New workout regimen, or, “I lived close to her job, and she had an hour every day for lunch… it was convenience, really.” [M/f]

I met Veronica at a friend's house party. She was pretty, but not stunningly hot. She had some curves, but she wasn't fat. She asked a lot of questions that most of us guys thought were funny, but she wasn't stupid. I guess you could say she was average. She introduced herself as Vera (and that's what her friends called her), but I always called her by her full name because I thought Veronica sounded better. Shallow? Perhaps. We hit it off at the party, and I ended up stealing her phone as a prank. I texted myself from her phone while she giggled and tried half-heartedly to grab it back from me. Later in the night a group of people wanted food from the local, late-night Mexican joint, and I was mostly sober, so I offered to drive. Veronica quickly volunteered to go with me. She was a little tipsy, so I used the opportunity to get her to open up and talk about sex. Basic stuff — what's your favorite position, have you ever done this, etc. Nothing else happened that night. We got back to the party and then I left about an hour later when things wound down. We had each other's numbers now, though, and started texting over a couple days.

We met at our city's local Oktoberfest festival about a week later. Lots of flirting, I walked her back to her car, and I kissed her before she left. Over the next few days the texting had gotten pretty sexual, and we had some discussion about intentions (neither of us wanted a relationship), so I was pretty excited to see where things went. We went on a date (I don't remember what it was; probably a movie) and afterwards started making out in my car. I suggested we go somewhere more private than a parking lot, and drove to a park near my house. It was around midnight by now, and we got out and started fooling around on the playground. Making out, copping a feel under each other's clothes, that sort of thing. We made our way over to a picnic table and I ended up sitting on top of the table with my pants around my ankles and her between my legs. I had slept with about 5 girls at that point in my life, and had gotten blowjobs from about 3 more, so I wasn't exactly inexperienced. But man, she knew what she was doing. I only ever met one person who was better (see my story about Aleksandra if you're curious). It wasn't that she had some superior technique, and to be honest, her blowjobs never felt amazing or like anything special, really. But unlike any other girl I'd ever been with, she just knew how to use her mouth to make me cum every time. I often have a hard time cumming from oral but with Veronica that was never a problem. I'm sure it was a combination of experience and persistence. She just knew how to suck the cum out of me every time, and I never really had to try that hard. Anyway, she sucked me off on this park bench. I had got out of a long-term relationship a few months prior and had been on a dry spell ever since. I remember having a pang of guilt while I was cumming because I could tell it was a huge load, but she didn't show any signs of struggle or even slowing down. She just kept going like a champ, swallowed once (or twice), licked me clean, and then came back up. She went in to kiss me, and fortunately I've never been to squeamish about kissing a girl after she went down on me, so I was able to keep the mood going. But like I said, neither of us was interested in a relationship and this was purely for our own sexual gratification, so I could tell she wanted reciprocation. No problems there — if anything, it turned me on a little bit because it verified that this was truly just about sex. We switched places and I dove in while kneeling on the cold concrete under this ramada in the park. She came pretty quickly, and then I drove her home.

Halloween was just around the corner. She invited me to a party at one of her friends' apartments, so I picked her up and we drove there. She was dressed in a slutty milkmaid costume, and her tits were very noticeable. I got lazy and threw on jeans, boots, a tool belt, and a traffic vest and was a "construction worker." Good thing for the jeans, because Veronica's cleavage and short skirt had me sporting a semi for half the night. We had a good time, but it was a little awkward because she knew everyone there and I didn't know anyone, so we left after not too long. This was a few nights after the blowjob in the park so we had hooked up, but hadn't had sex. I had a feeling tonight was the night, though. She unbuttoned my jeans and gave me road head the entire drive home, which was pretty fantastic. I made sure to drive as slow as I reasonably could and intentionally tried to hit red lights. I guess I could have made a few wrong turns, but I was pretty eager to get home and escalate things.

Once we got home, things proceeded pretty much as you would expect. We got up to my bedroom, removed our respective costumes, and went at each other. We had a fair amount of built-up tension that was a lot of fun to work out. At one point I asked her to sit on my face, and she looked at me like I was crazy but complied. I guess she'd never done that. She liked it though, and I made her cum like that before carrying on. We met up a couple more times and fucked in the regular fashion except one time when neither of us had a condom. I had her suck me while I was standing up and she was kneeling, and then I pulled out and came over her tits that I so adored. I had just moved in to the new place and hadn't set up my bed yet, so I was sleeping on a camping mat. I have a vivid memory of the sound of my cum splatting against the foam mat as it dripped from her tits. To this day, just thinking about that sound stirs my blood. Funny how the human memory works. She begged me to go to the gas station and buy condoms so we could go for round two, but I had lost interest. It was selfish of me, but from then on I always made sure to get her off with my mouth if nothing else.

After a few booty calls, things started to fizzle out. Natural progression, I suppose. That is, of course, until she got a job at a bank about half a mile from my house. I got a text from her one day asking if she could come over. It wasn't uncommon for her to initiate, even though things had started to slow down, so I didn't think anything of it other than the fact that it was the middle of the day (I worked nights at the time). She came over, we had sex, and then she explained to me about her new job 3 minutes down the road, and that she had hour-long lunch breaks. It was back on! She got really into fitness around then so we joked that it was a workout for her. From then on, she'd send me a text at least once a week (usually twice, sometimes three times) around noon that simply said, "Want to work out?" In person, we called it P90Sex (I know, I know, but we thought it was funny at the time).

There are a couple other stories from our fuck buddy friendship that stick out. One was that she was absolutely not okay with me cumming on her face, which was a big kink of mine at the time. She'd let me cum on her tits, her ass, and her back. She'd suck me and swallow every drop without batting an eye. But the face was off limits. No worries; everyone has their preferences. One time we went back to the park where we first hooked up. I think it must have been after another party (she and I went to a lot of parties) because it was 3 AM. We thought it would be fun to fuck on the playground, so we crawled up there and got down. I remember that it was cold (wintertime, but in the Southwest United States, so probably about 50 °F) so we kept our clothes on. We each pulled down our pants just enough to get access. We saw/heard an old man walking his dog right by us, so we stopped and got quiet for a minute before picking back up when we thought the coast was clear. He came by two more times in the next few minutes. At the time I thought, "What is wrong with this guy, walking his dog back and forth past the same spot at 3 in the morning?" Then I realized he probably caught us and was trying to get a better look. Haha, oops. Anyway, maybe because of the dog walker, maybe because of the cold, I was having a hard time getting there. I pulled out and stood up because it was getting uncomfortable laying against that weird plastic-coated metal mesh they put in playgrounds. Once I stood up I started jerking it to try and get closer, and she instantly said, "Not on my face." Oops again.

Another time was the only time I've ever faked an orgasm. It sounds ridiculous, but whatever. I was at her place (which was rare — normally it was my place) because she had texted me and asked me to come over and work out with her. I wasn't really in the mood, but she never turned me down and I felt bad. So anyway, she told me to come over and I took that trip (sorry, couldn't resist). After fucking for a while, she had already cum, and she asked me if I was close. I wasn't — not even a little bit; I just wasn't in the mood and I could tell I wasn't going to get there. I considered telling her that, but then I thought, "Hey, I'm wearing a condom, so she won't know the difference. And it'll be easier than dealing with the possible self-consciousness if she finds out I couldn't finish. Plus it'll be interesting to see if I can pull it off." So just like that, I faked an orgasm. She seemed convinced, and I was proud of myself.

Our workouts continued on through a good part of that winter, but eventually she realized that she wanted a relationship. I had started to suspect as much, and from then on our workouts got more and more sporadic, and then stopped altogether. She really hit the fitness thing hard and got in super good shape. Last I heard, she met a military dude and the two of them moved to Texas.
