Having sex with a younger employee?

Ok so I am 37/F. Single,never been in a real relationship,all I had was a lousy sex encounter when I was 22. I was overweight in my teens up until my early 30's when I finally decided to pay attention to my physical appearance,I am much leaner now but would not say I look like a model,too old for that.I am a manager of a branch of a retail store. I admit it gets lonely sometimes and it is really hard for me to go out there and meet people. Lets just call this guy Ivan. He started working for the store 4 months ago.He is 19 and in college,he is from an Eastern European family but he was born and raised here. He is just working 2-3 days a week to have money for partying or whatever kids these days are up to. We got along and I admit I found him real attractive,really fit and he said he played rugby. But to me he was just another young one who comes and goes,someone who will quit once he gets bored by the repetitive nature of the job. We were cordial and we could consider each other as "work friends" up until this incident. He was looking unusually down at work it was 10pm.He said he was just stressed with midterms,then we chatted for a bit while walking down to the parking lot (he has a car and so do I) .I opened up about my lack of experience with men,he talked about his past girlfriends.He suddenly asked me " *****, are you attracted to me ?" I tried to change the the topic but he kept pushing it. Needless to say I ended up giving him a blowjob in his car. My first sex act with the opposite sex after 15 years We agreed to never speak of it again but who was I kidding. He texted me a week later if I wanted to "hang out" ,we ended up having sex at my place. 3 days after I could not help myself I asked if we could meet after work and we had sex in my place again. His parents were out of town last Saturday and he had me come over to their house and I spent my entire Saturday off just having sex with him. Lately I am getting dangerously attached to him. I am questioning myself. Is this right? I am only 5 years younger than his mother. He is only probably only into me for the sex . Days go by without me hearing from him(except if he is working) until he gets into the mood again. But I cannot help it at this point. I just crave being with him. Even if it is just sitting on his penis and leaving after.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/37afot/having_sex_with_a_younger_employee


  1. Enjoy with zero expectations. Try dating men closer to your age outside of work.

  2. If it’s consensual fun try not to overthink it. Enjoy the sex! Maybe try OKCupid?

  3. Don’t get attached. If you want the sex, cool. But, he is likely just seeing it as short-term fun. I was that guy several times. If you are looking for a relationship, try the online options.

  4. Pretty normal. People are hard wired to like the people they have sex with.

  5. Enjoy the sex, and learn from it. Become comfortable with your sexuality. Push your limits, explore your fantasies. This is something you’ve missed out on, and some catch up is in order. Do not become attached. He is not your future husband.

  6. I will.But for now I ill just enjoy. I love the sex he’s giving me.

  7. That’s what I figured. For now I will just enjoy the fun. I’ve never enjoyed my womanhood for awhile now,I won’t spoil the fun.

  8. Sounds fine. When that’s over, don’t be afraid to date other men his age. Men your age generally expect and are used to women with more experience than you. Men his age are likely to be very happy to have attracted an older woman, proud of it even.

  9. Enjoy! Sounds like you deserve it and more :) so even if the "and more" hasn’t happened, there is no reason you shouldn’t have your fun!

  10. Every time you cum, your body releases hormones that give you that giddy-in-love feeling. And that is awesome, but your body doesn’t have to deal wwith the complicated messy stuff like relationships, workplace harassment suits and so on. In other words, enjoy the ride, but keep your eyes open and look after yourself. And congrats, from one late bloomer to another. :-)

  11. I think she has… several times. Ba-dum-tiss…. I’ll see myself out.

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