After Dark in the Park

We were greeted by a cool, crisp night as we left the bar. Still feeling a bit too warm and dizzy to drive home quite yet, I suggested we take a walk around the neighborhood to clear our wine-clouded minds. I wrapped my arms around myself to hold my cardigan close, thankful I had grabbed it on my way to meet him- my sundress was providing little warmth now that the sun had gone down.

“You cold?” he asked, resting an arm around my shoulders. Even if I hadn’t been, I would have been delighted at the touch. I spent all night trying my hardest to flirt with him- lingering eye contact, resting my hand on his from across the table, playing with my hair too much, even going as far as too lean over the table far enough for my cleavage to be almost pushed out the top of my dress. At first I thought he was just shy but as the night went on I began to fear he just wasn’t interested. Maybe he still saw me the same way he did while we were growing up together.

“Lost in thought?” I chuckled nervously; a little bit afraid he knew what was going through my mind after finally getting the physical contact I wanted all night. No, we certainly weren’t kids anymore. He seemed taller than before- or maybe it was just that he had filled out from his former string-bean self. Whatever it was, after seeing him while grabbing coffee yesterday I haven’t been able to get him out of my mind. Chatting over dinner only made the attraction more intense. We got along well, laughed, connected- being with him just reminded me of a happy, simpler time in my life. And, around the third glass of wine all of that translated into an incredible lust. I knew I wanted him; I just needed to figure out if he wanted the same thing.

“Hey, isn’t there a park down this street?” I asked, gazing up at him, shamelessly fluttering my eyelashes. I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible and we were circling back towards the bar’s parking lot.

“Yeah, I think you’re right.” He said, but didn’t turn to go check it out. As a wave of disappointment started to wash over me, I had an idea.

“Well, let’s go check it out!” I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the park.


“Well, this place has certainly changed” he said as we looked at a completely renovated playground. He was still holding my hand and I was almost spinning with excitement. Imagining his hand drifting over to my ass, pulling me to him, his mouth finding my shoulder, his hips pressing into mine…“Wow, you are spacey when you drink” he teased me. I smiled up at him and then ran toward the jungle gym.

“Let’s check it out!” I called back to him. I jumped onto the play equipment and started making my way across the monkey bars, my feet just barely off the ground. He finally caught up with me when I made it to the very top of the jungle gym, on a little platform leading the slide.

“You need to keep your voice down! What if someone hears us?” “So what, we’re not doing anything wrong!”

“Pretty sure we can’t be in a park after dark…”

“Oh, loosen up,” I teased, sinking to sit on the floor of the jungle gym. It was surprisingly cold against the back of legs and my butt… I had decided to wear a skimpy thong even though my dress was a little short. “Sit with me!” My lowered himself down to my level, sitting across from me. As he settled in I smiled at him, feeling my legs break out in goose bumps as a cool breeze blew past us.

“You cold?”

“Just a bit.”

“We could get going…”

“No! I mean, I’m having a nice time. It’s been great catching up with you. And besides, you just want to get out of here because you’re afraid of getting caught!”

“That’s not entirely true…but I can tell you’re cold, at least come over here so I can try to keep you warm.” I almost squealed with delight at those words and happily positioned myself next to him. He wrapped an arm around my once again and I leaned over to rest my head on his shoulder. Being so close to him was electrifying. Feeling his warmth against me made my tingle all over, anticipation was surging through my body and I yearning for him to give some hint or signal that he was interested… I lifted my head and smiled up at him. “Are you flirting with me?”

“Maybe…” and with that he leaned down and kissed me. It was a soft, tender kiss and it left me wanting more. I shifted myself so I was sitting on his lap, straddling him. I grabbed his face and pushed my mouth against his. He tasted like the delicious wine we were drinking at the bar and his lips were wonderfully warm and soft while his stubble was rough against my face. I kissed him hard and deep, wanting more and more of him-wanting to satisfy the desire that had been building in me all night. I felt his hands move up my dress and rest on my ass. As he gave me a squeeze a tingle ran down my body straight to me clitoris. I moaned softly into his mouth pressed my crotch into his lap. I knew I was coming on strong, but I also knew how much I wanted him.

“Wow, I was hoping you’d kiss me back but this response is even better,” he said into my hair in between planting kisses on my neck. I threw my head back in delight which pushed my chest almost to his face. Smiling up at me he moved his hands from my ass, up my stomach and onto my tits. I eagerly pulled the straps of my dress down, freeing my boobs into his waiting hands. As he played with my nipples, gently tugging and pinching, I started to grind myself against his growing erection. Rubbing my clitoris against the bulge in his jeans felt fantastic and I knew if I did it much longer I could bring myself to orgasm like that. He leaned down to take my nipple into my mouth and as he gently suckled I moaned again.

“Do you have a condom?”

“Um, well, yeah. Is that too presumptuous? You just looked so beautiful yesterday and I thought I felt a vibe…” I pressed my mouth against his, thrilled the feelings I had for him were mutual. I let my hands drift down to his waistband, struggling to free his cock, eager to feel it inside me. He shifted to retrieve his wallet from his pocket and pulled a condom out. While he finished freeing his erection and putting on the condom on I stood up and removed my panties. I was too excited to wait much longer and lowered myself back over his lap, pressing myself right against his hard cock. I grabbed the base of his erection and slid it back and forth across my eager pussy as he softly moaned with pleasure into my hair. “God, you’re sexy,” he growled. With that I lowered myself onto him, enjoying the feeling of fullness his cock provided. His hands found my hips, fingers digging into soft skin. He started to gently lift and lower me onto him, lifting his own hips to match the rhythm, sighing into my ears with satisfaction. I wrapped my arms around his neck and spread my hips as far as possible, allowing even more of his cock to penetrate me. I was done with build up and ready for release. I started rocking back and forth; grinding my clitoris against his pubic bone and feeling his erection stir inside me. “Ahh, keep this up and I don’t be able to last very long for you,” he whispered.

“You won’t have to,” I replied as my lips found his neck and started planting quick, small kisses. His grip on my hips tightened and his hips bucked up toward me, releasing a blossom of pleasure that started in my clitoris and radiated through me. I moaned and sighed, blissful and satisfied. He thrust into me a few more times quickly before going still and relaxing his grip and wrapping his arms around me. I relaxed against him and took a deep breath of his scent mixed with the cold night air.

This is my first attempt at writing erotic literature. Advice and critique certainly welcomed, but please be kind.



  1. I’m not sure I can. My precious, sweet gonemild angel writing erotica? Imagine I read it, thinking of you as the first person, and myself as the partner. I couldn’t handle that. I read half a paragraph, then I gave up, fearing I might implode…

  2. Imagine what you’d like, but it’s a work of fiction so I am most certainly not the narrator! And besides, maybe I’m not as sweet as you imagine…

  3. :) I couldn’t help myself,of course, and had to read it. It’s beautiful. Very common fantasy, I’m sure, and just wonderful.

  4. That you might not be as sweet as imagined isn’t necessarily a bad thing… It’s a very nice piece, simple, to the point. I enjoyed reading it, and had a hard erection by the end. I look forward to seeing what else you write! If you ever look for a writing partner, look me up I’d love to explore writing with you.

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