M/F How we almost got caught out in Public.

Joy was fidgeting and clinging alongside my arm as we walked alongside the busy sidewalk. The crowd of tourists and casual shoppers hurried along in all directions. Smells of delicious food dishes and gourmet eateries pour out of the restaurant establishments as we pass. She is in a thin loose fabric top that displays off her shoulders draping low over her torso and arms. It covered her top-half elegantly while dipping low in the front to show off her small cleavage. She also wore a short light toned mini-skirt that was hiked high near her crotch and pumps that accentuated her firm bubble-butt ass. Ohh, and her panties are non-existent. A-la-natural if you were. We were dressed up to go out to an old restaurant located a few blocks away but it was the long walk that really interested us in going to this place.

The risk of being discovered, the danger of a rolled up mini-skirt malfunction, the need to be discreet when bent over to adjust a shoe. Joy loved every moment and craved the rush she got when there was potential to being caught. The few times that happened, she was a kid in a candy store holding a bottomless bag and told to go nuts. She got this way because I was that security blanket of protection. When I was by her side, her inhibitions were thrown right out the window and there was little she would or could refuse. In fact, more often than not, I had to be the one to reign her back from doing something that could get us caught, arrested or worse… convicted with a permanent record.

Her gasp alerts me to danger up ahead when I notice some panhandlers up ahead seated on the ground at crotch level. Being in heels, Joy’s mini-skirt was literally resting at the bottom of her round cheeks while her tops loose fabric was able to hide some of the revealing nature of the outfit. While he didn’t have an ideal view of Joy’s strawberry blonde forest of pubic hair, I did see the man smirk a dirty smile as we passed by. I reminded myself to throw him a few coins on the way back. She was trembling with contained excitement knowing some stranger saw her lady bits if only for a split second.

Dinner at the restaurant was forgettable at best while dessert was good…ish. The food wasn’t the real reason we were both there. It was an older establishment that supposedly had entire sections closed off where we could sneak off too and partake in a few minutes of debauchery. We had heard about it from a mutual friend on a “public sex acts” message board and few people knew about it. However, we couldn’t find this secure section to sneak off to. Several restroom breaks of searching wound up with nothing. Finally we figured it out that it wasn’t a full room we were after, but the large booth in the back almost completely enclosed L shaped room. Dark wood floor to ceiling panels, low lit atmosphere and it was nearly cut off from direct access. That section wasn’t being used and the only reason someone would walk back there was to see if the restrooms were back there. Even then, the booth was still enclosed unless you walked directly up to it.

With our bill paid and tip on the table, the plan to sneak in the area was underway. The restaurant was on a skeleton staff as it was on a weeknight so a minor distraction was needed. Joy informed the only female waitress we saw that the restroom was in need of some maintenance and the Host/Manager was notified and sent off to inspect. Now was our chance. We casually got up to head out only we walked up the vacant section and disappeared around the corner. She wasted no time in hiking up the mini-skirt up to her waist and slide across the bench seat to get in position. I had to fumble a bit with my rig as a belt, suit pants, tucked in shirt and boxer briefs are a hassle when time is of the essence.

My bare ass is on the cold material and I quietly push the table back to give us more room in our seated surroundings. Joy climbs up over my hips and straddles me with practised ease. Now face to face in our precarious position, my cock is hardening fast. Looking directly in my eyes and her arms clasped around my neck. Her hips initiate downward movement and my dick slides into her pussy. No lubed need here, she is wet with excitement. Barely a whisper of sound escapes her parted lips and I could tell the orgasm she’s seeking is building fast. Eyes locked, ears alert, senses heightened; we quite literally “fucking ninja’s”of stealth.

Having done this before, we both had chosen clothing that made as minimal fabric rustling sound as possible. With all copulation sounds kept at a minimum, our skin to skin slapping is the only problem we face. My dick is plunging into her pussy and the distinct sound it makes is a rock concert to our heightened senses. The thrill, the danger, the risk of being caught is just fuel to Joy’s perverted fire. My hands on her hips and just under her skirt, my actions are to control the inevitable orgasm she will unleash. This was the tricky part. Muffling the gasps and unchecked body movements that happen when her genie is out of the bottle.

True to form, Joy’s got her audible actions under silent throws of ecstasy but it's her body movements that betray us. She gyrates too hard causing her back to hit the table and it makes a slamming sound at the base. Terror fills her eyes as we lock gaze for that brief moment. Joy scrambles off me quick like a bunny and frantically attempts to pull her skirt down. Now in the aisle, she straightens out her outfit and smooths anything that could be out of place. I’m fumbling to pull up my underwear, working at my tucked in shirt and it’s just not fast enough.

Joy does her “Be calm girl” thing and immediately gets into character and strolls down the aisle towards the middle of the L. Looking at the paintings on the wall, the Host/Manager comes around the far corner with a puzzled expression. My shirt is tucked, pants zipped but my belt is not playing along. I need more time! Joy figures this out when I don’t appear in her peripheral vision. Acting as if this is perfectly normal behavior of customers at a restaurant, Joy is not acknowledging the man who peers suspiciously of the behavior. My belt is finally cooperating! I slide the loop in place and ever so quietly stand up and attempt to move the betraying table back in place.

The manager engages conversation which I don’t catch but Joy responds with, “Huh? yes we had a great time this evening.” My cue that I need to appear by her side. No more than 45 seconds to a minute have passed since the noise but I stroll up to her side looking at the tables and furniture before I turn to meet the gaze of the supervisor. My heart was still racing and I know Joy’s ticker was ready to burst through her chest. I can not recall for the life of me what we said to him but his suspicions were never diminished. We walked passed him as this was an everyday occurrence and nothing was out of the ordinary. I opened the doors and strolled out as the gaze bored into the backs of our heads.

Twenty or so paces away from the door, Joy lets go of my arm and turns to face me. That look of pure bliss of being caught yet getting away was the magical ingredient to her sexual soufflé. Her eyes told it all. That look of hers was what I affectionately referred to as her Joygasm and it was like an infection. “OHHH MY GAAAWWD!! THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!!!”. I couldn’t help but want to be sick myself. She was in heaven and I wanted to find a trashcan to heave up in. Not all of our sexual fantasies matched and her public sex fetish was not one of them. It’s ok because my desire was watching woman enjoy themselves fully she was doing just that.

Soon as we got back to the parking lot, her skirt was hiked up yet again before the car door was opened. Joy was horney and she wanted it NOW! My pants were unzipped and down to my knees for the second time in 20 minutes. That strawberry blond mop of curly hair was bobbing up and down on my cock in no time. Her small lips were heavenly around my shaft and it was moments like this that made these public thrill rides worth it. My right hand reached over and started massaging her pussy and ass from behind. She gulped, moaned, licked and slurped her way into another rock hard erection. I came quickly into her mouth and like a good girl, she swallowed it all.

The next few hours were spent moving the car from lot to lot as we fucked in various positions. Sometimes inside while in the backseat, other times just outside the open car door as she bent over half-inside. Joy was definitely a freak of sexual nature and I loved that about her. Getting her in the mood was a challenge unless it involved thrilling acts of public dares and acts were sex took place. Fun gal but high maintenance and exhausting when just a simple fuck was all I wanted.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/38lf6e/mf_how_we_almost_got_caught_out_in_public


  1. I love this! I can definitely relate, I get the same rush as she does, although I was never quite that daring haha

  2. Truth be told, I’m not that daring either. She motivated me to step up my game 10 fold. Joy got off on almost getting caught and sometimes did. She was nabbed by Vegas hotel security streaking to the ice machine and back. All on camera too. We were told not to return to that hotel. Pretty sure that video was released to the net from some staff member. I’ve yet to see it but I know it’s got to be out there

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