Barely legal pussy (M/f)

Note: I have been very lucky to have a lot of sex with a lot of beautiful women, so I wanted to document some of these experiences. They are all 100% true (except names). Just as a point of reference, I am often told I look like Vin Diesel (though I don't see it at all)-I am 6'1, 210, shaved head, blue eyes, tattoos, muscular build, late 30's, live in Florida. I will try to answer any and all questions! If you are looking strictly for the sex part, scroll down awhile.

As a rule, I try to stay away from pussy in the gym for a multitude of reasons. First, I take my training seriously and its the one place I am not looking to get laid. Next, when the inevitable happens and it goes south, I don't want to have to change gyms. With that being said, I first noticed Nicole in the gym while she was training legs. I was immediately impressed that she knew what she was doing and was training hard; I am not a fan of the people that hog up the equipment while texting or daydreaming. Oh yeah, and she was so fucking sexy. She had the type of body that I love; where she definitely had some muscle semblance while keeping her feminine curves. She was about 5'6, 110, seemed young-early 20's was my guess at the time, very small tits, but proportionate for her body, and an amazing ass.

After that first day seeing her in the gym I noticed her a few more times in the coming weeks, and while passing by we made eye contact and both smiled. Her smile at me seemed innocent enough, but mine, not so much. I really wanted to fuck her, I know, big surprise. Anyway, I remembered my 'gym rules' and decided to go home jerk off and get her out of my head.

From that day forward we would smile each time we passed each other and a friendly hello, but that was it. I was doing my best not to hit on her; besides she looked about 15 years younger than me and I was pretty sure she wouldn't want to fuck the 'lecherous old man' from the gym.
The following day she approached me and asked if I could help her take a clip off of a piece of equipment that was stuck. I easily did, and wondered if that was just a shy girl's way of striking up conversation. She told me her name, I gave her mine and we both went about our workouts separately. As I was walking out to the car I noticed Nicole in my peripheral and slowed down my pace a bit. She took the bait and caught up. I made some sort of small talk (don't remember what) and we paused awkwardly in front of my car. I knew I shouldn't do what I was about to do, but she smelled so fuckin' good (a hint of perfume mixed with sweat) and looked so hot; so I told her I was going to the juice bar down the block to pick up a salad and asked her if she wanted to join. She said sure, and said she would follow me.

As I was driving many thoughts crossed my mind-how old was she? I never asked, and she looked young. I quickly surmised she was about 22 or 23. Then the whole rule I have about keeping the gym as a sacred place, a no-pussy zone, if you will.

I knew I was helpless, I was so attracted to her. She always wore these tight little shorts with just a hint of asscheek hanging out, with a sports bra. I pulled into the spot and paused a second when I didn't see her parking. Did she have second thoughts? Did she come to her senses and not want to hang with some dude that was much older than her? And then I saw her pull in to the spot right next to me.

We walked in and ordered at the counter, I paid and she graciously thanked me. We sat down and waited for the food to come while making small talk. I was trying to ask leading questions to figure out how old she was but I also didn't want to make too big a deal about it or then maybe she would see it as a big deal. The most I could gather was she was a student; good enough for me. She asked me a lot of weight lifting questions and we talked about music and even some more serious current affairs. I was pleasantly surprised at her knowledge in so many areas. The food came, we ate, and talked and before I knew it I realized we were there about 2 hours.

As we walked to the car, it was definitely a little awkward-didn't quite know if I should make a move or anything. Nicole reached for me to give me a big hug and I pulled her close to me. Have I told you how good she smelled? Just from the hug I was immediately pretty hard, I felt like such a tool-hoping she didn't 'feel' it against her. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and then we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.

I hate to say it, but I thought about her a lot that night. I was definitely intrigued, and who am I kidding I was dying to taste that pussy. I actually prefer eating pussy to anything. I heard the incoming text and quickly grabbed my phone hoping it was Nicole (I know, how adolescent of me). I was happy to see it was. It was a quick thank you for dinner message, which I much appreciated. Note, ladies, any decent man won't mind paying, but at least show him the courtesy of saying thank you

The texting back and forth was innocent enough (she did tell me her age, 21), at least it started that way, then came a picture of her in a tiny little g-string, asking if I liked. I took a quick picture of my dick and sent it back to her adding that was the affect she had on me. She texted back her approval. It was getting late and I said goodnight.

I saw her in the gym the next day, she was doing legs, and every now and then I would peek over to watch her laying on her stomach on the hamstring machine, just imaging my face buried in her ass. When I finished my workout I say bye, and went out to the car. Before I even left the lot I got a text from her, asking what I was up to that night. I told her I had no plans and asked if she wanted to get together. She said she had an early morning, but said she could come by for a little right from the gym. I quickly said yes (maybe too quickly).

When she got there we just hung out on the patio for a little while just talking, we made some smoothies and sipped on those. I don't know what she was saying but I all I could think about was how much she turned me on. She just had this confidence/sexiness that is so unusual for such a young woman. Eventually I made a move and pulled her chair closer to me and kissed her. Nicole told me she had been waiting for that longer than I knew. We kissed some more, it was getting pretty hot when I asked if she wanted to go to my bedroom where we could get more comfortable. She said yes, as long as I was cool with us not having sex. (She had told me in a prior conversation that she was fairly inexperienced, but didn't elaborate more).

We fell onto my bed and resumed making out. I was grinding my rock hard dick into her shorts/panty covered mound. She started to moan a little, so I tried to press my luck a little. I slowly (to give her a chance to say no) slid her shorts off which was met with her lifting her butt off of the bed. She reminded me no sex, which I said I understood. I started to kiss her stomach and licked a little, tasting her saltiness from her workout. Now I know this makes me a pretty sick bastard, but I actually like the natural smell of a woman's pussy/ass, not that soapy fake, unnatural smell of soap. Anyway, I tried to lick a little lower than her bellybutton and she moaned in an approving way so I went a little lower and licked her inner thighs, nibbling on her; she was getting into it. I could see the dampness on the crotch of her panties, and put my mouth on her pussy right over her panties, she LOVED it. Then I tried to pull her panties aside, to lick her good, but she pulled me up to her. She said that there was some stuff she should tell me before I eat her out. I was thinking, "great. I am about to hear about her small case of herpes." But instead she told me that she had only been with 2 guys, and had never been eaten out before. I was pretty surprised, but whatever. I told her we didn't have to do anything she didn't want to, but she said she was curious, and wanted me to. She wanted to get up and shower/wash, but I told her how much it turned me on to eat her sweaty pussy. No judgments, I know I am a sick fuck

So I slid her panties off, and she had that perfect little simp pussy, you know where its just the line, no sign of lips. Please note, I like all pussy, but hers was perfect. I wanted to tease her a little before diving in, so I went back to licking her inner thighs, and even breathing right on her pussy, but not licking it. She was getting frustrated and I loved it. I gave it one very light lick starting at the bottom and she gasped. For someone so inexperienced, she was definitely a sexual person. I started to really get into it, I think that teasing her actually had the opposite affect, it made me hunger to eat her raw. I really got in there, and yes, it was a little salty from the sweat, but Goddamn it tasted good. Dare I say, a little sweet. I started to suck her clit lightly, which she loved and could tell she might cum pretty easily, so I took my mouth off and ran my tongue down the length of her snatch and then wandered even lower to her asshole (yes, sweaty ass, I know I am twisted, so what).

When I licked her ass she pulled up a little, like maybe she was a little uncomfortable with that. Another note, in my experience most women love their assholes licked, but the younger the woman the more unsure they are of you doing it Nonetheless, I licked her asshole some more and she started to really moan and her engorged clit was right above me. Now she said no fucking, but she didn't say anything about my nose, I was eating her so intensely that my nose was IN her pussy. Not near it, but in it. Here I am, face entirely covered in pussy, rubbing her clit, alternately licking between her asshole and pussy when Nicole started to hold her breath, and i could tell she was on the brink of cumming, so I kept doing exactly what i was doing, and she let loose, she didn't really moan and louder, but her pussy gushed soaking my sheets with her juices.

Now she was very upfront about the no sex, so I didn't expect anything and was resigned to finishing myself off when she left, but she offered to give me a blow job. I would love to tell you about how good she sucked my cock, but in all honesty it was terrible. Lots of teeth, not enough spit, and too methodical. I much prefer when a girl gets completely nasty spitting all over my cock, rubbing it on her face, etc. After a few minutes she could tell I wasn't going to cum, and said fuck it, lets have sex. I asked if she were sure, and she said yes. I grabbed a condom and tried to ease into her. I am not huge by any stretch, but she had the tightest pussy I have ever been in. I started really slowly, and was able to get about 2/3 in and we settled into a rhythm. God, she felt so fucking good. Her tightness, the way her little pussy looked wrapping around my dick, how wet she was, and getting wetter by the second. I was now all the way in, and we were now going at it pretty good, but yeah between the feel of her pussy, and the thoughts of me licking her ass and pussy moments before made me really close to spilling my cum into the condom. I quickly rolled her onto her side and we fucked like that when i spit on my hand to rub her clit, hoping to get her off before i finished, which wasn't going to be long. Unfortunately the sight of her asshole while I was fucking her on her side was too much and I erupted into the condom. I got up to clean myself up and went back into the bed to join Nicole. That was when she said she wanted to tell me something.

Whenever a woman starts off with "I need to tell you something" or "promise to not get mad" you are in for some trouble. She said both. She started by saying that she wanted me to know she really liked me and that's why she did what she did. Losing patience, i asked her what did she do. It was a matter of a few seconds, but i was trying to figure out what it was…did she have a boyfriend? Was it someone i knew? Nicole interrupted my thoughts with, "I may have lied a little about my age". My heart sunk. I saw myself in prison gear labeled a pedophile. She said she was 18, which based on the previous lie I didn't believe and asked to see ID. She showed me, and yes she was 18-but had just turned 18 a month prior. I felt like a total fucking pervert. Here I was, 35, just finished eating her 18 year old ass, pussy, and fucking the shit out of her. I reminded her that she told me she was in school, was that a lie too? She half grinned and said yes, she was a senior in high school. Holy shit. Now, I have this high school senior, laying in my bed freshly fucked. I thought to myself that i may not go to prison, but i am definitely going to hell.

Now this is the part of the story where I am suppose to tell you that I told Nicole goodbye and that this could never happen again, and how wrong it is, and how she should be thinking of prom and not fucking me; but i didn't tell her any of that. I wanted to. But I could smell her pussy all over me, and it smelled so good. And her pussy felt so good, and she looked so good in my bed. Look, I know it was wrong, and I try to be a decent human; lets just say I lost this moral battle with my conscience.

The next day Nicole texted me, and we decided to get together later to talk about all this further. I debated telling her we cant do this anymore, and even attempted to when she got there, but then she leaned against me and I was instantly hard and before you know it I had her bent over my bathroom sink, with her asscheeks spread, licking her asshole while fingering her pussy. She quickly spun around and grabbed my dick, bringing it to the entry of her pussy. I offered to go grab a condom, but she said i didn't need one bc she was on the pill (irregular periods). As I started to push my bare cock into her warm snatch I hoped that her saying she was on the pill wasn't another lie. It didn't matter. She could have told me she was fertile and unprotected and at that second it wouldn't have changed anything. My cock betrayed my brain, and I pushed all the way in.

She was sitting on the bathroom vanity, while i was pumping her, with my hands on the mirror to get as deep as i could. Again, because i was so turned on, I knew I wasn't going to last too long; I needed a quick break and pulled out and started to tongue her pussy. It honestly tasted sweet (but not artificially); to this day i have never tasted better pussy in my life. She started to cum while I was fingering and sucking her clit. She wanted me back inside of her, so i slightly bent her over the vanity, and reinserted my dick, surprised at how much easier i was going in (i had a fleeting thought of guilt about wrecking this tiny, perfect pussy. Fleeting). As i was pumping her i spread her asscheeks a little and could see her perfectly puckered asshole. This was a mistake, as I know that the view of a nice asshole while I am stroking inside a tight snatch will quickly send me over the edge. This time was no different, and as I screamed out that I was going to cum, and went to pull out, Nicole just thrusted forward and told me to cum in her. Another bad idea, but I couldn't have pulled out of her if my life depended on it. I pumped that little pussy full of cum, feeling the contractions 5-6 times. By the time she left that day, I had filled her full of three loads that day.

I have lots more of my time with Nicole if there is any interest. Please refrain from telling me how uncool it was to fuck an 18 year old. I am well aware.



  1. She’s Legal, she was willing, you didn’t force anything and she came back for more… Relax…

  2. Love the story, and looking forward to hearing more about Nicole.

  3. Uncool?! No way. I want to high five your hand straight off. Would LOVE to find someone like her at my age. Hell, you did her future bf or husband a solid.

  4. Bro i wish to shake your hand you are my hero i hope your still fucking that Pretty young pussy cuz i wish i was as i was Reading this high five all day man

  5. You bastard how dare you fuck an 18 year old!! Lol just kidding. Reading this makes me want to write about how I fucked a 19 year old and her 40 year old mom ( separately)

  6. You write the best stories in this sub. The bareback element that works its way in to them is so hot. I always feel like I haven’t really fucked a girl until we’ve gotten rid of the condoms, and the way most of your stories have the women insisting on you not pulling out is perfect.

  7. It’s uncool to be a 35 year old who is trolling around for 18 year olds and being a sleazeball about it. It’s not uncool to connect with someone and hook up with someone into you and willing. It’s not like you traded sex for buying her beer.

  8. > and she had that perfect little simp pussy That’s funny, only because of Reddit do I even know what that is.

  9. Legal is legal, and this is incredibly well written. Edit: can relate to some degree: 5 year age gap between my girlfriend and I and we first fucked when she was 19…

  10. Yes, more stories with her please! I hope I still get to fuck 18 year olds when I’m your age!

  11. > She wanted to get up and shower/wash, but I told her how much it turned me on to eat her sweaty pussy. No judgments, I know I am a sick fuck Dude, that sweet-sour-salty is the best. I’d almost fucking die for it.

  12. This. You have nothing to be ashamed about. When I was 34 I fucked a 22 year old. Now we’re married with a cat and 2 kids.

  13. At first I was like whoa there and then I saw you hav a cat together so all good

  14. >I am 6’1, 210, shaved head, blue eyes, tattoos, muscular build How many times have you been in prison?

  15. This is so hot. When I was 18 I fucked a guy in his mid-30s, not nearly as hot as you sound though.

  16. I assume you are joking, but for what its worth. None. I have a graduate degree (well educated), and if you can’t tell yet, I am fairly articulate.

  17. Thanks :) We definitely had amazing sex all the time. And as she got more comfortable, she got insanely kinky.

  18. We are some sick bastards, you and I! I LOVE that smell, there is nothing like it!

  19. Will do! I am sure you will, just don’t let yourself go and you will be fine.

  20. I only know if it because I have a buddy who told me, I was never much of a Simpson’s fan, but when he explained it I laughed my ass off.

  21. I appreciate that; I just felt like maybe I should have used better judgment, but whatever!

  22. Thank you. I agree about the condom thing. One thing I have learned is that most women like you cumming inside of them as much as you like doing it.

  23. I appreciate it. You will hear more about our escapades together when I have some time.

  24. She is 100% against that, and I am pretty sure she is on here (I told her about it)

  25. Good:) We are usually a nice option as we have our shit together, and have some experience (life + fucking)

  26. Thanks! But I cant imagine I did them a solid. We had an insane amount of sex that got progressively dirtier, kinkier.

  27. many men would want a girl who was into some dirty sex. It’s probably still a solid

  28. Now that was amazing. Do you have any pics of her you could share? I think pics of all that cum dripping out of an 18 year old pussy would blow up GWS

  29. In my Country, 16 is the legal age of consent. No problemo.

  30. Dude, I’m 31 and I’ve been fucking a 19yr old. No shame. And yes, we were fucking when she was 18. Legal is legal. She wanted it, you wanted, consent is there. You’re not going to hell. You forget the times where we married and fucked women by the time they were 13.

  31. He’s talking about that mugshot of the one dude who’s bald with blue eyes that women were going nuts for on the internet and saying how they would do him although he was a jail bird.

  32. Clivebixbyfl. First off great screen name. Secondly amazing story please tell more of nichole

  33. Thanks, I am sure the name gets lost on most. Will tell more about her when I have a little time, there are plenty Nicole stories.

  34. Good to hear you are in on it too! I don’t want to be the only one!

  35. I want to hear more, but I just want to know if you ever engaged in anal with her?

  36. Lmao no worries there man. There’s so many more of us out there

  37. Same here, except sans the marriage and cat and 2 kids. And I even broke it off at one point but she wouldn’t let it stop.

  38. All good, brother! I remember seeing that clown in the news. I am sure he got more pussy than he could handle, all by I getting arrested. Only in America.

  39. That story got me hot reminding me of when I was younger. Glad I found myself an older man like yourself to eat my ass and pussy when I was 18. Nicole is a lucky girl to have someone experienced teaching her a few things ;)

  40. I’m happy you got the same treatment. Every 18 year old girl needs their pussy and ass eaten. And most guys that age don’t eat pussy (or eat it well), and few eat their ass! Good times.

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