A series of encounters with a coworker

The following is a true story that happened to me a few years back. It is a long story and it takes quite a while to get going. However, it is the first of many experiences and I felt that it was necessary to explain some background. I hope that I will have time to write more about this experience, as it was the pinnacle of all things sexual for me in my life. I still look back at this run of encounters with fondness because we did so much and delighted in every single thing. If you like what I write, let me know in the comments section and I will post something else.

About 15 years ago, my first job after grad school was with an old-line chemical company with a lot of seasoned professionals. In other words, it was definitely not a hip, cool place to work. I bided my time but I was always looking for something different. A few years later, I had a chance to interview with a startup electronics company. Fortunately, I secured an offer and with the chance to change jobs and join an energetic team of like-minded coworkers I was sold.

The team that I joined was a group of guys and girls who were just starting out like me. Some were married but many of us were single. There was an unwritten rule that team romances were frowned upon and considering the opportunity and profile the project that we were working on, few people wanted to take any chance that might get them reassigned. Considering my first job and my desire to not go back to old-line chemicals, I did my best to keep my nose to the grindstone and my focus on women outside of work.

Things went well for a year or so. I enjoyed working on the project and I developed many good friends. Going to work was actually fun and our days were filled with debates, product demos, rebuilds and laughs. There were many take-out dinners at the office and long nights and weekends. But, it was a blast. I was doing my best work working with my best friends. Then along came Jen.

As with any growing company, we were constantly adding engineers and programmers to try to keep pace with the ever-deepening workload. Some would burn out in a week or two and others would fail to fit in with our tight-knit group and ask for a reassignment. It is not that we were exclusive, but over time we developed a mini-culture that was tough to break into unless you were of a unique, determined mindset. Jen was just this sort of person. She was smart, productive and determined. She latched on to our project because it was pretty much the coolest thing going and it was very, very high profile. Although she didn’t click with us, she hung in there. We tolerated her because we needed the help and the thought of screening yet another group of engineers was something we could not stomach. Eventually we all found a groove and we kept the project moving forward with Jen on board.

One of the benefits that my company offered was an on-site gym that was staffed with physical therapists and trainers. This made for a great way to let off some steam mid-day or before work. Many of us found our way there on a regular basis and before long Jen was working out. I guess this is the point where I need to describe Jen since by this point, I was seeing her most every day in shorts and tank tops in the gym. She was thin and around 5’2”. She had long brown hair and an ok, not great rack. Her ass was great and she spent many hours on the elliptical machine. Sometimes I would find myself on the treadmill behind her, which would make for a nice workout if I could manage to keep my glances to a minimum. I certainly did not want to let her know that I was interested because I didn’t want to lose my place on the team.

Months went by and periodically I found myself discussing project work one-on-one with Jen. She was nice but she had what I call an obtuse streak. Sometimes she would go off on tangents railing about some perceived slight from her sister or brother. She also had a strange obsession with the French resistance, which I never understood. During our one-on-ones I would try to keep her focused but often I would end up listening to her, which I guess, was the seed that started everything. She became friendlier with me and would seek me out to talk about political issues or the upcoming election or the Colbert Report. I was always polite but I kept my mind focused on keeping my job. I definitely did not want to cross that line.

Over time her conversations became a little more frank and I think that she started to enjoy pushing the limits with me. She was very foreward with me about her dates and eventually, her sexual activities. I would try hard to change the subject and my obvious uncomfortable expression would delight her and spur her on. Looking back at it now, I guess it could have been considered sexual harassment but again, I didn’t want to make waves. The most outrageous thing that she ever did was come up to me in the hallway in a fit to tell me that her thong had broken. I was taken aback by what she said and as I looked at her pull the broken underwear from the hip of her jeans, I couldn’t help but look aghast. I quickly looked around to see if any other teammates were there to overhear but they weren’t. I tried to laugh it off and she packed up her gym bag and headed to the locker room to change.

A few weeks later I was in the gym on the treadmill and Jen was there working out. I tried to avoid looking at her but I could sense that eyes were upon me. I looked over to where she was working out on the upright chest press and sure enough, she was grinning at me as she went through her work out. I’ll never forget the scene because she was there on the machine in a yellow tank top with no bra. As she relaxed the weight, her arms would move back and her top would tighten across her tits. Her large areolas were easily visible and her nipples were standing straight up under the fabric. I nearly fell off the treadmill as I looked first at her and then quickly around the gym to see whom else was there. I couldn’t believe she would wear something like that and although I wanted to do nothing more than stare, I quickly averted my eyes and ended my run.

That seemed to be some sort of line in the sand, as her conversations with me became more revealing. I’d always try to cut them short in the hopes that no one would overhear the things she was saying. Once before a vacation I planned, she quizzed me on what I would be doing. When I told her that I would be fishing in the mountains and staying a few nights in a cabin alone she asked me if I wouldn’t rather be spending all the time in the cabin having sex. I laughed it off and again, changed the subject but her words haunted me the whole trip. Every day in the river, I would think of her and every night I’d think about the things that we could be doing all alone high in the mountains.

When I returned from the vacation I found that my company had bestowed Blackberrys upon us. While helpful in terms of fostering yet more productivity, it opened another line of communication from Jen. At first, texts were project related but they soon turned personal as she asked me about my trip and what I did. After spending a week fantasizing about all the things we could have been doing, I submitted to her and I broke my promise to myself. I started to respond to her personal texts and I followed her lead down that road. At first the texts were pretty safe and were just filled with innuendo. It was almost like a game of ‘have you ever?’ Soon, we were talking about our experiences and interests. She was very adventurous and open with her sexuality. From my limited experience, it was something I could not resist. I had to learn more and she filled my head with not only fantasies, but also things she had done and enjoyed. Over the weeks, we managed to keep our sexual texts private and no one had an idea of what was going on. I was happy because I was still working on a great project with a great team plus I was getting a healthy dose of filth every day and night via text.

One evening after work Jen sent me a text to see what I was doing. I was still at work and I planned to stay late to try to finish a presentation for the next day. I tried to beg her off to stay focused but she kept texting me to see if I wanted to come to her house to have a drink. Eventually I gave in and asked for her address. The drive to her house was nerve-racking because I knew that I might cross the line and I could easily find myself off the project if our coworkers found out. Once I got to her house and after her dog attacked me, she gave me some wine because she could tell that I was a bit unnerved. We chatted a little and after half a bottle, she asked me if I had been thinking about her. I told her yes and I confessed that she had been the subject of many thoughts during my entire vacation. She asked me what I had thought about and I told her that her comment of sex all day had haunted me. She laughed and we moved closer and kissed.

Instincts took over for both of us and we quickly put away the wine and the ever-present dog. When she returned she straddled me and we made out. Lost in each other we kissed and explored with our hands. I ran my hands all over her body and as I grasped her tits she exhaled and ground down on top of me. I squeezed and groped her ass and she became like a cowgirl riding on my lap on the couch. I knew that she could feel my hard cock through my jeans and she ground mercilessly on it. When I could take it no more, I pushed her off me and onto her back on the couch. I moved down onto my knees beside the couch as I started to unbutton her skin-tight jeans. She wriggled them down with me exposing her pink thong. I dove in and began to lick up the sides of her thong as she squealed with delight. I nuzzled her pussy with my nose and she pushed against me trying to get more. I pulled her thong aside and ran my tongue up her pussy to her clit, which caused her to squeal again. She grabbed the back of my head and ground my face into her pussy. I was intoxicated and I delighted in the taste of her juices. I managed to tongue-fuck her for a few minutes and she ground into my mouth like an animal. My lips wrapped around her clit and as I sucked it she rhythmically bucked her hips up and down. It was difficult to maintain contact but I relaxed knowing that she was getting what she wanted by the way she moved against me. While I wanted to be the giver of her orgasm, I was relaxed after a few minutes knowing that she was the one getting what she wanted from me. Her orgasm approached, I slid a finger into her pussy and as I started to rub her g spot, she exploded. She came on my face and licked every drop. She howled like a banshee and as she came down, she begged me to fuck her. Being the idiot that I am, I had forgotten to bring a condom and I asked her if she had any. She said no and somehow I managed to tactfully say that we shouldn’t fuck. Somehow it didn’t ruin the mood.

I still grapple with what I did because I know that it was the right thing to do, but I kick myself for not going for it right then and there.

As Jen’s breathing slowed and as she returned from her orgasmic high, she got a devious look in her eye and she pulled me up off the floor and we changed positions. She unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my jeans as she knelt on the floor in front of me. Together we got my shoes, socks and pants off and as she pulled down my shorts my cock stood up in front of her. Although my first girlfriend in high school nicknamed me ‘BD’, I never thought that I was anything special but Jen’s eyes sparkled as she reached out for my cock. The first touch was electric and I felt a shudder up my spine. With her left hand she slid her fingers under my balls while licking up the underside of my cock. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before and she worked with expert attention to detail and ultimate pleasure. Both hands worked on me from my ass to my belly button and I could feel an enormous load of cum building. Over the next half hour she danced her tongue over every inch of my cock and balls. Saliva ran down onto the couch and frequently she would stroke my slick cock while licking my balls. Her fingers were like magic and I had never had anyone tease under my balls and up the sides of my cock the way that she did. She bobbed her head up and down rhythmically and a few times she tried to take it all in. She seemed to think it a challenge and she was frustrated when she’d take it too far toward the back of her mouth yet not get all the way down. I didn’t care one bit about her frustration, as I was lost in a cloud of pleasure. Periodically, she’d take my cock out of her mouth and she would talk dirty to me. She’d chastise me for not fucking her and it took all my inner fortitude to not give in. She would then tell me to get ready to cum as she would stroke my cock and tease my balls. She seemed to know of a spot under my balls that made my impending orgasm uncontrollable. She would take me to the edge and as I would begin to buck up off the couch, she would stop and delay my cumshot. Over and over she would do this and finally she began to ask me if I wanted to cum. I would say yes and she would smile and laugh and delay a little longer. Eventually she had me begging for it and she made me promise that next time I would fuck her. I told her I would be better prepared and she was satisfied. She unleashed one final assault on my cock and balls and I went over the edge. She clamped her mouth down on me as I sprayed cum down her throat. She swallowed and continued to pump under my balls at the spot that triggered yet more cum. Burst after burst shot out of me and in her decadence, she began to let some run down the sides of my cock. It dripped off me onto the couch and when she had drained me, she began to lick all the lost cum from the sides of my shaft. This intensely erotic sight caused me to pump out a little more which she greedily licked up.

As she sat back, Jen let out a devilish laugh delighting in what she had done. I was totally spent and I couldn’t believe that someone could make me cum so much. I knew then and there that I was hooked and that I had to have more of this woman. We cooled off for a few minutes and we talked about the need for complete secrecy. She agreed although she didn’t think that it was anyone’s business and that we shouldn’t be too worried. We established a few rules to try to keep things as secret as possible.

The evening ended with the rest of the bottle of wine and talk of when we could get together again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/363y67/a_series_of_encounters_with_a_coworker


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