The most tempted I’ve ever been, I’ve cheated and it felt great [m/f]

My ego really wants to post this with my real account, but I won't. Also, there are some people in my life that could figure this out if they ever read this.

I used to be proud of saying that I had never cheated in my life, but that all changed a bit over a month ago. The universe put me in a very difficult position, my relationship was hellish, my girlfriend played so many games and was so insecure (I ended it things 2 weeks ago). All the signs were there indicating that the relationship was coming to an end. We could no longer agree or meet in the middle on certain principles. The only thing that worked was sex, she let me do whatever I wanted.

This is what happened-

About 5 weekends ago I was having a drink at a bar near my gate and a very attractive woman was pretending to NOT be listening to my conversation with the bartender. The recent announcement stated that the flight was delayed again, and I joked with the bartender opening a business as a therapist for business travelers. As a good therapist, the bartender suggested a strip club within miles of the airport, but I told him that I wasn't into strip clubs, they don't make sense to me since I would rather see a woman(if I was single) naked for free instead of paying someone to dry hump me. She made an awful joke about strip clubs, and she laughed and we both laughed at the badly timed joke, and she took the opportunity to move to the seat next to me.

She was wearing this low cut, very tight black dress. Her cleavage wasn't that scandalous, but it was obvious by the contour of her body that she had very beautiful breasts. Her curvaceous body beautifully highlighted her butt and the nice thong she was wearing. She was also wearing a very sensual perfume, and that is my weakest link.

As it happened, she was also waiting for the same flight. We talked a good while, and I would drop in "My girlfriend" into conversations to indicate that I wasn't single but that didn't stop her from flirting. The drinks kept coming, and by now I had reached my limit, I was on my third vodka on the rocks and I was now lightly flirting back. While I turned to hear the announcements, I noticed from the corner of my eye that she had quickly unbutton few more buttons and I could now see the entire inner side of her boobs, her semi conservative dress was no longer conservative. Looked like a deep V neck.

Her nipples were getting so hard they were poking through her bra. I've made a comment that I could see her thong every time she uncrossed her legs, and she asked if I liked it, and uncrossed her leg again, this time pausing for a second. I told her that that was crossing the line, and I realized I should stop drinking. I changed topics but we continued chatting, then she got up to go the bathroom.

When she came back she poked on my shoulder, with the intention to make me turn towards her, and this time she uncrossed her legs again but held the position a bit wider(Sharon Stone style). She had taken her panties off and I could see in clear view, her very well trimmed pussy. I mean, it was literally very, very perfect. She asked "how about now… is this crossing the line?" My bulge became quite clear as my semi tight business trousers now clearly highlighted my very hard boner growing against the side of my leg. She grabbed my cock through the pants and said she wanted to fuck me before we get on the plane. She told me that the hotel she had stayed for the week literally less than a mile away.

It was the most difficult no I had ever given, she continued to pursue, and I was now being stupid and saying things like "There is nothing I would like more than to bend you over and assfuck you, but I am in a relationship". All the while she kept trying to get her hand through my zipper to grab my cock. I kept stopping her. While we were playing this game of "pretending to be just talking as she grabs my cock through my pants", she managed to pull my arm and rubbed the back on my hand on her wet vagina. She was so sexually aroused everyone around us noticed the commotion we were causing. My Ex is physically very attractive, but I think "Claire" has a nicer body.

I paid for our drinks and left to sit and wait at the terminal. After about 10 minutes she followed and sat by me, and placed her hand on top of my pants while her coat covered both our shoulders. She was trying to grab my cock again(which made me hard again). I told her to stop and she wouldn't give up. She knew I was horny. She asked one last time if I wanted to go to her hotel, and I said no. I looked away from a minute, and when I turned my head toward her again she put put two of her fingers full of her pussy juice inside my mouth..she asked if they tasted good.. they did. They tasted amazing but I told her no, even though I licked her fingers.

She was very frustrated and left to sit across from me. She looked visibly upset. For the next 20-30 minutes she would flash me at every opportunity that she had, I saw her tits, her pussy, at one point she even turned around (while people are sitting side by side wit her) and managed to flash me her her butt. She would time every moment that I looked her way, to flash me and touch her pussy or squeeze her tits. When my row was called and I stood up to board the plane she walked towards me and gave me her card and I threw it away. She came back with another one and said "please, just in case", and I wanted to keep it but I was feeling guilty enough and I threw it away again.

As I sat down on my seat and waited for the remaining passengers to board the plane, I realized that I was so unbelievably horny that I had precum on my thigh.There was a wet spot on my trousers. I was planning on going to the bathroom to masturbate, I was dying to release that energy. I was on the lookout to make sure she wouldn't pass my isle seat on the way to hers and try something again, at that moment I wouldn't be able to contain myself.

Finally most passengers had boarded and I didn't see her boarding the plane. Before the air hostess started the welcoming speech, I stood up and went to the bathroom with a very obvious hard cock pressing against my tight fit trousers. As I approached the bathroom nearest to me, the air hostess told me it was out of order and redirected me toward the bathroom in the back. No fucking way. I walked briskly while trying to block the view from my boner by leaning a bit forward. I reached the bathroom but it was occupied so I stepped in that back coffee area of the plane so that people wouldn't notice my boner.

Surprise! "Claire" appeared out of nowhere.. before I could say anything she kissed me and our tongues are dancing tango. With a single motion she unzipped my pants and tried to pull my cock out (it was impossible, I still had my belt on). I didn't fuck her but we grinded on each other and I fingered her pussy for maybe 30 seconds then I grabbed her by the hair and turned around and I fingered her asshole hard. She tried again to suck my cock but I stopped her and asked her not to look for me when we land. She asked for one more kiss and I did kiss her again, and I also pulled her tits out of the dress and sucked on her tits. One of the air hostess kinda of caught in the act as I was pulling my head away and she was readjusting her dress.

I went to the bathroom and jerked off hard.

Excuse the poor grammar, English is not my first language.



  1. Dude, you were raped. Reminds of the story of the guy that jerked off at walmart and tossed his cum at this girl and got arrested. Except this girl straight up stuck her fingers in your mouth. Well Done.

  2. dude you are a total lame your gf was probably banging your friends while you were at the airport

  3. That girl was a psycho. :/ Sorry to hear that she kept on throwing herself at you. I wonder why that was the case?

  4. Looking back now, fingering and/or fucking is cheating either way and I had already crossed the line. My relationship was already on its last legs. I travel periodically for work, and my Ex never trusted me (I made the mistake of sharing some sex/traveling stories from the past). I also knew my Ex was shady at times, but I wasn’t sure if she had cheated on me.. I don’t want bad Karma.

  5. She was the most aggressive I’ve ever met for sure. I have to say though, during the past 2-3 years I’ve experienced the corporate traveling/staying at hotel bit, and man AND women tend to be much more aggressive at hotel bars. I am sure other redditors that are business travelers can confirm this.

  6. Have some compassion. I’m sure he feels bad enough. There’s still merit in being the good guy.

  7. All I can give you is reddit karma lol. You were stronger than I might have been. I’m glad this shit almost never happens to me, and when it does I make an early exit because I don’t trust my willpower.

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