Making the innocent girl beg for it [m/f]

Caitlin has the most amazing sexual tension of any women I've ever had the pleasure of fucking. By 'sexual tension' I don't mean two people looking at one another knowing the other wants to do the horizontal tango– although that was there as well. I mean the tension between her strict sense of propriety and her sexuality simmering under the surface waiting to be brought to a boil.

I'll start from the beginning. This will be a little long, so if you're a dirty scroller I suggest you jump ahead until you start seeing words like "pussy", "dripping", and "OMIGOD OMIGOD FUCK FUCK FUCK".

Let me take you back to the first time I laid eyes on her. It was a law school mixer for the incoming class to meet the older folks– like me. Ostensibly this was for networking, but behind the scenes my roommates and I called it the fishing trip– as in shooting fish in a barrel. The first year class, you see, had a lot of talent. Now some were more classically beautiful than Caitlin, but to me she stood out right away. She's average height, but that's where average stops. She has curves in all the right places, and I absolutely don't mean that as a euphemism for fat. This woman has a taut stomach, is a solid C-cup, and has an ass for days. She's an athlete, and her arms and legs are toned and tan. Hair… auburn, I'd say, just past shoulder length. The darkest brown eyes you've ever seen. Generally I avoid cliches like the plague but you could seriously drown in those eyes. Top it all off with the most infectious smile this side of the Mississippi and you have someone who you could fall in love with waaaayyy too easily.

Now I'm no scab, and confidence has never been my short suit, but I found myself a little intimidated by this woman. That having been said, however, I was more than a few drinks in. I made my eyes and went in for the kill. Immediately I can sense the attraction, and we start chatting at the bar. She's sassy, which I love, and we banter back and forth for an hour or two. She seems into it, but when I press forward she seems to draw back. I shrug it off.

Then, the unthinkable happens– she drops the B word. Boyfriend. Just like that my hopes burst like an overstuffed Chipotle burrito. Call me what you will, but I'm not a homewrecker. It was undeniable, though, there was a powerful mutual attraction, and so I threw it up on a shelf in the back storage room of my brain and lived my merry life for about 6 more months.

Fastforward to a guest lecture that all classes were welcome to attend. I get there late and grab one of the last seats left–right next to Caitlin, looking damn good in a little blue and white sundress. I may have mentioned this in a previous story but goddman men we need to nominate the inventor of the sundress for a Nobel prize.

So we get to talking after the lecture, and no more than five minutes in she "casually" mentions how she's been single now for five months. Well fuck, better late than never. We parlay into beers at one of my favorite bars, just the two of us. Sparks are flying, we're digging each other's dark sense of humor (dark humor is like food, not everyone gets it). She pauses in the middle of a story, and I just go in for it and kiss her out of the blue. Without missing a beat she grabs me by the front of my shirt and pulls me in. So. Fucking. Hot.

I figure it's on, and we get out of there ASAP. I start to walk her home, though, and she shakes her head. "Not tonight. I'm not that kind of girl."

If I had my way, the word "slut" would be struck from the English language– I HATE when people combine morality and sexuality. As far as I'm concerned if you're being safe and not hurting anyone's feelings it's a moral non-issue. But whatever, I get that that's not an attitude everyone shares.

So I take her out again. And again. And again. I'm normally not this patient, but something (the shirt grab?) told me that this girl would be worth it.

Long story short, she was. Thanks for reading!

Kidding, kidding. So we've been on maybe 4 dates, nothing more risque than making out up against the wall, maaaybe a little sideboob groping over the shirt before she moves my hands away. But then she texts me "can I just come over and watch a movie at your place? I don't feel like going out." Yes ma'am. Yes you can.

We get through the opening credits before we're on the bed. She seems reluctant to make any moves on me, but is wriggling her body in all the right ways to facilitate her clothes coming off. She stops quickly to say "we're not having sex, you know", to which I do what I always do, which is to shrug, smile, and say "OK", completely non-facetiously. Some of the hottest nights of my life have been all about the girl, this one included. Although in my experience half the time if you just roll with it you get laid anyway.

I love to tease, and my fingers are dipping lower and lower, grazing her inner thighs, teasing up lightly over her panties, brushing in from the side, not quite reaching her inner folds. She's breathing a little quicker now and her deep dark eyes are half-lidded. When I finally slide her panties off I can see her wetness, and she instinctively moves her knees apart just a little. I keep teasing– up to the stomach, down to the knees, a quick drag up the center of her sex, then back.

I rub my thumb across her clit, and she lets out an audible "mmmmm". And then I go to town. Two fingers rubbing all over her entrance, dipping in to rub her G-spot, then pulling back out. Another finger orbiting her clit, rubbing it up and down a few times, then backing off. Her breathing starts to ascend, and her stomach and pelvis are starting to contract erratically. "OMIGOD OMIGOD" (here you are all you dirty skimmers, I even made it all caps so you could find the good part easier) she moans "I'm going to… holy shit…" and I stop abruptly.

The look of pleading bewilderment she gives me has its own safety deposit box in my spank bank. And that's when I discovered the hottest fucking thing I've ever experienced: making the innocent girl beg.

"Oh you like that?" I said with I'm sure the biggest shit-eating smirky grin. "You want me to keep going?"

She nods, never breaking eye contact.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just what you were doing"

I wait for a minute, and rub a finger quickly over her clit a few times so she doesn't cool down too far. "Ask nicely"

"Please, please keep doing that"

"Doing what?"


I stop rubbing her. Again, she's confused. "Why… why'd you stop?"

"I want you to beg me to let you come". She stares at me like I'm crazy.

"No! I don't do that. Not gonna happen."

I smile and drop my fingers back into her, dragging them against the roof of her pussy on the way out. I can feel her muscles squeeze against my hand and her fingernails dig into my arm.

"Oh sorry," I smirk again, "does that hurt?" I stop and look down at her with mock concern (NB: if I find a girl that's super responsive, I kind of become an asshole).

"No, no, keep going, please" she says, totally missing my joke but whatever I'm pleasuring this amazing woman you can't win em all.

"I'm not letting you come until you beg me, you know." I bring her right to the edge again– her legs start to close up around my hand, her eyes close, and I stop, abruptly. Her eyes snap open and I'm above her, waiting patiently.

"Please… please just keep going."

"Not good enough". I lightly roll her clit between two fingers and she goes nuts. "Beg for me"

She gets right up to the edge again– another stop. She's breathing hard now, and I can feel her sense of propriety, her embarrassment at her own sexuality, eroding under my fingers.

"Caitlin." I look her in the eyes. "Beg me to let you come"

Three fingers now, circling around the entrance to her vagina, probing in an inch or two and rubbing around and around across the roof, walls, and floor. She practically lifts her pelvis off the bed thrusting into me.

"OK OK OK please, please let me come, oh god please let me come fuck"

That's all I needed– I redouble my assault on her G-spot and clit and within ten seconds she's shaking.

"Holy shit oh god oh god fuck holy shit OH MY GOD YES". I've never seen an orgasm last that long in my life– she later told me she knows she came at least twice back to back but wasn't quite sure if it was more than that. As a guy, I have no idea what that means, but she was into it.

Her legs are shaking in a way I've never seen legs shake before– spasming and squeezing my hands. Her fingers are crushing into my shoulders, and her mouth is just wide open. Juice from her pussy is running down to my wrist as I continue to swirl my fingers around inside of her.

She pushes my hands away after what seems like ten minutes and lies back on my bed. A few minutes pass as her breathing returns to normal.

"That was fucking hot," I finally say, and to my surprise she blushes bright red.

"That was so embarrassing," she says, peeking out from between her fingers. "I can't believe I… you…"

I knew, looking down at her, that I was going to have a lot of fun corrupting this one. And I have.



  1. Your previous story said you were in medical school and not law school. So which is it?

  2. Don’t care what school he was in, he’s a damn good writer. Journalism maybe?

  3. Yea uhhhh…if you could write more about you and this girl…..that’d be great.

  4. Sorry for the ambiguity. My goal is to have plausible deniability should either of these girls (both redditors) see these. The encounters themselves are accurate. The extraneous details have some wiggle room.

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