Lesbian sucks two loads from me

I've mentioned in previous stories that I've had great luck with Craigslist platonic ads. Recently while preparing for an extended business trip to a new town, I replied to an W4M ad that basically said "Looking for a chat friend". Turned out to be a mid 40's lesbian who was in a long-term relationship. "Lesbian" may not be the correct term but that's how she identifies, even though she had a boyfriend when she was younger and still is very attracted to men. But she had not touched a cock in nearly 20 years. Said she kissed a guy once at a party a few years back but nothing more.

We exchanged a few emails about random life things and also exchanged pictures. She wasn't really my type but she seemed nice and I've had a fling with another bi-girl that before was in a long-term "lesbian" relationship. So I Figured it was worth pursuing either way. Shortly after exchanging pics, she started calling me "sexy man" or "hot stuff" so I knew what was going on. It didn't take much prodding to find out she was craving a cock really bad. Her girlfriend was butch and found men absolutely disgusting. Because of that, a threesome wasn't a possibility at all so she knew she had to do something on her own if she needed a man fix. She told me that she remembered sucking her boyfriends dick all the time and she really missed that. I didn't want to come off as being pushy so I just told her that it sounded hot and he was a lucky guy.

The first night I arrived in town, I sent her a txt and agreed to a call. She had a very high pitched voice, slight southern accent, kind of cute sounding. She immediately told me I had a very sexy voice. We talked for a bit and at some point she says "I realize a hot guy like you probably isn't interested in hooking up with a gal like me, but I really find you attractive". I was a bit surprised and probably said a few too many "umms" and "uhhhs" but basically told her I wasn't really sure about it. That was the truth too. I wasn't particularly attracted to her although I didn't tell her that. But she went on to say that she really missed sucking dick and would love to just take care of me. I didn't have to return the favor or anything, she just wanted to get her oral fix on a man. I'll admit, my cock got a little hard thinking about that. I told her I would be open to that if she wanted. We set a time and I agreed to be fresh out of the shower when she came to my room.

She arrived right on time and gave me a quick hug in the doorway. She was chubbier than the picture showed but I wasn't too concerned based on our arrangement. I don't have a problem with curvy girls, but she was beyond curvy. Her tits were HUGE though and almost popping out of her tank tops.

She sat on the edge of the bed talking quickly about random things: the parking garage, lying to her girlfriend about where she was going, etc. I was wearing gym pants, boxers, and a T. While she was talking, I took off my T and pants then sat down in the arm chair wearing just my boxers. She looked me over and told me that she couldn't believe she was doing this. She got down on her knees and laid her head on my hairy chest. I could feel her shaking a bit and she told me she was really nervous. She pulled my cock out of the front of my boxers and just kind of held it and stared for a second. She told me she was likely to be very rusty at sucking dick. I told her I wasn't worried about that and I knew she was more than capable.

She pulled my boxers off, then moved up and started licking my nipples. Kissing my chest and belly, slowly moving down. I was still limp when she started kissing my cock, licking around the head and shaft. She buried her face in my balls, licking all around them and almost hitting my asshole with her tongue. That made my cock jump and she quickly buried my now growing cock in her mouth. She kept my cock in her mouth for a moment and swirled her tongue around. Eventually my cock grew to be more than she could keep buried so she started working the shaft and head nicely. Slowly and erotically sucking it, taking as much as she could deeply. I had to remind her to watch her teeth a couple times but honestly it was some very good head. She moved back to my balls and taint so I lifted my legs a little and she rimmed me as well. That felt amazing as she stroked me while tonguing my ass. She went back and forth between sucking and licking my balls and ass for quite awhile.

As she started back on my cock, she was getting noticeably more aggressive. She told me she wanted my cum and asked what I needed. I told her to use her hand while sucking which she obliged like an expert and quickly had me getting close to cumming. I told her I was about to cum and she continued sucking harder and ultimately I unloaded a huge load down her throat. She kept sucking without missing a beat or a drop of cum until I told her to slow down.

My cock started to shrink but she kept it in her mouth, gently working it with her lips and tongue. I was quite impressed because normally I get sensitive and need a little break in between getting off and getting hard again, but this still felt amazing. After a minute or two of that I started to grow rock hard again and she went back to sucking more briskly. It usually takes quite awhile for me to cum a second time, but she kept on sucking like a trooper. After a solid 15 minutes of her sucking me lhard and fast, I could feel another load starting to boil. I told her she was going to make me cum again and she giggled without ever letting my cock out of her mouth. After a few more minutes she reached back up and started stroking hard again with her hand and I quickly unloaded another strong orgasm down her throat. She finally released my cock and said "mmmmmmmm that was delicious". I told her (truthfully) that it took a lot of talent to suck a second load out of me and that it was amazing.

We talked for a bit and she asked if I would ever like to do anything more. She said she would love to take my thick cock in any hole I wanted to use. I told her I might be willing and she was satisfied with that and left. We did get together a couple more times after that and it was quite entertaining.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/364w2i/lesbian_sucks_two_loads_from_me


  1. This is a very believable story. I would definitely read any other stories you have of meeting her.

  2. hopefully you took your "thick cock in any hole you wanted to use"

  3. All my "stories" are 100% real! I’m not the best writer and have to force myself to include details, but it’s fun to relive these. I’ll probably share another about her sometime. I tend to post oddball or unique stories, so check out some of my others.

  4. Yup. I’m not really into anal but she begged for that too. I may post a story about that another time.

  5. If this was a dude everybody and their mother would be calling him gay or at least bi. So why is this considered an exception? Because she’s a woman and all women need/love cock? This woman the narrator is talking about is obviously bi with a preference towards females. It’s a nice fantasy to think about but it doesn’t mean every participant participating in a situation like this are truthful.

  6. Guys can like the feeling of dick and not be gay/bi. I’m gay and I like the feeling of a girl’s vagina, that doesn’t make me straight or bi.

  7. Wait so you’re gay but you still like fucking girls. Really? All this time I thought Lesbian and Gay meant sexual/romantic attraction was only towards the same sex. I’ve been using these two words the wrong way all this time? Thanks for correcting me.

  8. I love to hear stories where the woman begs for anal. So sexy.

  9. Yes I do. It means romantic attraction and includes sexual attraction, but people can have a sexual attraction towards any other thing as well.

  10. This is what I thought too. Sexual attraction or romantic interest makes her bi. Oh well. TIL. :)

  11. I agree 100% but there is actually a name for people like you who have an attraction whether it be sexual or romantic to multiple genders. It might not be an orientation everyone likes to claim because of the stigma behind it but you most certainly fit the actual definition whether you identify with it or not.

  12. This is what she most definitely is but it doesn’t help correlate the male fantasy of fucking a lesbian even though deep down in both their minds they know she is bisexual. But who cares dude got to come in some random chicks throat, i’ll be bragging about it to if I had sex with a ‘straight’ girl.

  13. Maybe he has a kink of "turning" a lesbian into a woman who likes dicks. Nothing wrong with wanting that fantasy.

  14. You mean lesbian conversion? it’s nothing wrong per say because all participants involved are consenting but there is usually a lack of respect towards the woman’s attraction and a need to control and "correct" the attraction that doesn’t include them.

  15. It could look that way but I’m saying it’s a kink, and there are no right or wrong kinks.

  16. I’m only attracted to my own gender. I’m gay. Liking a feeling doesn’t change your orientation at all.

  17. Having and enjoying sex with the genitals owned by 99% of the sex opposite to you does not make you gay whatsoever. You can be bi but have a strong preference towards one sex, it’s possible but to consistently enjoy sex with the gender that’s not your own isn’t gay at all. You can identify with anything you please but words have meaning.

  18. What? You said what I said and then took it all back with that last sentence. If a guy goes to a gloryhole just so he can have a mouth suck him it doesn’t make him gay, bi, or straight. It just means he likes the feeling and is horny.

  19. Dude c’mon you said in the first paragraph that she’s actually bi. The story after that wasn’t exciting at all. Stop with the buzz title.

  20. He said that’s how *she* identifies. I (male) had sex with a woman who strongly identified as a lesbian as well. She had a few boyfriends in school but quickly realised she was more attracted to women, especially emotionally. She said that she still occasionally got turned on by men and the feeling of having a real, warm cock inside her still got her off in those cases. I’m not sure if, or how many, men she had had sex with since discovering she was a lesbian, but I would imagine it was only a few, if any. Her girlfriend at the time was quite anti-men as well. Have to say it was one of the most erotically charged experiences I have ever had, which no doubt was influenced by the lead-up, the whole *forbidden fruit* thing and the fact that it was totally unexpected.

  21. A quick resource for those of you in the comments who may not be aware of the [Kinsey Scale](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale) – Basically, this has sexuality as more of a spectrum along which most people fall (at least insofar as hetero-, bi-, and homosexuality go), with relatively few people at the poles of "exclusively straight/exclusively gay".

  22. #####	 ######	 ####	 [**Kinsey scale**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey%20scale): [](#sfw) — >The __Kinsey scale__, also called the __Heterosexual–Homosexual Rating Scale__, attempts to describe a person’s sexual experience or response at a given time. It uses a scale from 0, meaning exclusively [heterosexual](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterosexual), to 6, meaning exclusively [homosexual](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual). In both the Male and Female volumes of the *[Kinsey Reports](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_Reports)*, an additional grade, listed as "X", was used to mean "no socio-sexual contacts or reactions"; in modern times, this represents [asexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality). The reports were first published in *Sexual Behavior in the Human Male* (1948) by [Alfred Kinsey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Kinsey), [Wardell Pomeroy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wardell_Pomeroy) and others, and were also prominent in the complementary work *Sexual Behavior in the Human Female* (1953). >==== >[**Image**](https://i.imgur.com/eqwqU7b.png) [^(i)](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kinsey_Scale.svg) – *Kinsey scale of sexual responses, indicating degrees of sexual orientation* — ^Interesting: [^Klein ^Sexual ^Orientation ^Grid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klein_Sexual_Orientation_Grid) ^| [^Benjamin ^scale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_scale) ^| [^Kinsey ^Reports](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_Reports) ^Parent ^commenter ^can [^toggle ^NSFW](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot NSFW toggle&message=%2Btoggle-nsfw+crbz0ev) ^or[](#or) [^delete](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot Deletion&message=%2Bdelete+crbz0ev)^. ^Will ^also ^delete ^on ^comment ^score ^of ^-1 ^or ^less. ^| [^(FAQs)](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/wiki/index) ^| [^Mods](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1x013o/for_moderators_switches_commands_and_css/) ^| [^Magic ^Words](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1ux484/ask_wikibot/)

  23. No I totally get what you’re saying but their’s unfortuntately a lot of former abuse that is common in the lesbian community that were victimized by men. A lot of them from that point on just rejected or avoided them even though they were still attracted to men there past experiences prohibited them to let there guard around them, so when the opportunity to express there attraction they had repress towards men for so long we get stories like yourself and the narrator. Tl;DR: women and people in general mislabel there identity all the time it just only makes it harder for real lesbians to be taken seriously because there is genuinely no attraction towards men and that’s the only label we have to describe us.

  24. Yes I have to laugh a bit at all the discussion here. I thought I made it clear…she identifies as Lesbian so that’s how I described her.

  25. I don’t doubt the facts you cite re: abuse, but at the same time I wonder how my ‘lesbian’ friend would react to your assertion that she has *mislabeled* herself and that she isn’t a "real lesbian"? I suspect with some degree of anger. You appear to have taken ownership of the ‘lesbian’ label and have decreed that only those that fit your ideals of what a lesbian should be are allowed to use that label. Somewhat ironic from a group that I would think would want to be treated no differently than any other group of a particular sexual orientation, and should actually discourage the use of labels altogether. Perhaps lesbianism has become too mainstream for your liking?

  26. Oh it has. It’s gotten to the point where you can approach a woman because she says shes a lesbian but when things begin to get serious they realize there not really attracted to girls. And like I said a lot of girls have had traumatic experiences with men so they rely on women for comfort and suppress there natural desire for men and hold on to a label that doesn’t exactly describe them but peer pressure and a need for acceptance is one of human natures unfortunate conditions.

  27. Then she’s a homoromantic bisexual. As a bi guy, I am sick and tired of people identifying as straight or gay while fucking both men and women. (Newsflash: Most bi people don’t like men and women in equal amounts. They are still bi.). Bisexual erasure at work :(. /soapbox

  28. You actually care how other people describe themselves, and take it as an affront if they choose to use the same label as you do for yourself and you deem them unworthy? Wow, that’s pretty sad.

  29. Well I guess it’s lucky then that we have people like you who are able to go around and set them straight about who they are and why.

  30. I don’t deem them unworthy. I’m just angry at them for not acting in solidarity with their fellow bisexual people. Sure, it’s understandable to be unsure about labels if you just recently started to act in ways the orientation you identified as until then does not cover, but to go out of your way to from then on reject any sexual orientation label or identification … to me that’s a cop-out. I know the queer community stresses the importance of respecting whatever people identify as, but when it comes to sexual orientation, if you are attracted to both a number of men and a number of women and have sex with either and then pretend you are straight/lesbian/above labels — that kind of behaviour just pisses me of. Maybe that’s indeed sad, but to me it’s sad to see, again and again, how scattered and divided the bi community is. We are strong in numbers, yet we suck at coming together and being there for each other :(.

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