Should I[M] Pursue My Old High School Flame[F]?

She was my first real girlfriend (I’ll call her Sue). We started “dating” at the end of 8th grade, and her mother broke us up during our sophomore year. We never had intercourse, but I did feel, and suck, her breasts, and finger her too. Sue also put her hand down my pants and fondled my penis.

After we were broken up, we stayed friends, but began dating other people too. Sue started dating her eventual husband our senior year in high school, and they got married while we were all still in college. After that, I think I saw her twice in the next 30+ years.

Fast-forward to a couple of years ago: She’s now living overseas with her husband, and we become FB friends. We exchanged a few pleasantries over the months, until one day when she asks about my marriage, and I just totally vent about my wife (she was a year behind us in school, and Sue knows who she is). Well, it turned out that Sue and I share the same sexual frustrations with our spouses, and we also both still had a thing for each other. For example, she told me that after all these years, she’s only had sexual dreams about two men: her husband, and me!

That lead to graphic, sexual online chats that lasted for hours, and webcam sessions where Sue would lay in front of the camera in her bra and panties, or a nightie, stroking her body while I masturbated. She also exposed, and caressed, her breasts and nipples for me. Sue told me that she also started imagining me when she had sex with her husband. This went on for a few months, at least, and then Sue began to feel guilty about it, since we were both married. So, no more webcam, and the dirty chats (always initiated by me) became fewer and farther in between.

Fast-forward to about nine months ago: Sue and hubby are back in the states, and live less than five hours away. Now it isn't just “harmless” trans-oceanic flirting. This shit just got real. I think that really excites, but scares, Sue at the same time. I’d meet her for a liaison in a heart-beat; in Sue’s prefect world however, we’re both divorced. (Apparently she’s OK with fornication, just not adultery)

We had our first sensual chat in a long time on FB about four months ago, and she was writing dirty while I masturbated. However, about a month after that I realized that she'd unfriended me. I have her email address, but I haven't tried to contact her. I'm assuming that this was either her way of breaking off a relationship that she was afraid she couldn't handle, or her husband started asking questions and she had to cut ties without being able to explain.

If I can just get her to meet me, I know we’ll have sex. Sue’s told me repeatedly that she doesn't trust herself around me.



  1. facebook chats can be deleted however she needs to know how to delete them. I would suggest emailing her just saying "hi", something simple as she is more than likely thinking of you. If you start slow you might have a chance on starting something again. Also, did you ever take screen shots of your conversations/webcams with her? I was almost in the same situation as you and to be honest I did take screen captures..

  2. I did take screen capture stills, and video, but during a fit of moral piety, I deleted all of them.

  3. no way!! I still have mine with my former crush and they are so hot to look back at!

  4. do you still have regular pics of her lol.. I think I need to find my screen shots!

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