(M)y (f)irst part 3: first date

Edit: link to part 2 https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/37lc2q/my_first_part_2_eeeeeeeeva/

I woke up the next morning to hair tickling my face. Kristine was still asleep, one of my arms still draped over her, and I took care to not wake her as I sat up and reached for my phone. It was pretty early, but I usually had trouble sleeping in anyway, so I got up, went to the bathroom, and climbed out the window to stand on the roof of my house and smoke a cigarette. One of my housemates must've heard me, since he came out to join me with a joint. We smoked and chilled for a bit, then I headed back in and to my room. To my surprise, Kristine was already gone. I'd kinda been planning on waking her up and fucking her, so I was a bit disappointed. Her body actually reminded me a lot of Lily Thai's, though I think Kristine is taller, so I watched some videos of her getting railed by massive black cocks and rubbed one out before taking a shower and heading out to class.

I walked out of my last class and started heading home, checking my phone as I did. Lo and behold there was a text from Kristine, apologizing for leaving without saying anything. I dismissed her apology, apologizing myself for not waking her and leaving her alone in my room. She then asked if I'd be interested in having a meal together, but sober, noting that both times we'd spent time together, we'd both been "really really high". Little did she know, I was always high. Hahahahaha. But I felt a combination of surprise, happiness, and even a little excitement when I read her text. For some reason, I'd assumed that this was a purely physical thing from her perspective, and so I hadn't really invested much in her emotionally or considered anything beyond friends with benefits. I thought she was cool though, and definitely wanted to get to know her better, so I asked her if she had any good food allergies and told her I'd pick her up at 7 for dinner.

I was a pretty poor college student at the time (now a poor college grad), but I knew of a few hole in the wall restaurants with great food at reasonable prices. I put on a grey, white, and black checkered flannel, black jeans, and a pair of white Radii sneakers and quickly jerked off before heading to her dorm. Sure, we were only scheduled for dinner and supposedly both sober (I was at my normal high), but I figured there was still a chance for sex and liked masturbating before sex so I could last longer. Her dorm was conveniently the closest one to my house, just across the street and around the corner, so I actually got there before 7 and texted her from the lobby. I browsed Facebook on my phone absent-mindedly, occasionally looking up, until I saw her walking out of the elevator. She was wearing a spaghetti strap top, red bra clearly visible through the thin white fabric, with a cardigan and another pair of tight fitting jeans. Guess she wasn't one for skirts, but I didn't really mind; her jeans showed her ass and legs off pretty well. Disclaimer, I might describe some female clothing with the wrong terms. Definitely not my forte. We made eye contact and her face lit up as she walked towards me. I walked forward a bit and gave her a hug before leading the way out to the restaurant, a pub in a little corner a couple blocks behind my house.

We sat at my usual table and I said hi to the waitress, who I knew on a first name basis. She'd seen me bring other girls before, so she gave me a little knowing smirk before asking if I wanted my regular, a burger with onion rings and mushrooms in it. Yep, no changes there. And for the lady? To my surprise, she got a bacon cheeseburger. Given this was our first real date, I'd fully been expecting her to order a salad, Instagram it, then take a few bites before talking about how full she was. Nope. I thought this was pretty cool, at the very least different. We talked while we ate, starting with basic stuff like what we were studying, where we were from, and what we were involved with on campus. It turned out she was a business student studying finance and statistics. At my college, there are separate schools depending on major. All on the same campus, but people tended to hang out with people in their school since the schools occupied different parts of campus and there wasn't much course overlap. I was enrolled in both the engineering and liberal arts schools because I was doing a combined program in artificial intelligence, and I'd never really interacted with people in the business school before. I made a few jokes about our business school's stereotypes, like how everybody wants to do finance and work for a big bank and make lots of money. She looked offended when I brought this up, then realized I was joking and started telling me about her interests. Turns out she was primarily interested in social entrepreneurship and ethical business, which genuinely surprised me. It's honestly hard to find people in the business school at my college that care about things other than money and, to be honest, I'd kinda judged her as just another stereotypical Asian girl who came to a good college to get a good job and make lots of money. Not that there's anything wrong with that; it was just nice to have my expectations thrown out the window. We talked more and more as we ate, and before I realized it I was done with my food. I looked and saw that she was done as well. Damn. This girl was pretty real and I really liked that. I asked her if she wanted to come back to my place to talk some more, and she happily agreed. I led her back to my place and up to my room, where we sat on my futon and just talked about more personal things now, like family and what made us choose this particular college. The more I learned about her, the more I wanted to learn about her. She was honestly the first girl I'd met in college that I found so interesting and intriguing. We also seemed to align on many values and, of course, we both smoked a lot of weed, though I definitely smoked more than she did.

The bong came out again as talk of weed was mentioned, and she commented on how it was the biggest she'd ever seen and how good it felt in her hands. I knew she was talking about the bong and not my dick, but that didn't stop me from getting a little hard haha. I went to play some music and we just smoked and listened to music for a bit while talking more. Suddenly she stopped and seemed to focus only on the music, entranced by the current song. She asked me what song it was and I replied (A Heavy Abacus by A Joy Formidable, remixed by Qulinez) while moving to my desktop to check the repeat button on my media player.

Before I could turn around I felt her chest pressing into my back and her hands reaching around to undo my belt. She fumbled with it a bit before I helped her and turned around, kissing her as soon as we were facing each other. She got down on her knees and pulled my boxers down, and my dick jumped to attention at the anticipation of getting a blowjob. Nope. Still only for boyfriends apparently, but she took my hard cock in one hand and started stroking it. I'm usually not a fan of handjobs because chances are I've masturbated more often than the girl has given handjobs and have better technique than she does. Kristine, however, gave me the best handjob I've ever gotten. She spit on her hands and my cock before taking my shaft in one hand, constantly pumping up and down but alternating between short, fast strokes and long, slow ones. She used her free hand to rub the head of my cock, occasionally switching to fondle my balls whenever the head got too sensitive. While her mouth never actually touched my dick or balls, she kept leaning close and breathing on them, and the feeling of her breath would send shivers through my body. I'd already cum twice that day, but I soon felt a third coming and when I let her know she quickly put both palms on my shaft and began rubbing it between them as if she was trying to start a fire with my cock. I came after a few seconds of this and she quickly grabbed my cock with one hand, milking my cum out onto the palm of her other hand. Unfortunately, I barely shot anything out, dribbling a few weak streams onto her hand. She looked up at me and smiled before lapping up the cum from her hand.

Exhausted, I moved towards my bed and sat down, but she wasn't done. She climbed onto my bed and pushed me down, getting on top of me. "Maybe you won't cum so quickly this time", she said playfully with a smirk, before pulling a condom out of her purse. She spit in her palm again, stroking my now soft but still sensitive dick. Unfortunately, the most I could muster was a few weak throbs; as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't get hard that quickly after cumming given that it was my third orgasm of the day. She gave a disappointed look so I told her I'd already cum twice that day, once from wanting to fuck her in the morning and once so I could last longer with her. She laughed about how we had the same idea and said it was okay, cuddling up next to me as I lay there, still exhausted. I tried to recover and considered just letting the night end there, but I could tell she was horny and unsatisfied. Her legs wrapped around me, so I raised one leg to press it between hers, and she slowly started humping my thigh, breathing heavier and letting out the occasional weak moan.

Alright, as tired as I was, I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I made a hot girl get herself off, especially when she'd just made me cum and was clearly incredibly horny. I turned so I was kneeling on top of her, one knee between her legs, and pressed upwards. She moaned and I began kissing her while replacing my knee with my hand. She moaned into my mouth as I rubbed her inner thighs, still fully clothed, then I started undoing and removing her pants. Unfortunately, skinny jeans again, and I started struggling when they got just above the knees. Meh, the part I cared about was exposed. I left her pants there, then began rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties, a lacy red pair that matched her bra. She pulled away and gasped, "please" and I couldn't help but smile. She just looked so cute, dripping wet and even saying please. "Please what?" She didn't manage any words this time, just moaning in frustration. "I'm sorry I didn't catch that. Please what?" "PLEASE FINGER ME AND MAKE ME CUM" she yelled. Holy shit hadn't been expecting that. But I definitely couldn't say no now, even though I was incredibly tempted to tease her and send her home without letting her cum. I decided she was wet enough and pulled her panties to the side and went straight for two fingers, pushing them in to the knuckles. She shuddered and moaned even louder this time, and I left my fingers there for awhile while she squirmed around them. At this point, I realized A Heavy Abacus had been looping this whole time and was still playing, so I pulled my fingers out, pulled her panties down to her jeans, and resumed fingering her, this time matching the beat of the song. It took her a bit to realize what I was doing, but the instant she did she opened her eyes to look at me and I could tell she knew. I continued going at it, and the song soon ended so I also stopped, until of course the song started up again. It was better this time, as I could start slow and build up as the song built up, and I was really getting into it when the drop hit. Now, it's kind of a slow song, so the drop isn't really intense or anything, but I started reaching in deep and hard and soon she was cumming, gripping at my sheets while twisting and turning underneath me.

She finished, body going limp with exhaustion, but the song wasn't done and so neither was I. I kept going at it, occasionally using my other hand to play with her clit. The song looped again, and when the next drop came, I moved off her and flipped her onto her hands and knees then inserted a finger into her asshole. I felt her pussy clamping down on the two fingers still moving in and out of her, and she came again as I penetrated both of her holes with my long, slender fingers. Of course, the song still wasn't over and so neither was I. I flipped her back onto her back and decided to focus only on her clit this time. She was extremely sensitive at this point and struggled to move away while moaning, almost screaming, as I ran circles around her clit, lightly breathing on it and occasionally stroking it. The drop came again and I moved my head down to suck her clit. I knew she didn't like being eaten out, but I figured this didn't count since I was just sucking on her clit. Besides, I'd already done it once before and she seemed to enjoy it. She enjoyed it this time as well, as she shook in the throes of her third orgasm. I swear, this girl was an orgasm factory. I'm not even trying to humble brag here, I know I'm not THAT good in bed and I'd never been able to make a girl cum this many times before in such a short time, but Kristine seemed to get off on my every touch. The song was still looping of course, and while she looked exhausted she still hadn't told me to stop, so I kept going. This time, when the big drop came, I pulled away slightly and she took this chance to utter, "please". I didn't need any more encouragement and I thrust my fingers in again, this time managing to fit a third, albeit with some difficulty. The extra girth made her shake and scream as she came yet again. Holy shit this felt great. I felt like the most alpha of alpha males with how I was making this girl cum. And I wasn't stopping until she said stop. The song ended again, and so I stopped briefly. "Please". Again? Damn, this girl might have a higher sex drive than I do. I moved my fingers back up from her thighs to her pussy but she weakly pushed them away and managed to utter, "stop". Oh. Shit. I immediately stopped, worried that I'd crossed a line, the little bit of oral I'd given her coming to mind. I sat there nervously, horny as hell, while she lay there panting and occasionally making weak sounds.

"You…uhh….okay?" I asked. "Need. Break. Too. Much." she managed to gasp out between heavy breaths. Immediately my concern went away and I started chuckling with a huge grin on my face. I patted her on the head lightly then cuddled up behind her, putting one arm under her and one around her. I was incredibly horny and felt myself hardening slightly, but it didn't look like Kristine was going to be getting up any time soon, so I got comfortable and dozed off to the sounds of Kristine whimpering in her sleep.

Part 3 done! Thanks to those that have been reading. Will the nightstand make a comeback in part 4?!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/37wmi9/my_first_part_3_first_date


  1. Right? She’s a pretty cool girl. Part 4 is going up now and there’s a bit more development on that front. Thanks for continuing to read!

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