About the time I had my ex-girlfriend suck her ex’s dick…while I watched. (M/F)

Have you ever been so turned on that you feel shaky? Maybe that only happens to me. Anyway, that's how I feel when I remember this happening. And recollecting everything to write this has magnified the feeling 10x. To start with, this happened about a year ago, with my ex-girlfriend, her ex-boyfriend, and me. I was 20 at the time, my ex was 21, and her ex was…I guess 21 also? I don't remember. To avoid pronoun confusion, she'll be called Emily (not her real name) and her ex will be called Will (also fake). My name isn't relevant because I'm actually not involved in this story at all, except as a voyeur.

Emily and I had been dating for a year and a half; we met in college at the rock climbing wall they have at our school. Oh, I'd better give you a description of her: she's short, around 5'6", has A cup breasts, dirty blonde hair she usually wears in a loose ponytail, and is generally very petite (she ran track in high school) everywhere other than her ass. Her ass was amazing, perfectly round, and it filled up yoga pants and those sweatpant type shorts like they were painted on. Most people would call her cute rather than hot. Those people don't know her like I do, but I digress.

Emily was not my first, although I was hers. She had had three or four boyfriends before, but never went all the way with any of them. The latter two she dated for like 5 months and 8 months respectively, and she fooled around a little further with Will, the one most recent before me. Apparently she became quite an expert cocksucker via his instruction. She told me more about Will than any of her other ex's, not because she missed him, but because he kind of "unlocked" her sexuality (he may have unlocked it, but I opened the door and walked in). According to her, his dick was enormous. I took that with a grain of salt, because she wasn't super experienced with this stuff. She had seen four dicks total (including mine). I asked her how I stacked up (who wouldn't?) and she said that he was longer but not as wide (I'm 7" long, 6.5" around).

All these details and descriptions accreted in the back of my mind. I harbored no resentment, but it did make me curious. Would she like to show me how well she sucked his dick by doing it one more time? So I asked her. I knew I needed some serious bargaining capital in order for this to have any chance of working, so I waited until my birthday in the summer.

At first she was (understandably) skeptical. I don't remember exactly how the conversation went, and I'm not going to try to recite the conversation. Dialogue really destroys the immersion. In short, I told her that I wanted her to invite Will over to her house (she still lived at home, with her single mom) and blow him while I hid in the closet and watched. I pre-emptively reassured her that this was not a test and that I would not care at all if she had fantasized about it before. This was a huge step for her and I was starting to doubt myself because of how unsure she seemed, but afterwards I realized that she was just trying to be careful in how she said "hell yes". She didn't need to be! But it was characteristically sweet of her. She said she didn't really feel attracted to Will, but the memories of him having his way with her mouth and throat and shoving his cock as deep as it would go made her insanely horny. I assume it's the same for everyone; first time sexual experiences stick out in our brains.

So, since there wasn't really any preparation necessary, she texted Will one afternoon and asked him what he was doing the next day (Thursday). He replied and said that he was working and why did she ask? to which she asked when he was getting off work. He said 10 pm, which I thought wouldn't work because of Emily's mom, but her mom was leaving in the morning for some weekend thing and wouldn't be back until Monday. So Emily told him to come over after he got off work and took a shower. If that wasn't the biggest tip-off to let him know he was in for a treat, I don't know what would be. He said alright and didn't respond any further, I guess because he's not an idiot and didn't want to screw up his chances of receiving this windfall.

The thought of this going down had made us both extremely turned on, so we had sex twice that night; once before hitting the gym, and once after in the shower. Not the public showers, my personal one. We're adventurous, but didn't quite get into exhibitionism.

Anyway, nothing really interesting happened during the day on Thursday, although the anticipation was killing me. I didn't go over to Emily's house until like 8; we figured we had around two and a half hours until Will arrived. We passed the time watching Netflix and making out, as per our usual. It was hot as fuck in her house though, I don't know why. We were both close to sweating just by sitting there on the couch. Anyway, 10pm rolls by and she gets up to change into something more appealing (actually, I picked what she would wear). She came back wearing a tight black tank top with no bra, tight gray sweatpant-shorts (Soffees? I think that's what they call them), and under that a pink lace thong. I knew the thong didn't really matter once it came to Emily and Will, but I knew about it, and that turned me on. I went to get comfortable in her closet (which turned out to be very difficult; you know those slatted shutter type doors on some closets? They're hard to see out of). Luckily the closet faced her bed and I basically had a view of the whole room, just in case Will decided to take her elsewhere. She stayed out in the living room watching TV until Will arrived at around 10:15.

In the closet, I could only hear murmurs, footsteps, and the door closing, but the footsteps quickly came closer. Will wasn't much for smalltalk, apparently. He knew what was going on, or at least had some idea. A couple hammering heartbeats passed, and Emily walked Will into her room by the hand. Once she stopped, his hands immediately went to her waist, which she knocked away nonchalantly.

"No," she said, "take your pants off."

"I will, after I take off yours," Will replied.

"We're not having sex," she said, trying to keep his hands off, "but I'm going to suck your dick."

"That's all?" Will replied.

"Why, you don't want that? You can leave."

"You still won't put out. Such bullshit. You should have told me what I was getting into."

"You didn't ask," Emily said.

"Alright, better than nothing," Will said, stepping back and unbuckling his pants, then removing them along with his shoes and socks

Remember how I told you Emily said his dick was huge, and I didn't fully believe her? Well, she wasn't exaggerating. He was probably 8.5" long. She was right about his girth being less than mine, but still pretty formidable. I guess like 6" around? Also, as opposed to my dick, which curves up and points up at a 45 degree angle, his pointed straight out with a slight downward curve. It's always strange to see dicks that curve the opposite direction from yours. One other thing to help you picture this: I don't know if he shaved, or if he's just naturally hairless, but there was no hair on his legs or anywhere around his junk. I'm not gay, but the smoothness of everything was…interesting. Anyway, Will stepped forward and pushed Emily down by the shoulders until she was on her knees, face directly at cock-level. She showed her enthusiasm by grasping his already hard dick at its base, then swirling her tongue around his head like a lollipop. He was circumcised, and as soon as her tongue swept across his glans he jerked a little bit. The reaction motivated Emily, making her take more of his cock into her mouth while still vigorously moving her tongue. She probably had half of his length in her mouth at this point, with no signs of struggle at all. I knew she could suck dick, but this one was impressive. She began to work her other hand along the remaining 4.5 inches of his shaft, while making sure to thoroughly wet all of his hard cock. Will was obviously enjoying this, as he had his head back and was bending slightly at the knees in an attempt to push himself deeper into Emily's throat. Before any of this had started, I asked her to try to prolong it for as long as possible. I don't know what Will's endurance is like, but he honestly looked close to finishing. Luckily Emily kept in mind my request, and she stopped and stood up abruptly, making Will jerk his head forward irritatedly.

"You're done? I haven't even finished yet!" he said.

Without saying a word, Emily walked over to her bed and laid on her back with her head hanging off the end, knees up, and waved Will over. Apparently this was a common position for them back when they were dating; the way she placed her head allowed her to deepthroat his giant cock without much trouble (but still some). I silently thanked her for laying that direction, because if she had laid sideways on the bed, all I would see is man-ass.

Will walked over to the foot of the bed, the height allowing him to stand straight up and shove his cock down Emily's throat without any warning. He bent over and held Emily's arms to her sides, going deep into her throat with every thrust. I'm surprised Will didn't hear me as I sat in the closet watching this, heart hammering and breathing what I thought was loudly. The pause between changing positions was apparently enough to reset Will's orgasm-timer, because he was using my girlfriend's throat like a toy and was showing no signs of stopping. I couldn't see it, but afterwards Emily told me she was able to move her tongue the entire time he was thrusting into her throat, which I know for a fact feels like heaven. Will's rhythm started to change; he would let Emily work on his dick with her tongue and mouth for a bit, then fuck her throat like it was a fleshlight. Then he would do some short thrusts into her mouth, probably rubbing his head on her tongue, then go in deep. He moved a hand over to her tits about two minutes in, and although they aren't big at all, the thin fabric separating her skin from his hand made her already hard nipples become even more erect. She moaned quietly around his dick, her knees pressed together tightly. I assumed she was climaxing solely from being throatfucked by this huge dick; she's never done it with me, but I could tell she was insanely horny during all this. Will's hand began to explore more, reaching under the neck of Emily's tank top and playing with her nipples without any barrier separating him from her. I admired his ability to multitask, but then again, they've done this before. The amount of saliva on Will's dick at this point is slightly obscene. He didn't really give Emily much chance to recover between thrusts or rhythm changes, much less breathe. As I sat there watching this stranger (to me) pound away at my girlfriend's throat, I was unbelievably hard. I thought my dick would bust out of my pants, and if that didn't happen, I was going to go crazy from not being able to move in order to stay quiet. Will started getting louder, so Emily got up and onto her knees, head down, ass in the air, and finished him off with an impressive show of enthusiasm; she moved like a bobblehead. He pushed himself all the way down her throat as he came, making her cough but still holding on like a champ. After four spurts of cum shooting down her throat, she pushed him back and swallowed, finally cleaning up all the spit around her mouth. She then cleaned up his dick and gave the whole shaft a few more good, long licks for good measure, making him shudder. He turned around and flopped down onto Emily's bed, staring at the ceiling and breathing a little harder. She sat back on her heels and teased the head of his cock for fun. He looked over and said,

"You're wet."

Emily ran the back of her hand across her mouth one more time, thinking she had missed some spit.

Will reached over and ran a couple fingers along the inside of Emily's thigh. "No," he said, getting closer to her still clothed and covered pussy, "here."

Emily breathed in sharply as he traced his finger closer to the spot where she had soaked through her shorts, then spread her legs a little bit to give him easier access. I was fine with this, despite how uncomfortable it was getting in the closet with the heat and the lack of space. I told her as much beforehand. Both Will and Emily were sweating, their exposed flesh glistening slightly. Will continued teasing her inner thighs with one finger, making her squirm slightly and continue to spread her legs further. Somehow, he was getting hard again. I thought it would take a while to get her off a second time, but judging by her reaction, Will was stimulating her a lot just by touching her thigh. He sat up and pushed her onto her back, her knees up, and took his shirt off. This part I was not expecting, but I guess he might as well. He slipped his fingers under the band of her shorts and slid them off, his eyebrows raising briefly upon seeing her bright pink thong. Will got on his hands and knees and continued making his way up Emily's thighs with his roaming fingers, now throwing in some tongue and making her jump. He finally reached her pussy, and began lightly licking up the sides of her lips, making her arch her back and open her mouth, although no sound came out. He moved the thin fabric of her thong aside and began to run his tongue along her pussy more vigorously, making her gently grind her pussy closer his mouth and probing tongue. Will used a thumb to press and swirl on Emily's clitoris a bit, while continuing to tease her lips with his tongue. He then moved back to give himself room to insert his middle finger into her, keeping a thumb on her clitoris, making her gasp. I figured he was using his finger to do the "come hither" motion, while also rubbing her clit a little more intensely. She lasted no longer than 10 seconds with this combo, eventually rocking her hips and squeezing her knees together once again. She gasp-shouted, "Fuck!" and continued writhing for about 5 seconds, finally calming down and laying back with her legs splayed out, heedless of Will. He sat up on his knees, his throbbing cock once again at full mast and precariously close to my girlfriend's dripping wet pussy. Before he could move his dick any closer to her (I could see it in his eyes, sort of), she opened her eyes, leaned up, and slipped her thong back on. He sighed frustratedly, stroking his cock a bit and then sitting back on his heels. She sat up.

"That's all you get….this time. And good job," she said, slightly breathlessly, "I hardly ever cum twice so close together."

"You came twice?" Will asked.

Emily nodded, and said, "Once when I was deepthroating you, and the other time just now."

Will smiled deviously, replying, "So I can still do that."

Emily narrowed her eyes. "You didn't do anything besides fuck my throat; the orgasm came from how turned on I was."


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/37itf3/about_the_time_i_had_my_exgirlfriend_suck_her_exs


  1. (continued from above) "Exactly," Will said, "my cock turns you on." Emily shrugged, looking slightly embarrassed. Maybe for my sake, but I didn’t mind. "Alright, go away now, I’m tired," she said, shooing him off her bed and getting up to put her shorts back on. "When is next time? You said that that was all I get ‘this time’." Will asked, standing up and putting his shirt back on. "I don’t know. Maybe there won’t be one. Just be happy you got a free blowjob." She said, waiting for him to get dressed and eyeing his still hard cock, which was pointing directly at her. "And it was just as good as I remember," he said, pulling up his pants and walking towards her door. She sat down on her bed, crossing her legs under her. "I know," she said. Will said nothing more, leaving her room and walking down the stairs to the front door. As soon as I heard the door shut I unraveled from my insanely uncomfortable position, falling out of the closet and knocking its door open. Then I laid there, sprawled out on the floor, and told her just how amazing that was for me. "I would get up and kiss you," I said, "but I don’t want secondhand dick breath." She laughed and walked over to lay beside me. "Now it’s your turn!" she said enthusiastically, stealing a kiss before I could turn my head away. She stripped down completely naked for me, and worked my dick right there on her floor in front of her closet. Much better than she did for Will’s, I thought, although maybe that was just my pent up frustration doing the talking for me. So, that’s the end! Of that story. There was another one a couple months later, which I think is even better than this one. I’m tired of typing right now though. You can’t imagine the case of blue balls I have currently. Writing erotica is hard, even if it’s just a recollection of a story. Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed :)

  2. All of the stories on this subreddit are supposed to be true, but I sometimes have trouble believing in some of them. Not here: I absolutely 100% believe in this one. Probably thanks to how fucking well it’s written. Which makes it all the more hot. Great stuff, thanks for sharing.

  3. Fantastic writing, and what a hot memory to be able to put down on paper, so to speak. Loved reading it! (And sad she didn’t get fucked there, at the end :)

  4. Love it! I love seeing guys so turned on that they’re shakey! And one of my favorite sexual moments was having my boyfriend hide in my closet when I had sex with a guy with a bigger cock… I’ll never forget how excited I was to open up the closet (he was too scared to come out on his own, aw) and get fucked by him. It was such a hot experience! I’ll have to write about it on here one day!

  5. Really, a fantastic story! So hot. Were you worried you would sneeze, in the closet? Just a note, since you mention immersion: no need to tell the reader the names are fake – we hope they are anyway! :)

  6. Ha! It certainly did get close. I think if he had tried before he got her off a second time then she would have let him.

  7. Thank you for the feedback! I was worried about boards creaking, my heart pounding, clothes and shoes being ruffled around, but they made enough noise to mask mine.

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