The Man, and The Bottom – Chapter 1.

Hopefully this is a good story! Just an idea at this point, I hope to flesh it out in the coming days and add more chapters to the relationship!

The Bottom enters the sterile room, no other words can really describe it. From the white walls and tiles, to the lack of furniture – like a hospital room, yet quieter and less furnished- The Bottom stands patiently by the door, gazing at The Man seated on his leather throne.

The Man gazes at the fresh offering, and for a moment remains silent – simply taking the sight of The Bottom in. After what feels to The Bottom like an eternity, his mouth curls up into a slight smile and he finally speaks: "You will walk to the back of the room, slide your underwear down your legs, and then bend over the sofa. You will not speak, and you will not look at me any further."

The Bottom considers the instructions for a moment, before moving to the back of the room. Without another word, The Bottom begins to reach under its shirt.. The Man quickly speaks again, in a soft whisper that can only be heard due to the utter silence of the room: "What did I say?"

The Bottom stops, "Uh… you said to remove my underwear and bend over the couch?"

"No." says The Man softly – the faintest whisper yet deafening in the silent, sterile room. "I told you 3 things: Walk to the back, slide" – he says with word with sudden force – "off your underwear, and bend over the sofa. At no point did I tell you to remove your shirt, or any other element of clothing aside from underwear. We will start again, please move back to the door."

"If I want you to do something, I will command you." The Man continues "If it is not said, it is not my desire. Also, you will address me as "Master' at all times. Do you understand?"

The Bottom, abashed by the sudden anger in The Mans voice, can only stare at the floor as it makes its way back to the door. "Yes."

The Man inhales sharply and closes his eyes as if in frustration. "…Master". He says softly – a whisper , yet deafening in the stillnes of the room.

The Bottom bites its lip, "Yes… Master."

"Good." Says The Man. "now, again: You will walk to the back of the room, slide your underwear down your legs, and then bend over the sofa. You will not speak, and you will not look at me any further."

This time The Bottom does as it is commanded, slowly sliding its panties to the floor, not even stepping its feet out to push the discarded cloth away. It presses its legs against the edge of the sofa, and leans over it – pressing its hands against the wall.

The Man relents with a slight smile, and makes his way to the back of the room to his pet. He crouches at its foot and presses a soft cold hand against its' leg. Slowly, he glides his hand up its leg to its' thigh, and then grazes his . He raises his other hand and pushes his pets skirt up over its' arse, and raises his left hand up and grazes it against the open slit of his subject, slipping his index finger in just slightly. Withdrawing his hand, he seems to study it for a moment before seeming satisfied by the wetness glistening on his fingertip.

"Good, good…" He whispers "This has been a… satisfactory start. You may remove yourself fully from the cloth at your ankles. I will see you again at the same time tomorrow."

The Bottom steps from it's panties, and bends down to pick them up. "No!" The Man growls. "Leave them where they are, you may go now. Next time, do not wear anything under your skirt…"

He looks up, and sees The Bottom still looking at him, as if waiting to ask a question. "Dismissed." He commands, keeping his eyes down on the journal at his desk. He doesn't look up again until he hears the door click shut behind his subject.

He picks up the discarded panties, thrusting them into the bin by his desk without another thought. He sits down again and begins to scribble in his journal, pausing only to briefly smell his finger, letting his newest slave's scent linger for a moment.



  1. Hope the bottom doesn’t end up having a dick. (not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

  2. No, the bottom is definitely a natural woman :) Sorry, I should have properly tagged it! More to come soon.

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