(M)y (f)irst part 4: plan B

Link to part 3: https://www.reddit.com/over18?dest=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fgonewildstories%2Fcomments%2F37wmi9%2Fmy_first_part_3_first_date%2F%3Fsort%3Dconfidence

So about a month had passed since our first real date, and Kristine and I were hitting it off great. We didn't really text back and forth too often other than to make plans, but any time I didn't spend with my friends I spent with her. We'd meet up to study, watch movies, eat, smoke, fuck, or some combination of the above. Obviously the most important of these was sex, and literally a day didn't go by where we didn't at least have a quickie. Our friends picked up on this pretty quickly and started thinking of and taking about us as a couple. But a couple we definitely were not, as I'd yet to receive a blowjob from her. Honestly, I was pretty happy with where we were. I'd define it as good friends with benefits. I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to be in a relationship with this girl, but I also didn't really give it much thought.

One night, as we cuddled in my bed while watching a movie, Kristine asked why I never came over to her place whereas she was sleeping at my place more nights than not. Huh. I actually hadn't really thought about that. I guess I was just used to people coming to my place to hang out. I told her such and told her I'd come over after classes ended tomorrow and spend the night at her place.

Tomorrow came, classes ended, and I headed over to her dorm. She lived on the 19th floor of a high rise dorm, and since I'd lived in my frat house for the past few years it was a nice change of pace to spend some time there. We hung out for a bit, smoking a couple joints and sharing music, then went out for a late dinner and a movie. Upon coming back, she came to a sudden halt as she stepped out of the elevator. I stepped out quizzically, curious as to what had made her stop. Each floor of her dorm had a communal lounge with a TV, some couches, and some chairs. These lounges had glass walls, and through the wall I could see a guy working on a bike. I'd never met him before, but I knew from Facebook that the guy was her ex, Victor. Now, I didn't really know much about him since she never spoke about him and I never asked, but Jeff told me when I first started regularly seeing Kristine that it hadn't been too long since she and Victor had broken up. Apparently he'd cheated on her, got dumped, then incessantly begged her for a second chance, which he never got. I honestly didn't care, but I could tell that she was bothered by his presence since he didn't live in her dorm and had no other reason to be there. He came out of the lounge when he saw us, and she introduced the two of us. It was pretty clear that he wanted to talk to her and, to be honest, I didn't want to step in. I wasn't her boyfriend after all, if she wanted to talk to her ex or even get back together with him, that was her decision. I excused myself to use the bathroom and went to her room. I stepped in and sat there for a couple minutes, and couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. Wait, why did I even care? I mean, yeah if they got back together then I couldn't have sex with her, but it wasn't like she was the only girl on campus or anything. But the more I sat there, the more it bothered me. That prick had been sitting there waiting for her, likely knowing that she was out with me and would be coming home with me. At the very least, he knew that we'd been regularly screwing since he was friends with Jeff. But still, that wasn't my problem. We were just friends with benefits. Right? Right??


I liked this girl. Try as I might, there was no denying it; she was more than just a friend to me, and it was pissing me off that she was sitting in a lounge with her ex while I was sitting in her room.

I walked out of her room and two doors down to the lounge where the two were still sitting, on opposite couches, awkwardly talking about who knows what. I tried to slam the door open, but the door jam resisted and instead it just pushed opened slightly. Dammit. They both turned when they heard me enter and I walked up to Kristine and kissed her hard, putting my hands on her face and pulling her in. She sat there, shocked, then began kissing back, right in front of Victor. He sat there, also shocked, before exclaiming, "dude, what the fuck?!" I didn't break the kiss off, instead flicking him off while I moved my other hand to the back of her neck and pulled her in even closer. "Bro we were fucking talking what the hell". I broke off the kiss at this point and looked at him. "Go fuck yourself 'bro'. I'm gonna fuck Kristine." With that, I grabbed her hand and led her out of the lounge and into her room.

As soon as the door to her dorm closed I pushed her against it and resumed attacking her mouth. I tend to be an ass a lot of the time, but I'm also really stoned most of the time so I don't really pick fights or act super "alpha" very often. I almost couldn't believe what I'd just done. Adrenaline was pumping through me and the only thing I wanted to do now was pump Kristine full of my cum. We continued to make out against her door, then I slammed her against it hard so that the fucker could hear if he was still outside. I don't know if he did, but one of her roommates did. She popped her head out to see what was going on, saw us against the door, squeaked an apology, then retreated into her room and slammed the door shut. Kristine pulled away, blushing. Apparently her roommate was super conservative and had never even kissed a guy before. That kinda killed the mood, and we decided to move to her room out of consideration for her roommate. She had two roommates, but they each had single rooms. Only the living room, kitchen, and bathroom were shared.

Once we were in her room, she collapsed onto her bed. She seemed a bit emotionally shaken, so I asked her if she was okay and she replied, "fuck me hard." What. I mean, I wasn't going to say no, but…I hesitated, and she repeated, "fuck me. Fuck me hard and make me scream. Fuck me in the ass, slap me, treat me like a whore, do whatever. Just fuck me as hard as you can and make me scream. I promise I can take it. I know he's still out there and I want him to hear it." Damn. Clearly she wasn't completely over him yet, but I really didn't care. If I was hard before, I had a diamond in my pants now. I flipped her onto her knees then quickly pulled my pants and boxers down as I climbed onto the bed behind her. I pulled her pants and panties down in one go as well and prepared to enter her. Then I remembered her saying slap me so…I spanked her. Not too hard, as I wasn't sure how hard she wanted to be fucked, but hard enough that she moaned. Loudly. I'm sure part of her was trying to be louder than usual, but I didn't care. That was all the encouragement I needed. I slapped her harder this time, my hand leaving a red welt on her ass, and she moaned even louder. I could see her pussy glistening wet, dripping with excitement, and since my cock felt like it was going to burst I got behind her and thrust in all the way. She screamed and I immediately pulled out all the way before slamming back in again. I'd literally never fucked a girl this hard before, and her bed frame shook and slid on the floor as I basically tried to destroy her pussy. Her ass was bright red from all the spanking and I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled, hard, pulling her head back so far that her back arched upwards. She was screaming this whole time, loud enough that I'm sure her entire hall could hear. I could already feel that I wasn't going to last much longer, but I didn't slow down or pull out. Instead I fucked her even harder and faster as she gripped onto the bed posts to prevent from being slammed into the front of her bed frame. After a few more thrusts, I got close and grunted in her ear that I was going to cum.


I didn't care at all that this was all fueled by her resentment towards her ex, this was the craziest sex I'd ever had in my life. I thrust a few more times and then gave one last big thrust as I came, hard, cock pulsing as I shot stream after stream straight into her pussy. Shit. It just hit me that I hadn't even put a condom on. Shit shit shit. Kristine, however, didn't seem to care. The instant she felt my cum fill her insides, her arms gave out and she fell to the bed as she screamed and came. I thought she was faking it to make Victor more jealous or angry, but I didn't care. If I felt like an alpha before, I felt like a god now. Except just like Zeus, I may have accidentally gotten a girl pregnant. Completely spent, I turned to the side and collapsed next to her before breaking the news.

"Uhh so I kinda forgot to use a condom…" "I know. I love the feeling of cum inside of me." "Are you taking birth control?" "No but I can just get a morning after pill. " "Let me go get that for you."

As much as I trusted her, I still felt safer getting the pill myself and seeing her take it. I'd actually never had to use one before, so I didn't know when the active time frame was, but I figured sooner would be better than later and quickly threw my clothes on and walked out her door. As I walked towards the main door, her roommate came out of her room. We made eye contact before she squeaked and ran back into her room, bright red. Woops. Had completely forgotten she was there. Oh well! I walked out the main door and into the hall. Victor was nowhere to be seen. I guess hearing his ex who he still wanted to get back together with getting fucked hard wasn't his cup of tea. There were some other people in the lounge though, two girls and a guy. The two girls were saying something then immediately stopped when they saw me and turned bright red, focusing intensely on their laptops. The guy looked at me, giving me a huge grin and a thumbs up, and I nodded in his direction before sauntering off to the elevator.

I walked over to the CVS a couple blocks away and awkwardly made my way over to the family planning section. The adrenaline rush was over now, and I went from feeling like a god back to alpha back to my normal stoned self. My awkwardness must've been apparent as an employee came up to me and asked if I needed help with anything. I looked down and mumbled that I needed a morning after pill. She grabbed one off the shelf directly in front of me, then smiled and joked, "remember, the girl takes it. Not you!" I took the box and ran to the counter to check out and go. Wait $40? Dammit I had no clue this cost so much. Note to self, never forget a condom again. Well, mission accomplished at least. I headed back to her place and gave her the pill and a cup of water. She sat up after taking it and I asked if she was okay.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about all that." "Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm the one who came out and interrupted you two anyway." "Thank you for that. But really, I shouldn't have involved you with my ex, especially since we're just fuck buddies."



I laughed a little, trying not to give away what had motivated me to go out and kiss her so brazenly, and dismissed her apology again. We're friends, right? Friends get each other out of awkward situations like that, right? I asked her again if she was okay, then made some bullshit up about how I'd run into a brother at CVS and promised him I'd come help him with some planning before it got too late. She seemed pretty drained, more emotionally than physically, and said sure, asking if I was still planning on sleeping over. I told her I'd come over again if we finished planning early, but that I'd probably stay home if it got too late. I kissed her goodbye and headed back to my place.

Once home, I knocked on my neighbor's door with my bong in one hand a fifth of gin in the other. Care to join? Why yes, he did. He came over and we sat in my room, pounding shots and ripping bowls while we played Smash. I'm normally not a heavy drinker, but I wanted to get drunk tonight so I went pretty hard without pacing or keeping track. I'd lived next door to this guy for nearly 3 years now, and even when we moved from the second floor (underclassmen) to the third floor (upperclassmen), we deliberately chose rooms next to each other. He could tell something was bothering me, but he didn't push the issue, instead pushing shots. I'm a pretty expressive drunk, and soon I was recounting the nights events to him. He listened to me rant, then simply replied, "if she's more than a friend to you, then tell her that. She might've said you were just a friend and it seems like she's still not over her ex, but you two look like more than just friends from my perspective."

That was all the advice I needed and I quickly thanked him, took another shot of liquid courage, and then headed back to her dorm. It was around 2:30AM at this point, and I drunkenly stumbled up to the entrance to her dorm. The dorms at my school require you to swipe your student ID and input your PIN to get in, and it was quite the struggle to accomplish this drunk. God damn I was glad I lived in a frat house and didn't have to do this on a daily basis. I made my way to her room and barged in, any attempts at subtlety failing. Now, in my drunkenness, I'd forgotten that only residents of dorms can swipe in after 2AM. Someone came out of the third room and asked who I was, probably thinking I was some drunk kid who'd stumbled into the wrong room. I'd never seen her before, didn't even realize it was her second roommate (or remember that she had a second roommate for that matter), and yelled that I was there to fuck Kristine and make her mine. She must've realized who I was, because she laughed and pointed me in the direction of Kristine's door, probably to make sure I didn't accidentally go into the wrong room.

I stumbled in and Kristine was fast asleep on her bed where I'd left her. I stripped naked with some difficulty then climbed onto her bed before ripping the sheet off of her. She was completely naked underneath, and I immediately leaned onto her to kiss her neck and ears. She woke, surprised, then realized it was me and calmed down. Now at this point, I'd like to tell you that I clearly articulated my feelings and then had amazing sex with her, but I was way too drunk. But not too drunk to get it up! I may have a small penis and occasional trouble with premature ejaculation, but getting an erection was never a problem for me, sober or drunk. I drunkenly shoved myself in her direction, struggling to get it in in the darkness. She took my cock in her hand and rubbed it against her pussy, then slipped a condom on before slowly guiding it in. (so much for my note to self lol) As soon as I felt myself inside of her I began jackhammering her pussy like a horny rabbit, slipping out on more than one occasion. After I slipped out for the third or so time and almost fell off her bed, Kristine pushed me off and then pushed me onto my back. She gripped my cock with one hand and then climbed on top of me, slowly lowering herself down on me. I love cowgirl and reverse cowgirl, and so I excitedly grabbed at her hips and tried to start thrusting, but she pushed me down and began riding me. It felt great, for less than a minute. Then I passed out.

I woke up early the next morning, hungover as fuck, and tried to remember what exactly had happened the night before. Did I told her how I felt? Did she respond? Did I even finish? I was too hungover and embarrassed to deal with all that, so I got out of bed, put on what clothes I could find, and stumbled back to my frat house. I fell asleep on the pool table in our common room, only to be woken up by Jeff. That motherfucker. I was still hungover as shit, but apparently Kristine had woken up, looked for me, called me, realized I'd left my phone at her place, and then called Jeff to see if he knew where I was. I told him to fuck off, so he took it as a sign that I was hungover but okay and told her so before half carrying me up to my room and throwing me in bed, upon which I went straight back to sleep.

Part 4 ends here! Sorry if there's too much exposition and not enough sex in these stories. I can definitely skip some of the background stuff if it isn't interesting.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3813ht/my_first_part_4_plan_b


  1. Your story pace is perfect, and the details make it come alive. There are pure sex-only relationships, but so many more are like yours, fluid and dynamic and complicated and interesting.

  2. Spoiler alert: yes I’ll most likely end up writing about that experience at some point!

  3. Thanks! Really glad to hear people are liking my story. I’m relatively new to the sub so I wasn’t sure if my type of story fit in here.

  4. I like it, am a bit hooked. Actually disappointed and happy that things aren’t resolved. This is a very good story.

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