when she appeared again, still moving in a huff. She went to her Jeep and threw open the door to rummage around some more, then slammed the door angrily. She started to walk back inside yet again but stopped short. Her brow furrowed and her fists clenched as she stood there, seemingly trying to decide what to do.

She looked at me.

My heart stopped for a second. She hadn't really looked at me, but rather in the direction of my house. I knew that the way the light was falling on my windows there was no way she could see me inside. She looked around again, up and down the street, and then started walking towards my front door.

Oh my god.

I scrambled to change my t-shirt out of the ragged one I wore to work in and into a nice clean one. By the time I had done that I heard my doorbell ring. I stopped and took two deep breaths, trying to calm myself, then went and answered the door.

"Hi!" she said with a little wave as soon as the door opened. I tried to look surprised but not too eager in response.

"Morning, Julie. What's going on?"

"Ummm… well it's kind of embarrassing," she said, twisting uncomfortably on her heels and looking cutely sheepish, "but I've locked myself out of my house."

I laughed a real laugh.

"Hey! It's not my fault!" she pleaded. "The door closes by itself and I didn't have my keys with me!" She was laughing so I knew she didn't mind that I thought it was funny. "Can I just use your phone?!" she said with an air of exasperation.

I stood aside and I gestured for her to come in and she did. My house wasn't dark, but the only light was from the outside windows. It also wasn't all that clean. My kitchen sink had a few dishes in it, there was a little bit of clutter in the living room, and my dining room was in work mode, meaning the table was piled high with loose electronics in various states of repair. She stopped in the entrance way and took it all in while I took her in. Her boxers had Hello Kitty on them. Of course they did.

"Wow… you live here by yourself?" she asked as she started to slowly pace into the kitchen, not showing any restraint about scrutinizing everything in my house.

"Yep, I like it that way," I said, leaning against the counter. She continued her examination of my house and walked around the island in my kitchen. Her eyes searched here and there, up and down, but never looking in my direction. It gave me the chance to check her out up close from head to toe. She wasn't wearing a bra, her little tight shirt was plastered to her skin, fitting her body type and size perfectly. It held her pert tits up against her body, the perfect almost-handfuls easy to make out. Her tiny nipples started to define two points on her chest as I watched. I did have the AC on pretty high, thank goodness.

She moved through the kitchen in no hurry at all, stretching languidly from one position to the next. Her lithe body moving in a feline fashion, exploring new territory and making it her own. Her fingers dragged behind her on the counter absent mindedly and her every step was precise and light. She had a natural nimbleness that was only granted to the young. She looked my way and caught me looking her way. She laughed lightly and looked away, continuing her circuit. The back of her ears turned bright red as I watched.

She knew.

She made her way over to my work table and bent down at the waist, legs straight, resting her elbows on the table and hands playing with a PCB board I'd been working on. "What's this?" she asked.

"It's going to be a controller for a metering station," I said by rote, not even caring what a metering station was right then and there, just watching this sexual creature torture me in my own house. Her pose suggested acts that I dare not be tempted by. Her hips moved back and forth just slightly as if beckoning me to take them in my hands and bury my cock in that tight little…

Calm down…

"So, were you looking at my ass just then?" she asked without looking back at me. She was turning over some of my electronics in her hand, pretending to be interested in what she was looking at. It was plainly obvious that her mind was on other things now.

"Well… you were showing it to me," I said, doing my best to be coy. Her ears turned bright red again. She turned to look at me and the blush on her cheeks threatened to make my heart stop.

"I don't mind. You can look if you want," she said, her voice a little lower and her eyes locked onto mine. She kept my gaze long enough to send a message, then looked away again and went back to studying the items on my work table, her ass still moving slowly back and forth, now deliberately for me. I crossed the distance between us silently and put my hand firmly on her ass.

She gasped, and I slid my hand down, my fingers crossing over the hem of her boxers to caress the skin of her thigh. I squeezed slightly, feeling the firmness and the softness in her body. It was everything I craved. She turned around and put her back to the table, removing herself from my grasp.

"I think I said you could look, not touch!" she gasped, one hand to her chest feigning offense. I stepped back and shrugged innocently.

"I must have misunderstood…" I said. She looked back at me through narrowed eyes, then down at the front of my shorts. My eyes followed hers to see my own erection pushing hard against the thin material of my athletic shorts. I was so focused on her it didn't occur to me that I wasn't wearing any underwear and these shorts were very light.

She smiled and raised one eyebrow, "You better be careful with that thing, it will get you in trouble," she said as she pushed herself off the table and started walking for the door. She passed in front of me, close enough to touch but I restrained. Instead, it was her hand that found my hard cock as she went by. She took hold of it through my shorts and gave it a light squeeze, it filled her hand nicely.

"Ooops, that must have been another one of those… misunderstandings…" she lilted as she walked to the door, her hand falling off of me as she went.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I said as she made it to the door. She cocked her head at me inquisitively. "Didn't you need to use the phone?"

"Nah, there's a window I can use to get in."

And with that she was gone. It was the beginning of a very, very nice Summer.



  1. goddamn…..u lucky dog. you have to continue. or at least just write the whole thing. worst things about theses chapters is you better finish what you started.

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