The weekend Sex adventure from Hell! [M/f/f and m?] (Kinky, Funny and OMGWTF!) Part 2 of 2

Continuation of Part 1

Recap: Val and I meet up for some sexy fun time on an anticipated 4 day weekend. We head over to her friend Chel's place where I'm introduced to what turns out to be a weekend filled with hedonism and debauchery of the best kind. While shying away from the sexcapades at first, Chel joins the fun to what turns out to be the single most memorable 3-way of our lives.

Day 2 continues – Threesome fun

Chel's face down prone form is still a loaf of bliss and erotic sensations. Still recovering from her monumental orgasm, she has little strength left to fend of our ass-sault on her helpless lady parts. Val is probing her pussy with fingering and clit rubbing while I've moved on from her now plugged ass to massaging her tense muscles and shoulders. Poor Chel can do little but occasionally protest through whimpers and grunts of misguided disapproval. "please… let me.. uuuughhh… rest". Having none of that, Val and I redouble our efforts and turn our hapless Hostess into a vessel of sensual desire. Our persistence pays off as Chel starts to move and gyrate with the motions of Val's probing. While still silent as ever, her hips and bubble butt ass thrust back and forth into her best friends soaked fingers.

Without warning, Chel gets up on her hands and knees, climbs up on her best friend and tosses Vals legs around her own hips. Bending forward, the chubby little legs of Val's are trusted high in the air and both girls pussies and asses are exposed and spread wide for further probing. Val wraps her arms around Chel's neck and the two lock lips in passionate kisses and tonguing. I'm left out of this two-some and sit back to enjoy a lecherous view of two hips grinding into each others lady parts. I'm taking mental snapshots of the sight and loving every moment of it. Chel with her trimmed dark-blonde pubic hair (butt plug still secured in its place) and Val's shaved stubble of raw used pussy lips grinding each other together. It's lusty perfection is seared into my mind forever and I still think back fondly of that moment.

With my mental photography satisfied, I take action in finally adding 1 to this current 2-some. Grabbing a fresh vibrator from the dresser of sinful pleasure, I position myself behind our blonde vixen and slowly slide the lubed toy into her dripping pussy. Making no noise or indication that she doesn't want me to proceed, I turn on the oscillation setting and that gets her going. The otherwise quiet Chel starts moaning softly and this gets Val worked up as well. They embrace further and the kisses turn into sensitive necks and upper chest licks. I grab another toy, find Val's pussy and insert the dildo nearly to its hilt. No tightness there, she's as loose and revved up as they come. The two are in high heaven but Chel wants something new. She breaks the embrace, slides down the middle of the bed and positions her head right between the legs of Val. Out comes the dildo and in comes the tongue. Val instantly reacts and grabs the bedsheets as if holding on to dear life. I'm treated with a facedown, ass up Chel buried nose deep into the pussy of Val.

Each lap of Chel's tongue sends involentary quivers of pleasure up Val's spine. I'm looking at the near perfect behind of Chel with her legs spread open and both holes occupied with toys of my own insertion. My aching cock finishes become rock hard once again (woo hoo! thank you male enhancement pills!) and I re-position myself directly behind the blonde's awaiting ass. With condom secure in place, I pull out the vibrator with a smooth pop and point my now throbbing dick at her moist hole. Again, wait for the protest and get no response from the shy bi-female. My cock slides in with minimal effort and my hands wrap firmly around her silky hips.

Chel's pussy is near sizzling with heat and raw animal juicies. I recall the first thrusts were like inserting myself into an oven. She was tight but only at first. I'm not a big man but I've got some girth down below and its been known to cause problems. No protests from Chel however and I start to pump and buck into her. Pure bliss and she is returning the motions with small bucks and movements of her own. Val is getting eaten out, Chel is face deep in her pussy and I'm enjoying the beautiful sight before me as my cock is being milked by one of the best frames I'd ever fucked.

I pull out the buttplug and press my thumb on her awaiting anus. This causes her to gasp in one of the few audible moans she gives throughout the night. Her focus shifted to her own pussy and backdoor pleasure, Chel manages to let out, "No… ughh, anal. Just this". My inner soul slightly crushed at the denial of butt loving pleasure from this blonde goddess, I comply and become content with her hungry cunt.

The memorable event comes to its peek when Chel starts to buck violently followed by soft moans signaling Val to cum hard yet again from oral sensations. I finally cum myself as my thumb massages her rectum. I pull out the thumb just she nears her orgasm. Chel damn near bucks me right off the bed from the pleasure and she collapses into the frog position. All of us spent from the evenings entertainment.

Day 3 – All good things cum come to an end

The three of us fall soundly asleep in the master bedroom. I choosing to sleep on the blowup mattress while the two lovers embrace in each others arms. I'm good with it as the Queen bed was too small and it was a warm night anyway.

Morning arrives far too soon and Chel wakes up get get a head start on the days errands. Val and I drearily fall in and out of sleep as our Hostess hops into the shower. The dear even manages to leave the bathroom door open so we can watch her lather up and clean off that perfect body of hers. Sex is the last thing on my mind at this point so a morning quicky is out of the picture.

Showered and toweled off, Chel sashays around the room butt naked for a while much to my visual delight. She rustles up some breakfast pastries and leaves them on the nightstand for our exhausted forms. While she dresses, she and I talk while Val snores away dreaming her little happy little dreams. She thanks me for a pleasurable evening and wants to… ehem, do some more that evening if its alright with us. I playfully make no promises but will keep her in mind if we can squeeze her in between rounds. "This was my first.. threesome and I'm glad you took it easy with me." I assured her that we can take things as slow as she wants I'm respectful of her wishes. She smiles warmly and I could tell it meant a lot to her. I casually remark that her ass is one of the best I'd ever seen and she laughs in relief. She gets up, turns around while unzipping her pants. Proceeds to moon me and playfully swat her ass. "Be good to her and I'll let you have another go".

I damn near swore to Sainthood at those words and Chel giggled in her playful way. She hoisted up her breeches, grabbed her things and headed out the door. "Tonight… is going to be AWESOME!!!" I say to myself. I fall back to sleep thinking dirty thoughts of a helpless Val being violated by the sinister Chel and I as we plunge our weapons of choice into her awaiting holes.

The crack of noon chimes on a distant clock and Val and I flop out of bed definitely worse for wear. We each smell to high heaven and take turns showering off. Too sore and enflamed to engage in sex acts, we agree that cabin fever has set in and a little shopping and a tour of the town is in order. Getting fully dressed for what feels like the first time the whole weekend, we venture out into the sunny spring air.

From the Top of the coaster to the Bottom in 40 seconds flat

Our first stop was food. In serious need of proper nourishment, we head to the same diner Val's car was parked behind and eat a hearty meal. Our bellies full, we drive down the country roads avoiding the main drag and she shows me all the sites and places of interest. Her demeanor appears uncomfortable and weary but when I question her about it, she brushes it off to an upset stomach. Not wanting to stop at any shops, she directs me to the next town over where there is more variety. Suits me just fine, I'm game for whatever she's got planned.

The town-square is quaint yet appealing in a way only a small town could. Shopping is had, gifts are purchased and we even find an adult store to pick up a few necessities for the night. Not that we needed anything new, but a new toy just for us is just what the Doctor order. On a whim, we stop by the grocery store pick up a fun Thank You present for Chel that we both agree would suit her perfectly. Disinfecting Counter-top and table cleaner. We laugh our way out to the parking lot and hop into the car.

The drive back to Chel's place is ordinary. Val's uneasiness returns and she's alertred to all the cars that pass us by. I'm puzzled but I think its just her not wanting to get noticed with some guy. Small town gossip and all that. We are traveling down a two lane back road parallel to the main freeway when out of no where lights flash in my rear-view mirror and a WHOOOP siren call is heard behind us. I instantly check my speedometer and its 45, exactly the limit posted. In those first few seconds, I check my lane, Good, check my turn signals, Good… What the hell am I being red lighted for?

I look over at Val's face to find the most horrified look of terror I've ever seen on a human being. She is transfixed on the side mirror and starts to FREAK THE FUCK OUT! Not 30 seconds ago, she was calm and collected but now she was acting like a caged rat being submerged in water. Clawing at the windows, the seatbelt, the dashboard… She'd gone Mad in a matter of seconds.

Val has gone bat-shit crazy and I'm seriously freaking out over what the fuck was going on. I'm pulling over not only for the cops sake, but to try and calm down this crazed woman who somehow had a switch turned on. I'm fully aware of the cop behind me but I'm not worried as I'd done nothing wrong. Was he after Val? Did she have a record? was she wanted by the police? Did she have drugs in her possession?

I'm fully stopped now with my hands on the steering wheel at Ten and Two but my gaze was over at the terrified creature seated next to me. What happens next freaks me out even more than the actions I've witnessed thus far.


The cop has his gun drawn out and is pointing it straight at my head from the now rolled down window. "OHHH GEESUSMUTHAHOOOOOOHHSHIT!! WHAT THE HOLY FUCK IS HAPPENING!" my internal monologue is shouting.

How the hell I prevent myself from shitting my pants right then and there is a miracle in itself. My bowels remain intact but I'm seriously scared shitless at the moment. Val on the otherhand has lost it.. The cuckoobird has left the nest and she exits the car in a screaming wall of curse words. "You crazy bitch!!! Get back in the fucking car! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"

The Officer and Val start screaming at each other with gun still drawn and now pointed at her. From what little dialogue I can make out, the hammer of realization smashes down hard on my noggin as it dawns on me. This is her Husband. Not Ex-Husband, but actual non-divorced, still unhappily married HUSBAND husband. I'm now the other man in the relationship and we are on a desolate highway in the middle of hickville USA.

That urge to shit my pants reappears as my mind plays catch-up to all the events that had occurred so far. Met up at friends house, not hers. Avoiding the main roadways and meeting outside of town, scheduling the weekend to match with a weekend she usually goes out with her chick friends. Hooooly shiiiiiiiiiit!!! That sicking feeling hits me like a ton of bricks as Officer Husband hasn't holstered his gun yet. He could murder us both, bury our bodies out in the middle of the fucksticks we were at and nobody would ever know. My face turns ashen white knowing I'm seriously about to die and my family will never know how or why.

Not a moment too soon, another cop car tears up the roadway with sirens blaring. It's the husbands partner and he proceeds to talk him down and holstering his sidearm. Most of what happens next is a bit of a blur but when my brain starts functioning again from autopilot, there are now 3 additional highway patrol cars present and I'm seated at the side of the gravel shoulder giving at statement to one of the officers. Turns out, Officer Husband had been on to me from the moment I showed up in the rental car to Chel's house. He performed an illegal license and background check and found out my information and flight number. He knew just about everything there was to know about me. Old home address (just moved), drivers license number, cell phone number, email address… the works.

His partner was not at all friendly with me and treated me like a hostile suspect. I fucked his partner's wife, doesn't exactly bode well for me. After calmly explaining that I had no clue she was still married, he slowly became convinced that I was really just an innocent victim to Val's lies. He still wasn't exactly friendly with me but he started treating me like a human again and showed me some respect.

I gave my statement several more times to different cops, leaving out the details of what happened at Chel's place. Mostly recapping why I was there, what I witnessed and who I was in this love triangle. (Wouldn't that be love square technically? can't leave Chel out of the picture.) I get very little actual information from them in return but figure out through body language and the questions there were asking that I had just narrowly escaped a double murder suicide attempt.

An unknown amount of time had passed and Val ends up going in the partner's patrol car and I'm free to go. My mind in still a daze, I head back to Chel's to pick up my things. She is not at all happy at the turn of events and is super pissed at me. I'm apparently not seeing this from Val's point of view in that her marriage is falling apart and her baby is caught in the middle. WTF! Val lied to me the whole time about her divorce, manipulated me and used me for her own gain. I was sorry all this happened but the bitch nearly got me killed by her psycho cop husband because of her lies. I finish packing, say my goodbyes that fell on deaf ears and headed back to the airport.

My Flight wasn't until the next day and I couldn't afford to switch to an earlier accommodation. I was stuck 1 hour away from Lying Bitch and Pscyho Cop Husband and I was scared out of my mind. I found a sleazy motel that allowed me to sign in using a fake name. paid the room with cash and parked the rental 4 blocks away in case the Husband decided to finish what he started.

It was one of the longest nights of my life and I don't sleep a wink. I have all the bedroom furniture barricaded up to the door and morning can't come soon enough. My afternoon flight is still hours away and I return the rental car back as soon as possible. I want no way for the cops or his buddies to trace me and I hang out in the crowded mall down a short distance away. Fear has complete control over me and it makes me irrational to the point that I'm suspicious of everyone and everything that is happening around me. That mall security guard is in league with the Husband, the taxi driver is reporting to the cops of my location. He must have an APB out on me! My flight is delayed because the Husband arranged it to get at me while I'm aboard and seated.

I don't rest easy until the plane taxi's on the runway and I'm in the air.

Weeks go by and the Psycho Cop Hubby is crank calling me and leaving me death threats anonymously. I am scared at first but realize that he really can't do shit to me. He has my old address with no ties to where recently moved too, I'm practically off the grid according to any known record. My cell is paid through a friends plan, my landlord has all utilities paid through his name and he can't do jackshit to me 5 states away. I even start mustering up the courage to goat him on knowing full well that he's bluffing and his anger should be directed at Val. Speaking of which, her Lying Bitchiness finally calls me two months later attempting to apologize. Psycho cop eventually gives up and stops calling. Val on the other hand tells me some sob story that her husband is a manipulator, beats her, etc. I call her own on her Bullshit to which she proceeds to berate me for not sympathizing with her side.

She attempts to call several more times each with a different agenda. "Are you carrying any STD's? when was the last time you were tested" etc etc. Her final attempt was last straw. She claimed Chel was pregnant and it was mine… BUUUUULLLLSHIT!!! Lies Lies and more lies… I couldn't believe how pathetic her attempts to get me back were. I eventually changed my number, email address, canceled my subscription to the MMO we met on and dropped all communication with her altogether. I was done with the drama and the hell I went through that weekend. It one of the most enjoyable sexual encounters of my life followed by the single most horrendous moment I would never wish upon anyone. I don't regret it though. It taught some valuable lessons and I was able to walk away from it all. Makes for a great story years later.



  1. Thanks! I enjoyed writing it (not so much reliving it) hah!

  2. Yeah, bad thing about fucking crazy is that sometimes you don’t know until it’s too late, particularly the married ones.

  3. See… I can imagine you writing part 1 knowing exactly what part 2 was leading up to… and just laughing at us, enjoying your story, no idea what was to come. TBH, I expected it to end with Chel and Val turning those strap-ons on you for a somewhat confusing spit-roast.

  4. > See… I can imagine you writing part 1 knowing exactly what part 2 was leading up to… and just laughing at us, enjoying your story, no idea what was to come. LOL Well… yeah. I could have told you all the ending first but I just HAD to take you through the whole weekend in order for you all to see it from my point of view. No spit-roasting has happened in my life (well, me being the spit-roasted I mean). I’ve heard a few "I didn’t expect THAT to happen" but you’re take is a first. As for the rest of the weekends activities, Ok, sure I embellished a few scenes, and left out some details, but everything happened pretty much like that. The surprise of Day 3 and the Hell I went through was all leading up to that point was part of the reason why the whole weekend was so insane. Heaven and Hell all combined.

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