I’ll be there for you [m+f]

It’s been a long year. Since last we spoke (see Sorry and Gotta make hay for examples) and a lot has changed. Medical issues, biopsies, tears, hugs, shit. Not to go all Debbie Downer on your collective asses womp womp … This is /r/Gonewildstories afterall… Life goes on and we do the best we can.

It’s times like these that make you realize, one way or the other, what sort of relationship you have. I would say ours is just great.

When we first found out she was sick it was quite a shock. We had been busy raising our young boys, working, and squeezing in as much fun times as we could. You never expect something like this, especially in your 30’s, which is probably why it was so devastating. There was an awful lot of soul searching and talking that took place during all this. Inexplicably this whole thing managed to bond us even more rather than tear us apart.

Enough about all that shit though except to say that ye ole sex life is the first thing to go. It’s not so bad really, you’re focused on the important things and no one really feels like having sex. It lead to some nice romantic times cuddling, talking, and having fun without all that pesky sex getting in the way all the time. I seriously cannot believe I just typed that. In all seriousness, all I could do was put that part of us aside and concentrate on making everything as close to normal as possible.

I tried to be more helpful around the house. Did more dishes, more laundry, let her sleep late as much as possible. If I’m being honest, our split of chores was always pretty equitable but I just started doing the bulk of everything. I also tried to focus more on her relaxation. I brought her coffee more often, rubbed her feet as we watched TV, gave her long back massages.

The best (read: worst) part of all these massages and things was that there was never an expectation that anything sexual would happen afterwards. OK, that part was pure torture for me but she honestly was not thinking about that so I did my best to hide my raging boners and not bring the subject up. I figured when she was ready she would let me know.

During one of these massages just that happened. I was innocently massaging the coconut oil into her back, focusing on those tense little spots between her shoulder blades, when it all started. She glanced back at me and caught a glimpse of my excitement. It’s not my fault really, here I am rubbing coconut oil onto my mostly naked wife, I can’t control what mr. balldangles’s reaction is. Hell, the entire time I was doing my best not to poke her with it and I even tried to conceal it, I tucked it up into my waistband like a teenager hiding a pot pipe.

“What’s that?” she inquires, raising an eyebrow. “Sorry” I manage as I shift it further up the top of my shorts towards my belly button.

“I can’t yet” she manages, fairly apologetically herself. “I know, and I’m not really mentally up for it anyway” I add sympathetically, albeit a bit of a lie.

Although technically cleared medically she wasn’t quite emotionally ready for sex as she was still coming to terms with all of this. “Let me just finish up, I’ll behave myself” I promised.

“Oh, I don’t necessarily want you to behave yourself…” she mustered. That was all the sign I needed. I rolled her onto her back and entwined my legs with hers. I groped clumsily at her breasts as our mouths met. I located her nipples and gently tweaked them between my fingers, they were already quite hard. I hoped I wasn’t overstepping my bounds, and I treaded lightly but I was determined to enjoy this moment in case the next encounter was a ways off.

“Slow down there big fella” she chuckled. At least we’re still able to laugh in bed, I thought. “I know, I know” I said masking my disappointment. “Can I just be here for you?” I asked. “What did you have in mind?” was her suspicious response. I reached for the Magic Wand we keep near the bed. I had bought it for her as a gift a couple years ago after a small medical blip that turned out to be a cruel bit of foreshadowing of things to come. We used it when we couldn’t have sex for a time and quite a bit since then (see here ). “I don’t know…” she slowly stated. “We’re in this together” I said, looking her in the eye “Just say the word and I’ll stop.”

Her look said I’m not so sure but her lower body relaxing and her legs spreading slightly was all the cue I needed. As I lay alongside her I wrapped my hand around the head of the wand and turned it on low. I slowly and gently placed the hand containing the head of the vibrating wand near her clit. Her reaction reminded me of that show Small Wonder when they would switch the robot Vicki “on”. Lightning shot from her steel blue eyes. Her entire body jolted uncontrollably. A low moan escaped her lips. I gauged her response diligently, scouring her face for any sign of stop. None came. And then she came. Her first orgasm was quick. Seconds had elapsed. Clearly her swollen bits needed this. As she rolled onto her second orgasm she frantically reached for something to grab onto to steady herself. She unwittingly muckled onto my throbbing shaft. As she rode out her second orgasm she began stroking my cock. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying it. “In me, now!” she managed to exclaim. With all the tender and gentle I could muster I moved my hips at her, still sort of spooning at her side. Tight and wet are the two words I would use to describe my long lost friend at that moment. I used every bit of willpower I had to slowly enter her and reclaim my kingdom.

I more or less laid there, inside her, as she came and came. I was there for her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/363k9o/ill_be_there_for_you_mf


  1. Beautiful, man. What you’re doing is not easy, and you’re doing it right!

  2. Congratulations for being a great man and selfless lover for your girl. I’m sure she appreciates it like nothing else.

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