A 15 hour date with my best lover ever. [m/f]

My lover shows up at my place, and I don't let him get past the top of my stairs – we embrace and kiss and five minutes goes by before I feel like I can release him and actually let him into my living room.

It was almost 11pm.

I made us some drinks – Amaretto Sours, which is one of my favorite recipes. We can't keep from touching each other every few minutes. We were talking about our week but as I'm messing about in my kitchen he would come over to where I was standing to envelop me in his arms. We sat on the tools at my kitchen island and end up in a serious make out session. The heat builds so quickly with him.

He suggests we go upstairs. Sometimes we don't get there and I find myself naked and having sex on a variety of surfaces on my main floor. This time we get upstairs. He undresses me. I love to be undressed…the feeling of being unwrapped…of someone taking time to admire the underthings I have chosen to wear for them. He does it very well. I peel off the layers of clothes – he's a black t-shirt and jeans kind of guy – the kind that fills out a t-shirt just so. I adore his body and his cock. I get down on my knees and show him just how much.

He doesn't rush anything. Ever. He will make standing naked in my bedroom, embracing and touching, last for 15 minutes. I'm the one thinking – oh sweet jesus can you just throw me down on the bed and get inside me – but I remind myself that this is what delight is, this is what passion is, and this is how it feels when someone really likes taking the time to please me.

The sex with him just keeps getting better. I had so many orgasms that my legs would not stop shuddering (not just shaking as they sometimes do). We finally fell asleep, sweaty and spent and in each others arms, at 2am.

The next morning, I woke up to his glorious morning wood, which makes me irrationally happy. Later he goes down on me for literally over 30 minutes. He mixes it all up and as usual I cum over and over again, and at moments I look at him and it feels like is taking mental snapshots for later use. I tell him this later and he says that's exactly what he's doing…that being so close and so intimate is a huge turn-on for him, and that he likes having the pictures in his head to masturbate to later.

At 1pm we took a break from sex and talking to have breakfast. I made eggs and bacon. We both needed another round afterwards.

He didn't leave until 3pm. Home fucking run.

~ Ann Ann St. Vincent

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/37jnpj/a_15_hour_date_with_my_best_lover_ever_mf


  1. I’m glad you found someone you are so sexually compatible with. You go, girl. :)

  2. He was incredible. And sadly, emotionally distant and unable to commit :(

  3. I’ve received good feedback so am likely to continue to post my stories. I have a lot of them!

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