The fuckingest fuck [m/f]

This is a long story, I hope that this does not present a problem for you. There is a notation below where – if you so desire – you can get your jollies in a slightly more immediate fashion.

Lisa and I first met on an acting job a few months ago, a commercial we both got cast in. The commercial was for some bag of chips that would appear in your dreams and solve all your problems. She and I spent the whole day in bed together, a couple that was supposed to wake up with sudden thoughts of chips in our heads.

We hit it off very quickly. She’s 5’8” or so, petite frame, dirty blonde hair, A cup. A 25 year old actress, but not a terrible human, somehow. I’m 6’0”, handsome but not a showstopper – I mostly get cast for being funnier than the guys with chiseled jawlines. She was energetic and hilarious. We kept making each other laugh between takes, ruining other takes with flirting. I was supposed to roll around on top of her for one moment in the commercial, and she kept making fun of me for the obvious erections she was giving me. At one point the director asked us to please fuck already so that everyone could get some work done. The crew was not impressed with our chemistry.

At the end of the day, I asked for (and received) her number. Then I very stupidly failed to call her for 6 months. I was coming out of a terrible relationship, and rebounded into another that was a different kind of disaster (although equally shitty). I found out later that she went through something similar – fell in and out of love, had a lot of one-off fucks, essentially the same kind of turmoil I tend to get wrapped up in.

I was at a friend’s dance show one night when I saw her at the bar. She looked pretty fucking great – wearing some kind of one piece shorts-halter top thing, a lot of skin showing through that has ruined my memory of the clothing. Legs for years, one of them bent slightly with her toe tap-tapping on the ground as she leaned against the bar.

“Lisa?” I was a little shocked to see her. The past 6 months had been so fucked up that I wasn’t expecting to see anyone that could shake me out of my misery.

“Hey! My bed buddy!” She looked happy to see me – another pleasant surprise. We chatted for a few minutes at the bar, and it was obvious that the chemistry was still there. Sometimes it exists for a whole day and then disappears suddenly, but whatever we had was still very much present. We didn’t even get through a whole drink before we were talking about sex, our mutual attraction, the need to press reset on the last few months of our lives.

I hope you’re familiar with this kind of attraction. There’s a lot of lingering eye contact, and small touches, and laughing about how easy it feels compared to every other time you’ve wanted to fuck someone. It’s the kind of attraction that you almost can’t fuck up by saying the wrong thing – which was lucky for me, because at some point I actually said the words, “I would like to fuck you soon.”

To my immense relief she immediately – Immediately! – agreed. “Mine is nearby. Meet me there?”

I can’t remember how many times I said “Yes” to this, but it was more than three. I drove to her house a few minutes away and knocked on her door. She answered and that was the end of words for a while.


We kissed hard, arms wrapped around each other, traveling in a steady stumble to her bedroom. I tossed her (she was petite, remember) onto the bed and began trying to negotiate the halter-thing off of her while maintaining the kiss. She mercifully assisted and slipped it off, revealing that it was the only piece of clothing she had bothered to wear that day.

I’ll never be able to fully describe her in that moment – nude, slightly on her side, legs folded some, hair spilling around her head. Her small tits just made her look sleeker, faster. There was a small grazing of pubic hair that I was fascinated by, resting above her smooth long legs. And good Christ, she was smiling at me too.

I took off my shirt and climbed onto the bed, kissing my way up her legs, a hand stretched above me doing some exploration of its own. I indulged myself with a single kiss on her clit (she responded with a single moan) and then kissed my way up her stomach. My hand had reached her neck so I decided to join it, nuzzling her a bit and finally finding my way to her mouth. What a great goddamn kisser she was, deep without needing to prove how deeply she was kissing me, smooth and soft and breathy. She applied herself to the removal of my pants as I wrapped my arms around her back and kissed her collarbone.

Taking my pants off the rest of the way was only mildly awkward and I laid back down to kiss her breasts, taking one nipple in my mouth as I tugged lightly on the other, then switching. I sucked them harder and harder as she arched her back, moaning. I was completely hard and she tried to grab my cock, but I was delaying that particular pleasure – I wanted my tongue inside her, post fucking haste. I kissed above her clit, around her lips, the tops of her legs, the insides of her thighs, anywhere but where she clearly wanted me to. After the tease I found my way inward, and the taste – she tasted so good, a mixture of sweet and bitter, and a secret taste that you can really only know in the moment that you’re actually eating pussy.

I circled her clit with my tongue. She made a wonderful sound. I circled again. Another sound. A long lick from the bottom of her pussy to the top, and a commensurate sound from her. I concentrated then, holding her legs open, dipping my tongue into her wetness and coming up to kiss and lick her tiny clit. She breathed heavier, moaned harder, writhed and arched and cursed as my tongue moved faster and faster. She lost her words before she came, all grunts and a heavy sigh. Her ass settled back onto the bed and she limply pulled me up to face her.

I wiped my mouth like a gentleman should and kissed her softly. She recovered from her orgasm quickly and began to kiss me harder, reaching down to grasp the previously denied cock. I settled slightly onto my knees then, gasping a bit as she rubbed my cock up and down her pussy. She was so wet – unbelievably wet, and she kept looking at me with this glazed over expression. It was a mixture of “I’m pretty fucked up from this orgasm” and “You had better fuck me right now or pay the consequences”. I was in a fine mood, and as hard as I’d ever been, so I opted to fuck her immediately.

I really did intend to enter her slowly, but the moment the head of my cock was inside her, I pushed deep, and quickly. She felt so fucking good. Wet and warm and tight. I kissed her again and started to fuck her, lifting the small of her back with one hand, the other behind her head as we made out. I fucked her harder and harder then. I held her hands above her head and kissed her neck as she steadily moaned and cried out in time to the thrusts.

I lifted myself up to my knees, my cock still inside her. She was on her back, the tops of her legs making perfect handholds. I grabbed one, the other holding her ass, and began to fuck her as hard as I could. In and out, in and out, faster and faster. I took my hand off her ass and used my thumb to stroke her clit as I pushed inside her again and again. All at once I pulled her onto my cock hard, letting it go deeper than it had before, as deep as it would go, and I was rewarded with a sweet, high moan. As I stroked her clit faster the moan became the same guttural grunts as before, and she came again, soaking my cock, her body twitching in little spasms.

My cock was starting to send me subtle signals that I had learned to interpret over the years as an intention to come relatively soonish. I alerted Lisa to this, and she graciously invited me to fuck her hard again. “Tell me when you’re going to come”, she said. I agreed to her terms and flipped her over onto all fours.

I wish I’d spent more time describing her perfect, perfect round ass earlier, but there’s no time now. Trust me that it’s lovely to look at when you’re not far from an orgasm. I entered her again, her legs wide, my cock sliding in with ease. Her hips in my hands, I pulled her backwards onto my cock and thrusted forward to meet her halfway. She made indescribable sounds. I bet I did, too. I was getting very close when I suddenly remembered our agreement. “I’m going to come,” I said, and she did something incredibly gymnastic in response.

Pulling herself off my cock, she swiveled around and plunged it directly into her mouth as I reached the brink. This was all I needed – I came hard. Very hard. I pumped stream after stream of come into her mouth as she swallowed (nearly) every drop. I dropped down and lay beside her then.

I’d like to say I said something very clever, but I’m sure I just panted and stared at her. It was a poem of a fuck. Songs were written, paintings painted, etc. Lisa and I stared at each other in a kind of shock for quite a while.

I’m not an idiot so I very much joined her again on other occasions. Please let me know if that’s something you the reader would be interested in hearing about.



  1. Thanks! I will write another one soon. No shortage of incredible fucks with this woman.

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