The limit does not exist ([m/f] with pics for the curious)

I’m a 25 year old black guy. I’ve thought about posting in here for a while, and finally decided to share a couple stories.

Now, I’m not a hunk, but I’m in shape. Since I have way more confidence than I should, the fact that I’m a spaz in the highest degree, doesn’t stop me from getting laid pretty regularly. Also, being a black guy, you don’t have to try all that hard (at least in my experience).

Her: She’s a petite chick, probably about 5’7. (

Her tits are a large b. which are pretty ample for her frame

Also notable, a deep pussy, that can take a decent amount of punishment

A taught virgin ass that was off limits (

And a head game that can best be described as enthusiastic

This encounter is about a girl named Roz. We met on Okcupid. She seemed weird enough to go with my flow, so I ran with it. Technically, she was married. But, I didn’t know the dude, and had no qualms with what she wanted to do while she wasn’t with him.

We were fucking by the second or third time we hung out. It started as lightweight vanilla, but that didn’t last long. In no time at all, she started to show her true colors. She loved to be treated like an object. “Use me and then discarded me” she would say… And I would do just that.

Every now and then, while we were having sex, she’d ask me to talk dirty to her. Eventually, I gave in.

“You are an utterly worthless. Every iota of love in your life you thought you had experienced was insincere. You aren’t worth shit, and you never will be.”

I was genuinely surprised how easily it was for me to go to that dark of a place. I said it without thinking about it, without emotion… without remorse.

“maybe I went to far” I told myself

As tears started to stream down her face, she came with a fucking vengeance. Her legs shook and her pussy quivered harder than it ever had before. I was underneath her looking up into her eyes as she bawled to orgasm… This was the point when I knew, there may not be such thing as too far with this girl.

So of course, cue the point where I may have gone too far. The two of us had been drinking rather liberally, and the booze was working its usual wonders. After getting proper hot and bothered, we moved to the bedroom. But, for some reason, Roz was in a particular mood tonight. We started to have sex, but this time, she tried a bit of role reversal. Instead of me shitting on her, she shat on me. It was interesting, something I hadn’t really experienced before. It gave me a little bit of insight into her usual mindset. Very quickly, I was able to tell that it wouldn’t have the same effect on me that it usually had on her. But different strokes for different folks, to each their own, and all that shit.

If it had ended there… well, we don’t have that to worry about, because it didn’t end there.

After making it very clear that I wasn’t into being berated the same way she was, Roz a little got violent. She smacked me across the face. It’s not like she could do any real damage, but it took me by surprise. And overall, I love surprises. But then she spat in my face. That one went too far for me and I made her very aware of that.


For this next bit, it’s important to know that my bed sits directly beneath my window.


Roz wound back to spit in my face one more time, but I was ready for her. I reached my hand up to cover her mouth before she had the chance. As though it was instinctual, I raised my arm and grabbed the wire that opens and closes the blinds, and in one swift motion, I wrapped it around her neck, and pulled tight. She squirmed, and I didn’t care. She coughed, and I ignored it. And eventually, she stopped moving all together.

By the time I processed what happened, it was over. There was a small white girl, naked on my bed, unconscious.


This is how I get lynched

I’m a black dude. I’ve seen Roots. I know what happens…

As a matter of fact, I had always had (what I assumed was) an irrational fear of getting lynched… But that fear now seemed far more rational.

I decided I had done enough damage for the night, so I put some pants on, walked into the living room, and played Injustice until I fell asleep. That morning, the sound of Roz shutting my front door woke me up. I figured that was the last I’d see of her. But lo and behold, she texted me this picture later that day. (

Roz said when she put perfume on that morning, it stung… and then she told me that she was ready for more.

The end… for now at least. You might hear more of those stories later on. We’ll see.

Lemme know if you want this

…to be continued



  1. Roz sounds like she’s either going to be the most fun ever, or the craziest crazy you ever stuck your dick in. Have fun figuring out which!

  2. Fuckin a man… you like to play with fire huh? Hoping I don’t read about a lynching in the news! Anyway, this is why white guys get so jealous of black guys… knowing that you get the wild shit that the "good girls" won’t do for / with us. Plus, the whole dick size thing….

  3. Maybe at that moment, she was telling you that ass wasn’t so off limits but you had to take it. She’s beautiful but classic crazy.

  4. Yeah. Her exact words "I don’t really ever see myself running for office, so what does it matter".

  5. Danger, BBseeking, Danger! Abort, before it’s too late! And warn the husband if want a pass to get into heaven regardless of what else you do in life. Hot story though.

  6. She was really hot, but she sounds crazy enough to slip right into the danger zone! Beware of having your car keyed

  7. one of my friends told me that Roz was hands down "the worst decision I’ve ever made". and if that isn’t a glowing endorsement to stick with her, i don’t know what is.

  8. It’s funny that he could have killed her and you’re worried about the pictures.

  9. man, if a white girl ended up unconscious in my bed/place, i’d fucking panic. and yes, Roz sounds like a fucking psycho. stranger danger bro…while the sex is amazing, the headaches that follow isn’t worth it.

  10. She sounds intense. The last pic of her is very beautiful, It is fun to know such a cute girl is being used like a total slut. More!

  11. Wow. I don’t know if I should give mad props or advise you along with everyone else to abort mission abort mission. That being said, good story. More!

  12. Wow she’s super hot but she’s gotta be seek man LMAO. Would love to hear more.

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