How I started my affair with the church lady [M/F]

Before this happened, I'd already had one long-term affair and several dalliances a few years before. However, I'd been "good" for a least two years at the time this happen. Also, all of the other women had lived out of town, and we had no other connection other than fucking each other.

Well, Jean (not her name) and I attended the same church. She was friends with my wife and I was friends with her husband. She never struck me as a sexual and/or adventurous person up until that point. However, we became FB friends too and Jean posted a bunch of old pictures from high school going forward.

As I looked at the photos, two things struck me: 1. she had a really nice body (several bathing suit, and short shorts with tank-top photos); 2. she seemed to enjoy enjoying herself (often without her couch potato husband).

So, I was working late at the office one Friday night. I'd already jacked off once that evening when I noticed that Jean was online; I started a conversation with her. We were just chatting about non-sexual stuff and then I said that I'd been looking at her old photos and that she was a looker back in the day, not that she wasn't one now. She thanked me and said that she had always thought I was attractive too.

Then I wrote something like "Oh my. Well, what do we do now?" She wrote back something like "Go home" or "Go home to your wife." So, we exchanged a few more messages and then said good-bye. I immediately pulled up my favorite FB photos of her and jacked off again.

After that I went back to work, and maybe an hour later notice that Jean was back online on FB again. So, I started another conversation with her. Basic chit-chat until she asked me why I was still at the office so late. I asked if our conversation could be kept confidential, and she said of course it could. So, I took a deep breath and wrote that I'd masturbated to her photos right after we talked. I had no idea what her reaction would be, and it seemed like an eternity before she replied. However, her response was something like "OMG, that is so hot! Did you really use my pictures?!"

From that point on the chat became very sexual. She said that it was a shame I had to waste my cum just jacking off. I talked about how my sex life at home was infrequent and boring. She said her's was basically non-existent. I said that was crazy, I'd be fucking her on a regular basis. And she said she couldn't understand why my wife didn't want to fuck me all the time either.

Long story short, I ended up parking outside her house at around 2:00 a.m. She snuck out of the house and we drove my truck to the middle of a dirt road between a church and the soccer fields to make out. We were both in gym shorts and T-shirts, so it didn't take long to get busy in the back of my extended cab. I was kissing her all over, sucking her tits and licking her pussy. She sucked my cock before laying back and saying "I want you to cum inside me, Mark (not my real name)!" She didn't have to ask twice!

She was so wet, and so tight, it was amazing. However, I don't know if it was the time of night, the excitement of the moment, or the fact that I'd already came twice within the last few hours, but I didn't come (that time anyway).

That was the start of a crazy, exciting, dangerous, amazing, on again and off again, relationship that lasted over two years. We fucked in my mini-van, her hall bathroom, three different hotels (including one out-of-state during a convention), my two offices (several times). We had webcam sex a few times, and recorded ourselves twice. We exchanged finger-fucks and blow-jobs in my truck and a 12 passenger van (with other passengers). She did everything I wanted (straight sex, anal, tit-fuck, blow-job and swallow) and enjoyed it. I was warming her up to the idea of a MFF threesome before we broke up for the last time.



  1. Would love to hear in more detail your other hookups. Did the husband ever cotton on to it?

  2. Thanks. I will be posting more stories. The husband is an interesting story. In both of my affairs and all of my dalliances I’ve always stressed “Safety First”, which included doing everything possible not to leave an electronic trail: have a cell phone on a separate account if possible; use our names as little as possible in texts and IMs; delete ALL texts and IMs at the end of every chat; etc. But, if you remember, I did break a couple of my own rules with Jean (getting involved with someone I knew already; in the community I live in). However, at this point, Jean and I hadn’t had sex in about two years. We had had a few late night chat sessions, and at least one mutual masturbation webcam call, but we (me mostly) were trying to be “good”. Plus, her marriage was so bad at the time she was trying to decide whether to even stay married or not. Well, one Tuesday night during March of last year my phone rings; Jean is calling me at home. We never called each other without texting first to see if the coast was clear. I sent it to voice-mail. But, instead of leaving a message, she called right back. I sent it to voice-mail again. Then she sent me a text, something to the effect of “please call me right now, it’s an emergency.” My wife had already gone upstairs to bed, but my son was still up, so I went outside on the back porch to call. As I said previously, Jean’s marriage wasn’t going well. Along with the fact that she wasn’t having sex from her husband, her adult daughter and grand-daughter, and the husband’s sister and her husband were all living in the house at the time. That day, Jean told her husband that she was going out-of-town to visit a female friend, but instead, she got a hotel room just so that she could be alone (that’s what she told me and husband, anyway). Well, somehow the husband found out that Jean wasn’t at the friend’s house and they started arguing over the phone. During one of the breaks in the phone calls, he got her old laptop and was able to log in and access some of our erotic Yahoo Messenger chats from three years ago that hadn’t been deleted. When she told me that, I was sick at my stomach and so angry with her at the same time. She apologized over and over and said that she would take care of it. Based on what she said he said was in the IMs, we agreed that our story would be that we had had erotic chats, but only met two times at the most, and it was years ago. I didn’t sleep well that night, and was apprehensive the whole day on Wednesday, but I didn’t hear anything. I was feeling a little better Thursday morning until I got a text from the husband. It was pretty much what I would have expected, except all the threats were conditional: “I SHOULD come kick your ass…”; “I OUGHT to tell everyone what a piece of shit you are…”; “I MIGHT blab, blab, blab….” While I was trying to decide if, and how, to respond, Jean sent me a text saying not to do anything, she was going to handle it. So, I didn’t reply. I didn’t hear anything else the rest of the day, or the next day either. However, on Saturday morning I got another text from the husband with more conditional threats and a statement about how I never even apologized. So, I replied saying that I was sorry, it was all my fault not Jean’s, and I’d do whatever I needed to do to make amends and keep from embarrassing my family. He replied saying that he accepted my apology; he didn’t want any of this to get out and embarrass Jean, and for me to just work it out with my conscience. The next day, my oldest son, who doesn’t go to church that often decided to go. He got there before I did and guess where he ended up sitting? He sat right behind Jean and her husband (who hadn’t been to church in months). So, as soon as the service ended, I tapped the husband on the shoulder and asked to speak with him. We walked over into a corner and I basically repeated what I’d written in my text the day before. After I finished, the husband said the most amazing thing (paraphrase): “You don’t need to apologize. It was my fault. I neglected Jean’s needs.” That was over a year ago and I’ve only seen the husband a couple of time, and haven’t spoken to him at all. I’ve seen Jean at church about six times, and spoken to her briefly two or three time. About six months ago we had one text, and phone, conversation by accident (an app sent out a text to my whole contact list; she texted me back and then called from her house while her husband was there. Not good.) About 3 months ago, I set up a dummy account and texted her when I knew she was at a concert without her husband. She asked me to stop because her sister and friends were around and they were asking who it was.

  3. Wow, a story unto itself! So was that the end of it, effectively? Definitely a near miss for you. Does any part of you want to fuck her even more now that you know he found out about the old times?

  4. I don’t know if I want to fuck her more, since he knows, but I certainly don’t want to fuck her any less. I have this fantasy where, since he’s not having sex with her at all, he gives me his blessing, so that at least he knows who’s she seeing.

  5. I see. A proper cuckold scenario onr that case. Is that territory you’ve explored before at all?

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