(F)inally hooked up with (m)y crush part 3: the tables turn

Hi there. I hope you enjoy the conclusion (for now) of this story. Here you can find part 1 and part 2.

He told me that he wanted to give me a slight idea of what he had been through. I helped explain the knot I had used on him and he tied me up the same way I had him. I didn't realize what it was like. I could hardly move my limbs but I could still move my torso around a bit. He blindfolded me before he got to work. From here it's hard to describe what happened. Almost all the information we get from the world is visual and when that's cut off it can be hard to tell what's happening. The mystery of the experience only added to the excitement. Every move of his was a mystery, every touch a surprise.

I felt his lips and hands sliding up and down my body. He started kissing my neck and playing gently with my nipples. I could feel them grow hard from his touch. He sucked on them a little with his mouth as he continued his decent, lower and lower on my body. When he got to my pussy I felt his breath just over it. I could tell he was hovering, getting ready to lick me. I was so ready. A friend of mine used to hook up with him and she always described his oral adeptness as if it was a religious experience. I was always curious if it was that good and had wanted to see for myself. He had just eaten me out a few moments ago, it was good, but that was on my terms. I could command him as I pleased. Here I was completely at his mercy. These thoughts raced through my mind as my pussy quivered involuntarily just from his light breath. My hair stood on end. I wanted him to begin. I needed him to begin. But instead, the bastard kept going, sliding down my right leg, kissing and lightly sliding his fingers across it and my stomach. Goose bumps and chills ran down my spine. I let out a moan in frustration. He then started working his way back up, pausing again just over my pussy, now even wetter. And then he started doing the same thing down the other leg. He worked his way back up, pausing again over my pussy before starting up my body back to my nipples. He continued with this far longer than I wished. I began to understand what I had put him through earlier. It sucked so good.

Finally I felt his breath and lips traveling down my legs again. A slight tremor went through me. Then out of nowhere I felt his tongue between my legs. I moaned. I almost came just from that. His tongue had come out of nowhere. One moment he was kissing the back of my thigh. The next his tongue was on my clit. It was wonderful. He began licking lightly around it. When he would touch my clit it was with the lightness of a feather. It drove me crazy. I wanted more. I wanted to just grab his head with my hands and hold him against me until I came. But he refused. My arms strained against the ropes in protest. My hips bucked upwards. I demanded that he lick me until I came, that he let me cum. He stopped for a moment, only a moment, and then continued on the same as before without saying a word to me.

I felt an unfamiliar sensation, it was him slowly sliding a finger inside me slowly. I normally don't like being fingered. It feels weird. But he went in slowly and his nails were trimmed short. If not I would have noticed and it would have been pretty uncomfortable (hint hint men). He didn't slide in super deep either. Just a bit and I felt him fingering my g-spot. Or at least what I'm assuming is my g-spot. It felt good. I've only had one orgasm from that kind of stimulation but I recognized the feeling felt the familiar sensation starting to build. Warmth and tension radiated out from the point where his finger made contact with my g-spot. His tongue would trace over my clit and just as I started getting close he would stop and finger me until I started getting close from that only for him to stop and go back to my clit. Before long I was shaking and moaning and I still hadn't cum!

I felt electrified. I started saying his name "Jay! Jay! Jay! Oh! My! God!" My voice was quiet and strained. Each syllable came out was like a breathless plea. He asked me if I wanted to cum. All I could utter was a quiet, strained "yes!" All that existed in my mind was the burning desire to cum. I was so close. So close. But he wouldn't let me take that final step. I heard him say that if I wanted to I would have to ask nicely. His voice sounded like it was a million miles away. It almost didn't register. But I needed to cum so badly so I said "please." He made me say please a whole lot more. His licking intensified along with his fingering. Finally I realized he was done teasing and was actually going to let me cum.

When I did I actually think I squirted a little. I noticed a significant wet spot on his sheets afterwards. Describing what happened next entirely is impossible. What I write is sequential because that is how language is, but all that happened next, happened from my perspective at least, as a single amazing moment that made me feel I had transcended my body. His tongue flicked back and forth across my clit, rhythmically like the ticking of a clock. Flick, flick, flick each building and each seeming to be farther apart. Flick, flick… flick……. flick and then, I felt his tongue make one final flick across my clit and then it felt as if time had stopped. My pussy grabbed ahold of the finger he had teased me with and tightened around it like a fist. All the tension that had built up within me suddenly snapped like a length of rope that had been twisted on itself over and over again. I shook uncontrollably. A white hot flame shot through my whole body. Even though I was blindfolded I saw a dazzle of colors and flashes of light with my eyes. Sounds came out of my mouth I think. I felt this rush of energy fly out of my pussy. I strained as hard as I could against the ropes and grabbed at the bed sheets. Every muscle I had I felt contract and spring free. Every nerve ending in me was gushing with pleasure. I hadn't orgasmed so much as all I was in that moment was an orgasm. Just when I thought I was going to fly apart from pleasure and shaking I felt an incredible lightness. It was as if I was floating and all the weight of my body had gone. I have no idea how much time passed. I slowly began to come down from this high I didn't even know existed. Slowly my other senses returned to me and I felt the sheets under me and the rope against my wrists and ankles. I didn't realize it initially but I had been pulling against them as hard as I could.

He didn't stop though and I felt myself start to cum again just at the end of my last orgasm. I felt his hand pressing down just above my pussy to try and hold me in place so he could continue eating me out. I started cumming again this time the orgasm was cumming from within my core. I could feel my body contracting around his finger as he kept fingering me. It was amazing but it was nothing like the energy that had propelled me into orbit a moment before. But then I came again from him, and again. Each boosting me higher and higher and quicker and quicker until I felt as though I was flying from orgasm to orgasm. I've never felt anything like it before and I sometimes worry that I might never again. Finally I felt him slow down. My clit was so sensitive by this point though I don't think I could have taken anymore. He slowly slid his finger out of me as I caught my breath.

Afterwards he untied me and we lay in bed we kissed a bit and talked about random stuff. I wasn't interested in spending the night. I looked at the clock and realized we had been at this for nearly 3 and a half hours more than half of which had consisted of me cumming almost nonstop! I needed a shower and needed to go to bed. Despite how amazing this was I did have other things to concern myself with. We got dressed and he walked me to the door. We agreed we needed to do this again sometime and then I left. Unfortunately the semester ended shortly after and he and I left town for the summer before we could align our schedules for something like this. Since though I've just been thinking of new stuff to do to him and I've gotten some great ideas.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed! I'll be sure to fill you in on any developments that might happen in the future :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/393wyf/finally_hooked_up_with_my_crush_part_3_the_tables

1 comment

  1. Damn I need to try this. Do you have any pics you’d be willing to post with your head cropped out for anonymity?

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