The Rugby Player. Part I [f/m]

Longtime lurker, first time poster. I was recounting the short version of this to a friend yesterday and remembered that I'd been meaning to post the long version here, for all of you lovelies. It took place over 3 consecutive days so I'll tell it in three parts.

DISCLAIMER – everything is true but I've changed names and some location details for privacy. Also, this first part isn't very sexy. But it's background for the next two steamier parts. You can skip this if you're just skimming for the sex ;)

One year during grad school I took a summer internship in a completely different city. I'd recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend and intended to use that summer to really "find myself" in all the best and worst ways. The city I was moving to for the summer is about 15 hours drive from my home so a good friend of mine and I packed up the car and set out for a crazy summer. We made plans to stop and stay for a night at my uncle's house which was about 2/3 of the way there so we wouldn't have to drive straight through. We had so much fun we ended up staying for two nights before heading off to our destination. But that stopover is where the story begins.

My uncle lived in a coastal town and his roommate was a bartender. We got in from our long drive and relaxed for a while before we decided to head to the roomie's bar for some drinks. My girlfriend and I were pleasantly surprised – apparently there was a rugby tournament in town because the bar was filled to the brim with rugby players. Some locals, but mostly Europeans visiting. I wasn't aware of this at the time, but I think its common in the rugby world for teams to go out at night "dressed up." Some were in shorts but they all had on dress shirts and ties. So here's my friend and I just thinking we're going to get a quick drink and take in the view and instead we land on a gold mine of hot, athletic, European men in ties. I may have literally proclaimed "JACKPOT" as I entered the bar.

Another tradition that's common is their rugby drinking songs. Some of the raunchiest stuff you've ever heard set to a tune. But of course, to a girl looking for a good time, it was the best soundtrack there could have been.

My friend and I had winged for each other before – we knew each other's type, our habits, our games. It was custom for us to each select a "mark" early on, and while that target could change, there's just something more fun about the hunt. This is probably a good place to stop and describe myself. I'm 5'7", long brown hair, brown eyes, freckles, curvy (was heavier then come to think of it, but not BBW, just big in the right places). My friend is shorter, more of a tomboy, but she doesn't make any sexy appearances in this story so it's a bit moot. She tends to pick the best looking guy in the room, and then by the end of the night end up chatting with the oldest, or the saddest (she's a magnet for sad that girl, I think she likes to play the healer). Me on the other hand, I like the smartest guy in the room. The one who thinks he's the most clever. I need banter, fun, a challenge to keep me interested. But smart is not always easy to spot in a bar. So I tend to go for the loudest. The one cracking everyone up. The life of the party. That's how my eyes landed on Billy.

Billy was not the tallest on his team but his body…well I mean I've yet to meet a rugby player with a bad body…but this guy….yum. Curly brown hair, bright eyes (I would say hazel?), buff arms, strong hands, those muscular rugby thighs you see on all the players (I never thought I'd be attracted to a guy's thighs but damn!) Just scrumptious. And he was loud and brazen with this infectious laugh. Dimples when his face lit up (which was nearly always). I wanted him and I wanted him bad.

They were playing this game with a ping pong ball. Not beer pong, it was more subtle. Whoever had the ball would try their best to slip it into someone's cup without them noticing. If they got you, you had to finish your drink right there and then. In retrospect, this was not the most sanitary game and perhaps not the wisest to invite something slipped into my drink, but it was an in. We positioned ourselves on the edge of their group and just kept chatting up whomever was around or passed by, biding our time. Eventually we "caught" a player from our targets' team and got the conversation going. Our strategy was correct – once Billy saw one of his mates talking and laughing with two unattended girls, he came prowling. In my mind I was just reeling him in.

We introduced ourselves and asked about their travels, the tournament, etc. At one point one of his mates got Billy with the ping pong ball and he pounded his beer, which was quickly replaced by another. I was genuinely engrossed in conversation with him (loving that smile) when he paused, held my gaze and said simply, "Drink." The fucking ping pong ball was in my beer. I'd forgotten he had it but this was all coming together nicely. I chugged my beer (not too unlady like, but fast enough to show I was down for some fun) and smiled. My beer was also quickly replaced.

Now – I should also mention that obviously these guys had their agenda. Bang silly drunk American girls, right? I was under no delusion that they didn't travel the country getting girls drunk and hooking up with them. But I was young, newly single, and but for making sure I didn't catch anything I really didn't give a damn. I wanted to make out with a naughty rugby player with a sexy accent. Or better yet, do more if we hit it off. I would end up doing much, much more.

But not that night. Billy and I continued drinking, talking, flirting but he was surrounded by his team and my uncle was feet away. He's a cool uncle, he wouldn't tell on me, but he probably would snatch me away from a random guy or stop me from doing anything too public when I was drunk. Billy invited us to come watch their game the next day and mentioned what bar they would be celebrating at the next night. I played it nonchalant, didn't want to come off too "groupie," said we'd try to make it. My friend and I headed home with my uncle and announced that we were staying for an extra night before heading to my summer spot. We explained that I really wanted to have some quality time with my cousin the next day (which was true) but naturally, what was really motivating me was the thought of Billy's cock. I'd decided I was going to see it, hopefully taste it, and make him mine if even just for a little while.

Parts II and III soon.


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