(M)y (f)irst part 1: Jeff you son of a bitch

Hi all. I graduated from college about a week ago, so I have quite a few stories to tell if people are interested in reading! I tend to ramble a bit, so if you just want the "fun" parts search for "fun" (with the quotes)

Quick background: I'm about 6'1" and 135 pounds. In high school, I was your pretty typical nerdy Asian kid and I remained a virgin because I cared more about college admissions than sex. I got to college and completely changed things up. Bought new clothes, got a hair cut, bought a pair of glasses that didn't make me look like Harry Potter. I definitely did not want college to be anything like high school.

And it was not. The first week on campus, I met an Asian girl at a party with massive Ds or DDs. Given that I'm almost entirely interested in Asian girls and love big boobs, I found myself staring at, and, an hour later, fucking her tits in the bathroom of a frat house. This started a 2 year period where I made every effort possible to sleep with as many girls as possible. It was a great 2 years, but that's not where this story begins. This story begins towards the end of those 2 years, during the fall of my junior year of college.

One Tuesday in October, I randomly came across cheap concert tickets for an EDM DJ and immediately bought a pair. I invited my little only to find that he'd already bought a ticket! So I quickly found another friend to give my extra ticket to and even found two more friends going. Saturday came around and my friends and I were sitting in my room, pregaming for said concert. My room can fit about 7, maybe 8 people, so I told my friends we'd wait for my little to show up with "a couple friends", smoke a bowl, then head out to the concert. As if on queue, my little knocked on the door and came in. With 12 people. These dumbasses literally just piled into my room and stood shoulder to shoulder like sardines. Drunk, annoying sardines. Eventually, a girl knocked my grinder to the ground because she insisted on changing the song while I was using my laptop as a table to pack a bowl.

"Ok seriously, what the fuck? I'm trying to pack a fucking bowl here. If you don't care to smoke, then get the fuck out of my room."

People laughed until they realized I was actually pissed off (hey, weed isn't cheap for a poor college student, and I was pretty drunk) at which point my little, Jeff, started leading people out of my room. My friends all stayed, as well as three girls who'd come with Jeff.

"Hey, Jeff's friends. If you want to smoke, I love meeting new stoners. But if you're going to be a dumb fuck like that girl, I'd suggest being a dumb fuck somewhere else."

One girl looked a bit offended, but the other two seemed to find it funny that I was being such an ass. Or they just really liked weed. Who cares? All I cared about was that the two girls who laughed were hot. One, Rebecca, was about 5'4", average body, nice ass, and big D cups. The other, Kristine, was about 5'8", thin frame, small ass, perky B cups. We smoked a couple bowls and then my little came back upstairs, at which point we took a couple shots and headed out the door. We ended up splitting into three cabs: my friends in one, the girls in another, and Jeff, his friend Kyle, and me in the last one. As soon as we get in the cab, Jeff asks me for help. He was trying to lose his virginity that night with Rebecca and needed a wingman. As horny as I was, I promised him that my priority for the night would be helping him get laid.

Now Jeff, being the virgin that he was, was pretty bad with girls. Reminded me a lot of myself in high school to be honest. So as soon we got to the club where the concert was, the four of us (Jeff, Rebecca, Kristine and me) split off and found a table on the side. Being the only 21 year old, I went to get us a round of drinks. We talked (well, more like yelled because of the music) and I found out that Rebecca was from a different college than us, and was only here this weekend because it was her 20th birthday and she wanted to party. I also found out that Rebecca and Kristine were best friends from high school, which was perfect. My theory is that the easiest way to get to a girl is through her best friend. People often seek validation for their actions, and who better to get validation from than your best friend?

At this point, our drinks were empty so we got up to go towards the stage. I pulled Kristine to the side and asked her if she wanted to dance. She looked a bit surprised but agreed. As soon as we were far enough that I knew Rebecca couldn't hear us, I started talking to her about Jeff, only to find out that she was in on the plan as well! Well, that was easy! We laughed about how hard Jeff was trying and I started to forget that my priority for that night was to get Jeff laid. We danced and talked for awhile when she made a comment about how funny it would be if we, the two wingmen, ended up hooking up. I really didn't need another hint and immediately turned her around and kissed her in the middle of the dance floor. Her mouth opened up and I honestly forgot about everything around me. Until I heard someone beside us cheering. We broke off the kiss and looked to the side to see Jeff and Rebecca, and it definitely looked like our night was going better than theirs.


This time, it was Kristine that grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side. She led me to the table we'd been at earlier and pushed me down onto the couch. I saw that Rebecca and Jeff had followed us and were sitting at the table immediately to our left, then my view was obstructed by Kristine's small, but firm ass. She began giving me a lap dance, grinding her ass into me and putting my hands on her chest. Her boobs felt great, and I quickly found myself getting painfully hard in my skinny jeans. She must have felt it as well, as she turned around to face me and gave me a mischievous smirk before straddling me and pushing my face into her chest. I knew Rebecca and Jeff had long abandoned any conversation and were openly staring at us, but I didn't care at all. I lifted her up slightly and then placed my hand between her legs, and once I heard her moan I knew I was done with this concert. I asked her if she wanted to leave and she immediately jumped up without a word and started leading me to the exit. Jeff and Rebecca followed us, followed by Jeff's friend Kyle (who had been awkwardly standing by the exit the whole time? I neither knew nor cared). We packed into a cab, Kyle in the front and the four of us in the back, and before we even started moving Kristine was trying to undo my belt. I made a half-hearted attempt to stop her, given that we were crammed into the back of a cab with two others, but she pushed my hand aside, undid my belt and the buttons of my jeans, then started stroking my cock through my boxers. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning. Rebecca and Jeff continued to gawk at our boldness while Kyle, oblivious to the entire scene behind him, made small talk with the cab driver.

The 2 mile ride from the concert to my house was the longest 2 miles I'd ever gone. The front of my boxers were already wet with my pre-cum when Kristine suddenly reached in and rubbed the head of my throbbing cock. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't help but make some noise as she coated her index finger and thumb in my pre-cum, pulling them out of my pants only to seductively suck them clean. By this point, I was legitimately concerned that I would cum in the cab. Luckily, we pulled up in front of my house and we spilled out of the cab.

Now, something I like to do is pack a bowl before I leave the house so I have something waiting when I get back, but this was one of the few times I wished I didn't have such great stoner foresight. Jeff, knowing that I always did this, automatically started heading to my room and so everyone followed. I considered taking Kristine into the bathroom and fucking her in one of the stalls or bent over the sink, but I decided against it. I figured the little wait would be worth the reward.

We all piled into my room and I put on some music while we smoked. I took some of the biggest rips I've ever taken just to clear that bowl as fast as I could. I'm not sure if I even got high from those hits; I was so horny and focused only on Kristine. The bowl was done in a matter of minutes, and after sitting around for another song Jeff said he was going to walk Rebecca home. Rebecca asked Kristine if she wanted to come over and have a sleep over, but the little smirk and laugh made it pretty clear she knew what Kristine wanted to do. Kristine said she wanted to smoke a little more and that she'd probably just head back to her place after, so Jeff and Rebecca left. And finally, we were alone. Oh wait no that fucker Kyle was still there. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I packed another bowl at Olympic gold speed, then hit and passed it before the other two had even realized what was going on. We (mostly I) killed that second bowl probably faster than we did the first, then awkwardly sat around without saying a word.

I had to get rid of Kyle. I faked a yawn and told the two of them that I was tired and wanted to go to bed. Kyle thanked me for smoking him up, got up, and started heading for the door. Kristine did likewise, following a few steps behind Kyle. At this point, I had my plan ready. Fuck subtlety, I was too drunk/high/horny for that. The instant Kyle stepped out of my room I pulled Kristine back, slammed the door shut, then threw her against the door and kissed her hard. She let out a loud moan, and I'm sure if Kyle didn't get the hint from the closed door, he got it from the moan.

We continued to make out for awhile, my hands running up and down her body, stopping to grab her ass and lift her up as I pushed her harder into the door. I pulled away long enough to ask, "so, is this how you pictured your night ending?" to which she replied, "no, I pictured it ending on your bed." Damn. She was good. My cock throbbed when I heard this and I wasted no time turning her around and throwing her on my bed. I got on top of her, grinding against her as we continued to wrestle tongues. I reached behind her back, under her shirt, and flipped her around so she was on top while I undid her bra. She lifted her arms up and our lips left each other for the first time as I pulled her top off. The sight of her perky tits made my dick even harder and I stopped pulling her top off to take one nipple in my mouth, sucking as if I were dying of thirst, while I used a hand to play with the other. She moaned through her top and struggled to get it off of her, but I didn't give her a break. She gasped as I lightly bit her nipple, then I switched my mouth to her other breast while flipping her over again and moving my hands down to undo her jeans. She continued to moan and struggle with her top until eventually we both succeeded and she lay beneath me, completely naked. I wasted no time and moved a hand down, then immediately plunged my index finger into her dripping wet pussy. Her moans hit another decibel range at this point, and I continued to excitedly finger her while playing with her amazing tits. I heard and felt her breathing get heavier and knew I had to make her cum right then. I pulled my finger all the way out, long enough for her to give me a confused and disappointed look, then shoved both my index and middle finger deep into her. She screamed and her walls clenched down on my fingers as she came, but I wasn't done. I pulled away from her chest to both admire her beauty and add another hand to the fun. She was still shaking and breathless from the first orgasm, but I didn't let her take a break. I started rubbing circles around her clit with one hand while reaching for her G spot with the other. I have pretty long, slender fingers and am pretty dexterous (piano player), and it didn't take long before I could feel a second one coming. I continued to go at it, until I felt her tightening around my fingers again. I immediately pulled her lips apart and wrapped my mouth around her clit, sucking long and hard as she screamed my name and came. I felt pretty good about making her cum twice before I did and decided to give her a break. She laid there, chest heaving as she struggled to regain her breath and composure.

"So, is THIS how you pictured your night ending?"

She laughed and playfully slapped my thigh, after which I asked if she wouldn't mind returning the favor since my hard dick had been straining against the front of my jeans this whole time. She paused, and so I backed away slightly, thinking she was still a bit woozy from cumming so hard earlier. Finally, she managed to tell me that she actually wanted to go home and that she was really sorry for blue balling me.




I took a deep breath, smiled, and said it was fine. Consent is consent, and if she didn't want to do something then she didn't have to do it. I offered to walk her home but she said that Jeff had actually texted her, saying he wanted to talk a bit before she went home and that he'd walk her back.

You mother fucker. Why you gotta do me like this bro?!?

Regardless, I said okay and helped her find her clothes and gave her a hug and kiss goodbye after exchanging numbers. I saw Jeff at the bottom of the stairs and gave him my best "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE" glare before going into my room, texting him "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE", and then jerking off and going to sleep.

And thus ends part 1 of many! Unfortunately for me, the night did not end how I'd hoped, but following nights did! I'll try to post part 2 soon!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/37c1ko/my_first_part_1_jeff_you_son_of_a_bitch


  1. Dude… FuuuuuuUuuuUuUckkkk…. That mofo did you real dirty. Smokin’ your stash and being the biggest cockblock ever. He owes you BIGTIME.

  2. Love your story bro, keep them coming! (Pics too since you are my savior)

  3. Yeah. I wish I could say it was the last time he cock blocked me, but it wasn’t. Luckily one of his attempts actually ended up taking a turn for the better! But that’ll be like part 6 or so lol

  4. After a night like that I would have laid down the Law, especially since you were trying to get him laid. If dude wants to smoke my weed he better gtfo when I bring home a lay.

  5. Haha sorry about the delay with the update! I’m doing a bit of post-grad traveling right now, so the only times I have to write are when I’m on the train lol. Part 2 should be up in <24 hours though!

  6. Haha, to be fair, his name isn’t actually Jeff. I changed all names on the off chance that somebody I know reads my posts and identifies me.

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