Overcoming the Friend Zone [MF]

An old ex of mine who we ended on very good terms messaged me out of the blue yesterday. She, along with her husband, had decided to copy a trip my wife and I took last summer to travel Montana. She was asking for recommendations. We caught up a little and exchange small talk and she ended the conversation with an inside joke from when we used to hook-up in college.

I couldn't help but reminisce and figured I would share one particular story.

Lynzee (Lynz for short) was THE talk of campus when she first arrived at my University. I was a Sophomore and she was an incoming Freshman and the moment she rushed a Sorority everyone couldn't help but talk about "the girl who looks like Britney Spears with brown hair".

I was in tight with the sorority she had joined and once she finished rush she moved into Greek Housing and happened to room with a girl named Misty who was a local and had partied as an 18 year old Senior several times. Misty and I never actually hooked up, but would chat on Instant Messenger. When she had to move she recruited me to help and that's when I first met Lynz. I was instantly attracted. She was maybe 5'5, but beautiful. That day she had on a super short pair of running shorts and a bright yellow tank top. Her skin was dark from a summer of tanning and her legs tone like a runner's. She had an amazing ass and C Cup breasts.

It wasn't until me and my buddy Dustin had moved Misty in that we met Lynz. We were literally leaving when Misty introduced us. That night I went out of my way to have Misty "hook me up" after a couple weeks and several awkward moments I finally gathered the courage to ask Lynz to go out for Lunch with me off campus.

I would like to tell you I had her begging for my cock ten minutes in, but the truth was I was so nervous and shy I blew it. She was literally the hottest incoming Freshman on campus and every single guy wanted her and despite having great conversation and her opening up I firmly landed into a Friend Zone with her. After our date Misty gave me the compliment sandwich which would set the tone for the next year:

" She thinks you are really good looking and smart. She isn't looking for a relationship or to get tied down with someone. You should keep pursuing her but be patient."

Over the remainder of the year Lynz and I became close. We both valued making our mark as Big Fish in a Small Pond and both enjoyed the others attention and compliments. Though she could have any guy she would often get drunk and make out with guys but never go home with anyone. We took each other to formals, I slept over, but aside from cuddling and drunken kissing it never escalated. She was always quick to send the Text or Message the next day saying how she was drunk and not to read into it and that she didn't want to make our friendship awkward. As my Sophomore year grew on my confidence grew leaps and bounds and I began compiling conquests. Lynz would show some signs of jealousy and make comments, but never really created drama. By the end of the year I had fucked her best friend from home who had visited and a handful of her sorority sisters. Truth be told I had basically written off that her and I would ever be anything more than a pseudo Business Partner.

The summer between my Sophomore and Junior year I really hit my stride in my man-whoring days and gathered momentum that would carry through. Lynz lived in another state 6 hours form my hometown but we kept up during the summer and she began dating a guy who was one of the star basketball players at our school who happened to live an hour from her.

We kept up with each other once we returned to campus and specifically made time to eat lunch or go for walks, but between my balancing of mutliple hookup partners and her relationship we only spoke in those small isolated doses. Eventually he cheated on her and I was there to console her and bring her confidence back. Even in this time though it was a heavy Friend-Zone environment. She rebounded and was back on her feet.

The night things changed caught be my total surprise. Her sorority was having a Preference Dance and at the last minute she asked me to go as her date. This was not unusual. The plan was for me to join them on their sorority floor and pre-drink. I had a prior engagement with my part-time job and was later getting off than expected. When I arrived she was fully dressed and acting different.

Normally when Lynz was drunk she was very outgoing and laughed a ton. She was very somber this night. She looked ridiculously hot. She had a form fitting cherry red dress that showed her perfect ass and was cut off just so the perfect amount of cleavage popped out. She wore her hair up and had a choker necklace. In the elevator I complimented, "You look gorgeous" and she didn't even acknowledge it. I socialized as we walked down the hallway and she went ahead and to her room. One of my Fraternity Brothers had me shotgun a beer "to catch up" which lead to two more.. I probably spent 30 minutes socializing and Lynz was nowhere to be seen. I went into her room and she was re-fixing her hair.

I thought she was mad at me and grilled her to speak her mind and why she was acting weird. She would not address the subject simply saying in drunken terms "Don't worry about it", "I'm fine", "Enjoy yourself". I stood behind her before the mirror and gave a half hearted shoulder rub. She was obviously internalizing something but did not want to talk so I just did what came natural and told her how good she looked. She gave the first grin of the night so I continued and complimented her perfume and how the dress made her ass look amazing. She finally said "Thanks" and then asked if I was going to get dressed.

She had seen me in nothing but my boxer briefs several times before, but it had been well over a year since the last time. I thought nothing of it when I stripped down with her in the room. When we had first met I was 6'5 and maybe 205 pounds..tall and skinny. I was then around 225 and in great shape. She kept staring at me and it wasn't until I had everything but my tie on that she finally said "When did you grow muscles?" and grabbed my upper arm. I began to tie my tie and she stopped me insisting she wanted to do it for me. She actually did a shitty job as it was too short and the knot was slightly sideways but I wasn't going to criticize. She then put her hands onto my chest and adjusted my shirt a little and hugged me before commenting how good my cologne smelled.

I asked if she wanted to join everyone and she said she was not in the mood and wanted to chill in the room with just me to catch up. She brought me a beer as I sat on her bed and she sipped her wine standing before me. What happened next was one of the few times in life I was paralyzed to act.

Out of nowhere she asked, "You complimented my butt but how does the front of me look?" Before i could even respond she rolled her top down exposing her beautiful breasts and rock hard brown nipples. "Do you still think I have a nice body?". Just as quickly she brought her dress back up. I know most guys would say they ravaged her on the spot but I seriously did not know what to do in this case. My instinct was to get up and kiss her and take her dress off but a year and a half in the friend zone left me frozen. I simply responded "That was unexpected…but they are perfect!" I twas about that time her door opened and her sorority sister came barging in to interrupt and lure her to drink withe everyone.

Once we arrived to the country club venue she still was not herself. Usually Lynz was the first one dancing but she insisted on sitting. The thought of what happened lingered in my thoughts, and coupled with increased alcohol, I began formulating what happened and what it could mean. I was still hesistant to make a move but as we sat there I began rubbing my hands on her freshly shaven and smooth legs. I inched further and further as if it was a test. I began with her calf and had worked above her knee to and about an inch under the fabric of her dress. She scratched my wrist and we talked and laughed at the drunk people around us. Then she once again tossed me a bone:

"You like how smooth my legs are?" "Yeah.. they feel great", I replied. "Feel all of my leg" as she put pressure on my wrist and moved it forward.

Between the not so subtle cue and the visible sight of her rock hard nipples pushing through her dress I now knew tonight was different. I ran my hand from the bend of her hip down to her calf and back up. She leaned forward onto my shoulder and rested her head. I looked around and removed my hand to take off my suit jacket and cover over the front of her. I then slipped my hand back onto her leg and lightly rubber her hip and upper thigh.

Lynz did not protest so I worked my hand along the line of her satin underwear. I traced along the line ever so slowly. She scooted her seat as far under the table as it could get which I took as further justification. I pushed her legs slightly apart and slid under the fabric and rubbed her pubic area.

"It's all smooth like my legs" she said very low into my ear and laughed.

"I see that…"

I began exploring at a snail's pace to not call attention. Both of our heads were on a swivel. Soon my finger traced the lips of her pussy and began to slowly move beneath them where it was a different world of wetness. I very slowly would press along the length of her and up to her slit. I never sank my fingers into her but for the next thirty minutes or so we sat there with my massaging her legs and teasing her pussy as we talked like the old friends we were. She kept her hand on my wrist scratching and when someone would come by or look our way she would push me down slowly.

We neither one got up for 30-40 minutes. I couldn't had I wanted because my cock was rock hard and I could even sense wetness on the tip from pre-cum.

When the first shuttle bus (they were school buses) was announced to take people back we knew we had to be on it. She pushed my hand out and went to the restroom, I tried to distract my mind so my cock would ease off.

On the dark bus I hoped to resume and push further but the couple across from us did not allow engaging us the entire 10 minute trip back. I rubbed her leg but did not press further. Once back she checked me in and that walk down the hall to her room seemed an eternity.

She turned the deadbolt to her door and also to the shared restroom as I followed behind with my hand on her ass rubbing to the small of her back and around her hips. Once the bathroom was secured she turned and literally jumped onto me and wrapped her legs around my waist as we began kissing. She was mauling me aggressively and by the time I had carried her and began easing her onto her bed she had already exposed her own tits and was sliding her own thong off.

Her bed was taller than normal as she kept a mini fridge beneath it. I literally pulled a desk chair to sit in and went to town eating her dripping cunt. It was probably no more than 90 seconds before she said "I want you now. I want it."

I knew she was safely on BC (she had complained how it makes her face break out) so I undid my pants and pulled them down to my ankles along with my underwear and still wearing a fully buttoned shirt and tie positioned myself standing before her. I wet my penis with a couple strokes along her lips and took two fingers into her wetness and coated all of the head of my penis. My own pre-cum acted as lube as well. I sank a few inches in, the depth her tightness allowed, and began stroking short and steady until her walls opened. About halfway I I leaned forward on my toes and entered her fully.

I lifted her legs up and placed her feet on my shoulder and took long, slow strokes. I slowly picked up the pace until I was pounding into her with the sound of forceful slapping. She reached her arms back beyond her head and gripped her sheets while closing her eyes and moaning. Standing on the tips of my feet was tiring so I paused to remove my shoes and climbed into bed with her.

I rolled her on her side and once again started slowly alongside her. Trying to grip both of her ample breasts with a single hand while my other firmly gripped the back of her neck. She told me she loved me (she would apologize for that the next morning) and told me how good I felt. I told her how beautiful she was and how I had wanted her for so long. I found out how verbal she enjoyed sex as she began to ask me things like "Does my pussy feel good? How long have you wanted me? Are you going to cum for me?"

I was completely tuned on, but knew the position was not going to do anything for me. I rolled her onto her stomach and lay on top, keeping my penis in the whole movement. I began increasing pace and talking dirty, "I bet you have masturbated thinking of me. You knew you were going to fuck me tonight. You just needed my big cock."

She came at one point though at the time I wasn't sure of it. I would learn over time that Lynz's most intense orgasms were earmarked by her going completely quite and grimacing in what seems like pain, when she would release she would exhale hard as if having her wind knocked out followed my numerous quick short breathes. Not knowing that was her cumming I just kept on thrusting faster.

Nearing my own climax I lifted her body up trying for doggie but all I could get was a "face down, ass up". I gripped her hips and lifted her dress high and finished off. Pulling out and shooting onto her right ass cheek and hip. She collapsed back to the bed and her dress slid into the cum. She didn't notice or care but I rushed to get a wash cloth.

We finally undressed and she put on a long sleeveless tshirt to sleep in. I awoke before her that morning uneasy as to how to address the situation. I lay there spooning her careful not to awake her. Thankfully to my surprise when she started to stir she pulled my hand under her shirt to scratch her leg and ass. For twenty minutes I rubbed and scratched and soon could not resist urges. We ended up having another round which ended with her riding me until I nearly came inside her. At the very last second I pulled out and shot a load onto my own self..she would tell me moving forward I did not need to pull out. This made me smile knowing she planned to repeat this.

We never defined ourselves as dating. Until I graduated from college we had something like a mutual business deal. I never used her as a booty call.. it was always on her terms. I helped her become our Fraternity Sweetheart and she was even a wingwoman at times. She became prominent in Student Government and I reached goals as well. When we were seeing someone specific we neither had jealousy, and we neither tried to make the other cheat. When she was lonely she would make me be her company and often reward me with slow intimate sex. When she wanted to celebrate or was just horny she would call me up.. eventually she covered the window to her office in the Student Center and she enjoyed when I would fuck her on her desk late in the evening.

Eventually my Senior year she met a stand up guy I approved of. I began seeing someone exclusively. We even went on double dates (our significant others had no clue we used to fuck). We stayed in touch once I graduated for the next 3 years, we even hooked up once more a couple years after college when a bunch of couples went to the Lake. The irony of that was the only people who had sex were the ones who were not in a relationship. Eventually, she found the guy who is now her husband and we lost contact.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/38dz2v/overcoming_the_friend_zone_mf


  1. Yeah I left it out. She told me in the days after. Her and her ex the basketball player had been talking for a week or so and hinting toward getting back together. The reason I was such a last minute ask as her date was because she was hoping to go with him. She found out he was hooking up with another girl the whole time they were talking. Earlier that day unknown to me they had a big argument and he said some ultra shitty things to hurt her. Two in particular "You gained the Freshman 20… not the Freshman 15" and "I stopped wanting you sexually". When I touched her and complimented her physically it must have been what she was needing.

  2. Everyone knows names are changed, for obvious reasons. WTF does it matter what they are changed to? Dumbass. Anyhoo, nice story!

  3. Well for one with names like that it immediately makes me think the entire story is fake. I guess I’m just particular about details.

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