Cynthia’s begininning – M/f – mild d/s

Of my major relationships, I think Cynthia is the hardest to explain. The story started and seemed to end simply. Kinky boy meets vanilla girl. A few dates, a bit of vanilla sex and boy gets bored. Boy moves on. Boy and girl stay friends.

A boring story perhaps and not the full story. For Cynthia would eventually become my live in 24/7 sex slave and to this day is still the dirtiest submissive I have ever been with.

The real story began simply as well. Months after the parting of ways we were at lunch. Both college students still and meeting with a large group of friends in a dining area for lunch. I was mostly studying with no classes for hours as was she. Friends came and went. At one point a crowded table of ten and finally just the two of us.

"I'm annoyed with you," she said out of no where. I looked up from my book, tried to think of something witty to say and finally just shrugged, "you got me," I said, "why?"

"You didn't want to date me because I'm not a pervert, why didn't you just say so instead of giving me that dumb excuse about not being into me, I'm freaking awesome and you know it," she said.

"I never said that," I said protesting, "I just didn't think we'd be right together."

"We read the same books, we like the same games and jokes and we get along great. The only thing we don't have is your naughty sexual tastes," she said. Say one thing about Cynthia, she spoke her mind when she wanted too.

I shrugged again, "Ok sorry, I didn't want to be that ass who won't date you because he likes girls that want to be tied up. I didn't want to come off as some sort of pervert."

"Apology accepted," she said primly and looked back at her book, blushing slightly and continued, "plus, who knows, maybe if you had asked I would have said yes."

Cynthia had a secret fantasy you see. One that she had harbored since puberty but felt too guilty to admit to. She wanted to be raped. Tied down and raped. She admitted it all to me blushing and as it was clear she was telling me for a reason asked her if she wanted to try.

Our sex had been very boring. Four encounters, two of actual sex. She had gone down on me a bit twice, let me go down on her once and in all of the four times she had only cum twice where as I had three times. To hear her ask for it, to lay out that she wanted me to tie her up, make her suck me and then fuck her, well it was a shock. But I agreed happily.

It was a simple tie. Her nude body on the bed. Her hands over her head, loose with soft rope. We kissed as I fondled her breasts. I nibbled her skin as my hand slid between her legs. Her moans were real. The lights were down low but I could see her clearly enough. The other times we had been together she had insisted on pitch blackness. She was slightly overweight at this point and shy about it and her body.

I worked my way down her body and pushed her legs apart with my hands, lowering my face inches from her sex, seeing that it was wet.

"Can you," she said hesitantly, "get the lights."

"Feel free to turn them off yourself or safe word," I said and moved my mouth onto her pussy. Licking lightly at her clit.

"Your an asshole," she said and moaned.

I stopped licking just long enough to say, "your the one that wanted to test your fantasy, I don't think the rapist would have agreed and I for one like the sight of your most intimate parts so close up."

I let my tongue work and she moaned. I let my fingers slide into her wetness and seek out the special spot. When I had done this the once before, vanilla, she hadn't cum from it. She had gotten close and I had gotten tired. This time though. Not quick, but much faster.

I stayed like that, my tongue spinning and sliding on her clit, my fingers rubbing up and down against her g-spot and felt her trembling and then gasping in orgasm.

"Holy shit," she said, "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." A mantra. Finally, "what was that? Holy shit. I don't even cum like that alone."

She made me wash my face before kissing her so I left her tied. When I came back out I took her lightly by the hair and held her face to my hard cock. "Suck," I said and she did.

Cynthia hated cum. Hated it even deep into her slave hood. She rarely did it and never to completion. She had gone down on my twice before. Once during heavy petting and had finished me off by hand into a washcloth and the other time as foreplay for a minute or so before sex.

I made her go down on me for almost 10 minutes, she barely even got her mouth half way down my cock and kept making scared noises and trying to say "don't cum" around my dick.

She had made it clear that this was just "tie her up and play with her a bit" an experiment and I wasn't going to push it.

I stopped my torment of her mouth and slid a condom on before pushing her legs apart again and climbing onto her. I began to fuck her, holding myself up with one hand and grabbing the back of her head by the hair with the other and forcing her to kiss me. Just like that. My cock pumping into her, holding her mouth to mine. She moaned into my mouth and I broke the kiss to say, "you like this don't you, being my little fuck hole, you exist to please me."

She moaned again and I began to bite her neck and breasts as I thrusted away. When I came she moaned "nooo, not yet, just a few more" and I reached down. I kept myself inside her and began to furiously rub her clit and in moments she was cumming again.

Just like that. Two orgasms in one night. It was the start of something neither of us expected.

Cynthia went home that night and spent the evening reading pornographic bondage stories on the net. She masturbated twice more to orgasm and when I woke up in the morning, she had already Instant messaged me with a simple "I want to try more."



  1. Hell of a spare hand there with the writing style, Tex. Publishable in the noir (I’m told that’s french) style, were it not smut. the content is not compelling, but yer a fuckin’ writer, ain’t ye?

  2. I mean, the first thing I noticed was you used a prologue. A fucking prologue. Then, as you eased into the noir, I coulda swore I heard a moody saxophone soundtrack. The only thing missing was a busty dame with a past and a hand cannon.

  3. I may know guys on GWA who can read this aloud if OP likes the idea of a narrative audio. :)

  4. Loved the style and the content. Definitely matches the tone of the relationship, as it comes through from the words. Hoping this is a memoir of many episodes.

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