Ramping Up (or how two Dominants started an ongoing power struggle) [f/m]

   "That's my spot." I stood just beyond the doorway of Lexy and Geoff's gameroom; it was nearly ten PM and prior family plans had kept me away longer than I'd expected, but at last I'd made it to the weekly hangout. A Jackie Chan film was just ending on the big screen as I stared at the now occupied corner seat.
   Kit glanced behind him, checking the sectional thoroughly before shrugging at me. "I don't see your name on it."
   "You can sit by me!" Sam tipsily patted the seat next to her, scooting over slightly to make room.
   Will appeared in the doorway behind me, goosing me as he brushed past on his way to the seat next to Sam.
   "But that's where I always sit," I told Sam, stepping further into the room. "Everyone has their spot and that one is mine."
   "Ok then, Sheldon," Kit scoffed. "But I still don't see anything anywhere that say it's yours."He took a swig of whatever was in his glass and set it on Geoff's desk behind the sectional.
   "Are ya'll twelve?" Lexy teased from the opposite side of the sectional. "Just take his usual seat, Lil."
   "This is a matter of principle," I said, moving closer in an attempt to loom over Kit. "He took my spot, and I want it back."
   Kit crossed his arms and donned an annoying smirk. "I'm not moving."
   I glanced at Will. He raised an eyebrow, eyes gleaming.
   I smiled politely at Kit. "Ok." I quickly hopped up on the cushion between Sam and Kit, sat on the back of the sectional, and slid into the space behind Kit. "…then I'll just have to take it by force."
   "What are you doing?" Kit let out an exasperated sigh.
   "Claiming what's rightfully mine." I wriggled down into the cushion, pulling my feet to my chest and pushing them against his back.
   "This isn't Game of Thrones." Kit pushed backwards, squishing me further into the corner.
   "When you play the game of cushions, you win or you fall!" I said, extending my feet and shoving Kit to the edge of the couch. He stopped just before sliding off onto the floor, slowly twisting his head around to look at me.
   "Oh, really?" He said, pushing off from the ground and smashing me against the back of the couch.
   "Yes, really," I replied, bracing my hands against his back. He turned suddenly and grabbed my wrists, leaning his full weight into yanking me off of the couch. As we both hit the floor, he twisted around so that I was on bottom, giving him time to scramble back to the coveted seat.
   "Guess I win then, huh?"

   "Time to watch the movie we can't talk about!" Geoff appeared in the doorway, two drinks in hand. He passed one to Lexy as I stood up, fuming. Geoff wagged a finger at me. "You can't have this, it's for big people only. But there's a bottle on the counter and milk in the fridge," he joked, turning to the big-screen TV on the opposite wall. He knelt down to fiddle with the controls and put in Fight Club.
   "I've actually graduated to a sippy cup, thank you," I replied, turning to face Kit, "But I'll remember the bottle for the next time your mom wants to get weird."
"Please tell her to stop asking if I want to see her nip piercing…" Lexy said under her breath. Geoff turned off the light, plunging us into darkness as the previews rolled.
I sat down on one side of Kit and flung my torso across his lap. "If you won't give it back, I guess we'll share." Kit pushed me off his lap, landing me on the wood floor with a loud thump.
   I sat on one side of Kit and flung my torso across his lap. "If you won't give it back, I guess we'll share." Kit pushed me off his lap, landing me on the wood floor with a loud thump. I immediately stood and climbed up onto the back of the couch, dodging his attempts to knock me off. "My spot," I asserted, sitting on the back of the couch and locking a leg over either of his shoulders.
   "What are you even-?!" He exclaimed, trying to pry my feet off of his chest.
   "Attaining victory!" I cried, grabbing his ears.
   "Get off." He said, tickling the bottoms of my feet. I flapped my feet and squeezed my knees against his neck.
   "I almost did last time!"
   "Gah!" He yelled, freezing in shock at the memory.
   I released his ears to pat him on the head. "What? This isn't the first time you've been between my legs."
   "NO!" Kit shrieked, lurching forward. "You said we wouldn't speak of it ever again!"
   "Did I?" I asked Lexy, who watched amusedly as the scene unfolded. "Do you remember me saying that?"
   She shook her head. "I don't, actually. Not at all."
   "Don't say the thing!" Kit shook his head rapidly, as if to dislodge the memory from of his brain.
   "Careful, buddy," I said, grabbing his ears again, "You're awful close to the man in the boat to be moving that fast."
   "AHH!" Kit shrieked, lunging out of the seat.
   I smirked triumphantly at Lexy. " See? That's how you get a seat back." I leaned back and put my hands behind my head, completely unaware that I was about to say too much. "…and prove dominance."

   Kit turned to face me, a peculiar glower on his face. He squared off and set his jaw, eyes darkening. "Is that so?"
   I swallowed hard. …shit.

    In an instant, Kit had me by the wrists, jerking me up and out of the seat long enough for him to slide back into it. I fought to weasel out of his vice-like grip and back to my precious seat, to no avail. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me onto his lap, wrenching my head to one side.
   "Stop. Fighting." He growled in my ear, sending an involuntary chill down my back.
   "No," I managed, refusing to give up.
   Kit flipped me onto my stomach over his knees, locking me down with his arms. Lexy hopped up from her seat and giddily slid into the seat on the other side of Kit.
   "Will," Kit said calmly as I struggled, "Your girlfriend needs to be punished." I whipped my head towards Will, lounging on the other side of the sectional. His blue eyes gleamed as he took in the sight before him. I growled and thrashed about, trying my hardest to keep Kit from winning. Kit pushed me down hard, winding me slightly. Lexy hugged my ankles, preventing me from going anywhere. Kit turned back to Will and continued. "Can I spank her?"
   I looked at Will. He waited a moment, seeing if I would call it off or give him the signal to step in. I pursed my lips. To call it off would've been admitting defeat. I growled and thrashed harder.
   Will crossed his arms and nodded. "Yes."

   SMACK. "OW!" I shrieked, lurching forward from the impact. "The hell, dude?!" I yelled, clawing at the couch to try and escape Kit's hand. He rubbed my stinging backside and pulled back again. SMACK. "Dammit!"
   "Ask me to stop and I will," Kit said, leaning down to talk in my ear. "Just say please."
   "No-" SMACK. "SHIT!" I kicked my feet, trying to get away.
   "Lexy, if you will?" Kit said, putting his arm across my back to better anchor me.
   "Whee!" Lexy squealed, letting go of my feet and laying into me. Her hands were softer and less muscled than Kit's, but it stung worse as she spanked me three times with both hands in rapid succession.
   "FUCKIN HELL!" I wrenched myself free, tumbling to the floor and crawling towards the back of the sectional, where Geoff's desk sat.
   Before I could move to stand up, Kit was on me, straddling my back and pinning my wrists above my head with one hand. I bent my legs up to try and protect my backside as he locked me down.
   "Do you give?" Kit asked.
   I glanced up, realizing that we were completely obscured from the view of the rest of our friend group. "No!"
   SMACK! "Ow!"
   "I said do you give?"

   Kit let go of my wrists and seized my shoulders, digging into them. He began to work the muscles, making me have to physically bite my tongue. It hurt, but I was determined to not make any sounds. After a moment of digging around on top of my shirt, he pulled it up, exposing my skin to better reach the knots. His fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot and I inhaled sharply.
   "Mmph," I groaned. …fuck.
   "Mmhm?" Kit dug into the spot again.
   "Mmph," I said again, trying my best to keep silent.
   I tensed up, and Kit smacked my backside again. "Relax."
   He began to work the sore spot and surrounding area with both hands. I growled to keep from moaning.
   "Go ahead, let it out," he hissed in my ear, taunting.
   He dug into my back with his elbow, causing me to cry out. "Mmmah! Rrr…" I was determined to still hold the high ground by not letting him make me– "GAHH!" I screamed into the floor as he hit another knot. He sped up, working the sensitive spot with deft fingers. It hurt like hell, but for some reason I liked it. This wasn't right. I was a Domme, I wasn't supposed to enjoy being restrained.

   The force Kit applied began to rock me on the floor. The pressure of him sitting on my back coupled with the relieving pain forced sounds out of me that had previously never left my bedroom.
   "Mmm…mah, ahh," escaped me as I tried to keep it together. "Mm…mmm…" I gasped. "FUCK!"
   "Not now, there's witnesses," he teased, using my own line against me.
   Suddenly, he leaned forward to get a better angle and something dug into my lower back. "Hey Kit, is that a boatman in your pocket or are you just really enjoying yourself?"
   He flipped me over, knocking us both into Geoff's desk. He quickly climbed back on top of me and pinned my hands above my head. He gritted his teeth and glared at me, breathing heavily. I smirked. In the light of the TV I could see that he was sweaty from exertion, but something told me his cheeks were reddening for a different reason. If he was going to have fun with this, so was I. I went limp.
   "Kit, don't touch me there!" I yelled towards the front of the sectional. I let out a loud fake moan. "Never mind, DO touch me there!"
   "What are you doing?" Kit asked.
   "Nothing," I smirked, lifting my hips off the floor to make contact with his.
   "Whoa!" He yelled and sat up on his knees. "You can't just do that!"
   "Why not?" I did it again.
   He let go of my wrists, pushing my hips down to the floor. "Geez! Stop that!"
   "Say please." I smirked, crossing my arms.
   He glared at me a moment before roughly flipping me back over. He dug his fingers into my back harder than before, making me cry out again. I didn't stifle the sounds at all this time, letting the moans and growls fly. After a minute, the pain became too much and I bucked him off of me, crawling back the the front of the sectional. I looked up to a room full of bemused faces.
   "Having fun back there?" Sam asked, eyebrows raised. Kit jumped over the back of the couch and landed in the corner spot, shooting Lexy a look.
   "Oh, definitely," I replied half-sarcastically, panting. I could tell that I would be sore the next day, but I grossly underestimated the repercussions the rest of the night would hold…


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/36ibqq/ramping_up_or_how_two_dominants_started_an