The Girl Next Door, Chapter 1 [M/F]

"I never thought anything like this would happen to me."

Isn't that how these things always start? Where to begin… I guess it all started when my wife left me. We got married too young and discovered too late that we weren't all that good at living in the same house without making each other insane. She left, I got a new job that paid well and kept me very busy, and I've been single since then. Then the new neighbors moved in.

I still remember the first time I saw her. I was coming home from work during my lunch break one day and I saw a Uhaul truck backed into the driveway of the house next door to mine. It's one of those houses that is a perpetual rental so there have been a few tenants throughout the years, each a little more trashy than the last. This time was different though because as I turned into my driveway I saw her come out of the house heading for the Uhaul. She was young – college aged maybe – tall, slender, tanned skin, light brown hair that fell straight down her back. She was wearing a loose t-shirt and jean shorts, and she was wiping a strand of hair off of her forehead that was stuck there with sweat. Our eyes met ever so briefly before my car entered the garage, and the easy smile she flashed my way added a few beats to my heart rate.

I turned the car off and sat in silence for a moment as the garage door trundled down. "Wow."

See, I've always had a thing for younger girls. Not children, mind you. But even just hearing the word "nineteen" gets my blood flowing. Even so it's always been just an idle fantasy, it never goes beyond checking them out from my car as I drive by and a few favorited videos on one of those free porn sites. I've never been lucky enough to have such a gorgeous example of my desire live so close to me. I welcomed these new neighbors and wondered to myself how often I would see her.

A few days passed and it was the weekend. I was outside washing my car when I saw the guy who I assumed was the girl's father come outside. I hadn't met him yet, so being nice and neighborly I approached him, we introduced ourselves and shared some idle chat. I don't remember anything we talked about except that it was just him and his daughter living there. Her name was Julie and she was attending the local state college. We parted ways and I went back to washing my car.

It wasn't 10 minutes later when I heard somebody call my name. A girl's voice, and could it be – I turned – and it was. Julie had come outside and was waving to me.

"Hi there," I said, suavely.

"Hi! My dad said he just met you, I'm Julie," she said, holding out her hand and smiling from behind her sunglasses. She was wearing a bikini top, jean shorts, and flip-flops. My heart was turning somersaults in my chest, my eyes drinking in her body from behind the safety of my own sunglasses. She had a light tan from head to toe, but as she moved I could see a tan line just under her top, she must tan in this very bikini. Her tits were pert and amazing, just perfectly and barely filling out the small cups of the bikini. I could make out where her nipples were through the fabric, they looked small and ever so cute.

Oh yeah, conversation!

"Hi, I'm Dean," I said. Did I mention I'm real smooth with the ladies? If I did I was lying because I'm not at all smooth with the ladies.

"Well it's nice to meet you! I'm gonna lay out for a bit, there are too many shadows in the back yard so I had to come out front," she said, gesturing over her shoulder to a chaise lounge that she had set up near their front porch.

"Okay, have fun!" Christ, Dean.

She went and laid on her back and my car got the worst toweling off job I've ever done as my eyes rarely moved from basking in her beauty. She was facing me but looking up at the sky. One of her legs was flat on the chair and the other was pulled up a little, her knee in the air. Her jean shorts fit so perfectly well, her smooth thighs disappeared into them in a way that I couldn't get enough of. She must have tanned in bikini bottoms usually because there were no tan lines where her shorts were. I tried to linger as much as I could, but I didn't want to make it too obvious so I was going to have to start putting stuff away now that I was done.

Wait, was she looking at me just then?

No. It couldn't be. Girls don't look at me, I'm not the type of guy that girls check out. Or… I never was before at least. I'd always been in decent shape, my work is a little physical and I play softball, but I was still flabby. About eight months ago though, I took up boxing. I got myself a heavy bag and some DVDs and I've been going pretty steady on it. My body is more trim than it's ever been in my life now, and as a side effect my dick even got a little bigger. Or appeared to, anyway. One of the benefits of getting rid of some of the fat on your abdomen.

So… was she checking me out? Was she attracted to older guys? Well, it turns out the answers to both questions was yes. I found this out a few weeks later… how, you ask? Stay tuned…



  1. This needs to stop. Why is every second story on this sub ending with a huge tease. It’s really getting annoying. That said, the tease was well written and I am curious for the continuation. But please don’t split one story into 10 parts.. MORE!

  2. "…and I play softball…" Haha But, seriously, what the fuck is up with that limp dick ending? This isn’t /r/gonemildstories

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