How it Began, Part 1 (or how a drunk friend nearly got me off in a crowded room) [m/f]

     Stop him, my conscience told me. I glanced down at the head resting on a pillow in my lap. His arm was snaked under the pillow, hand slowly creeping up my inner thigh. I glanced around the room. Lexy was curled up in the corner spot of the sectional at his feet, cuddling Geoff. Next to them sat Will and Sam, my boyfriend and his roommate, both drowsily watching the movie on Kit's TV. Sam lay with her head resting on Will's leg, and as he absentmindedly pet her hair I felt a twinge of jealousy. Intellectually, I knew that Sam was as hardcore a kitty-loving lesbian as there ever was (and that she and Will were all but siblings), but at that moment my wiring still egged me to take her down. We'll laugh about this moment later, I thought to myself.

     A sudden movement in my lap jolted me back to the present. Kit's fingers crept ever-closer to where my legs met. The room became suddenly very warm as the voice in my head said stop him again, more urgently this time. He was almost passed out drunk, as were most of the people in this room. He and I had always been a little overly physical in a playful way, but this was something entirely new. This is wrong, my conscience screamed, Will is right there. Your boyfriend is right. There. Kit is drunk and you're not far gone enough to blame it on lost inhibitions. Oh, am I not? I retorted silently, inebriated logic prevailing. Suddenly, he grazed my zipper with his thumb. I stiffened, and reached up to touch his hair as a half-hearted attempt to get him to stop. He pressed his thumb into me. I held my breath. He pressed harder, rubbing up and down the seam of my jeans. Slow at first, but gaining speed and intensity rapidly. I involuntarily balled my hand into a fist in Kit's hair, earning a small groan from him. Oh, fuck. My eyes darted around the room again; of those still awake, not one looked up from the TV.

     I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth, clamping down on it to keep from making noise as Kit continued his unconscious quest to get me off. I looked up at Will, oblivious to the situation, then down at Kit.
     What could it possibly hurt to ride this out?




  1. I will! This happened months ago, and things have gotten a little more interesting as time has gone on…

  2. I’ll give you a hint; there’s been wrestling, spanking, biting, hickeys, power struggles, theft of my clothes, touching… it actually got to a point where we had to pull my sissa in to referee or things might get out of control. ;p

  3. Haha oh? You should see, someone may have noticed my bulge as she walked by!

  4. I would! Haha I should take off my boxers and let my thick cock hang agenst my pants a bit, just for added fun

  5. I was recently informed that the drunk friend in question has found my stash of stories, so I’m not sure how much I’d like to go into detail now… I might post the rest of this story though, so as to not leave ya’ll hanging! ;)

  6. That’s all that really happened that night, but it did spark a few other *interesting* evenings. ;)

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