(F/F) A Secret Rendezvous

Story 4/5

This story starts the next morning after my previous story

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I wake up with sunlight peeking in over the blinds, still wrapped in Kim's arms. She is still asleep so I just lay there with her warmth radiating into me while listening to the birds just outside the window in a state of perfect bliss. For what seemed like a long time I lay there enjoying the happiness I felt throughout my entire body.

I feel Kim stir and start to pull away from me. I turn around to face her and see she is smiling at me.

She says in her soft sweet voice, "Last night was amazing Katie kat"

I respond with a little peck and Kim pulls me into a tight embrace. I whisper to her, "I'm never leaving this spot."

Kim gives me a kiss and says, "you promise?"

I roll us over so I am on top of her, and start smothering her with kisses. Kim rolls me back the other way and while she pins me down whispers in my ear, "I think you want some more don't you you naughty little girl."

I let out a tiny gasp and say , "who me? I'll have you know that I am perfectly capable of restraining myself even in your incredibly sexy presence."

Kim smiles at me and says softly, "oh? I bet you are already soaking wet." She reaches her slender hands down my sides and pushes herself up so she is straddling me. I can feel her pussy is already wet as she slides down my body. She gets to my knees and spreads them apart to find that she was right about me being ready for her.

I give up on playing hard to get and bite my lip seductively at her as she starts caressing my slit.

She pushes my legs all the way to my chest and makes me hold my knees up. I feel so vulnerable; it is really turning me on. I hold there with my eyes closed in suspense as I feel her breath on my pussy.

She plunges in and wastes no time. I can tell she is enjoying this. I let out a tiny moan as i feel a finger push into me, then two. She starts to pick up speed and I am already barely hanging on. Abruptly everything stops as I hear my sister rap on Kim's bedroom door.

I am frozen with fear.

I hear her say, "uhh Kim? are you up yet? Do you know where Katie is?"

I relax a tiny bit as I realize that she doesn't know that Kim is knuckle deep in me.

I fake a yawn and say "Hey sis, I crashed with Kim instead of sleep on that gross couch last night." while scrambling out of bed and putting my dress from last night back on. Kim throws in a few only partially fake hangover grunts to sell it.

Lauren replies, "oh ok, I hope you girls had fun last night! I'm really sorry about last night Katie, Ryan kind of surprised me and I didn't even know if you'd be home" as she turns around and heads away.

Kim looks at me with her pouty face, she is obviously still really turned on, but I may as well have had a bucket of ice water thrown on me.

I sit back down on the bed, now wearing my dirty dress and tell Kim, " I promise I will make this up to you" but I can tell she is mad at me.

Kim finally says, "you totally owe me Katie kat, you tease" resuming her pouty face.

I am starting to get turned on again but I am still terrified of Lauren telling everyone that I am sleeping with Kim, even though I know she probably wouldn't do it on purpose… she's just such a gossip.

An idea pops into my head…

I smile at Kim and pull her out of bed.

She groans at me and says, "Oh my god Katie if you're not going to do me at least let me be hungover in peace."

I smile at her and say, "cmon we can play in the shower"

I take my dress off again and return it to it's rightful place in a lump at the foot of Kim's bed and pull her into the bathroom. Our apartment shares a bathroom with doors that go into both bedrooms, so we lock both doors and turn the shower on. Once our little sound barrier is up I push Kim up against the wall and start sucking on her tits while massaging her crotch. Kim lets out a moan and I give her a stern glare.

She rolls her eyes at me and says, "can't we just tell her… I can't stand being all secretive it's like high school all over again." I withdraw my hand and say, "look we can talk about this later.. can you please just try and be quiet for now?"

Kim is now too committed to protest and just lets out an exasperated fine.

The water is now warm enough to get into so we get in and the water feels really good.

Kim starts furiously making out with me and It is as usual extremely effective at making me lose all self control, especially with the warm water pattering over us.

I get down on my knees and stare up at Kim. She puts her leg up on the edge of the tub and I start eating her. I can feel her juices dripping onto me and they taste really good.

I can feel her stifling her moans and she starts to get shaky. I motion at her to get down on her back she puts her butt down in the tub and I start vigorously fingering her while lapping up her juices. Kim comes hard and tries her best but lets out a few squeaks.

Once she recovers she pushes me down a little forcefully and starts going to town on me immediately. I love how rough she is being with me. Her thrusts are so powerful and the water beating down on her sexy body is just too much for me to handle. in no time i am shaking in orgasm, but she doesn't stop.

She is holding me down with her off hand and fucking me with the other. I am barely able to keep it contained in me. Every ounce of me is focused on not screaming in pleasure. Another orgasm hits me and I just can't hold it in anymore. I let out a loud moan and Kim finally stops, quite satisfied with how she'd made a hypocrite of me.

I just lay there trying to regain my composure on the floor of the shower, with Kim just smiling at me as she finishes cleaning herself up. It takes me a minute or two to even stand. Kim notices my wobbling and helps me up and washes me as I try and lean up against the wall.

She pulls me close and whispers in my ear, "I thought you wanted to keep quiet sweetie." She gives me a devilish smile. I let out a defeated sigh and kiss her.

Having now taken almost a half hour long shower… we get out all pruney and dry off.

There is no way that Lauren isn't going to realize what's up after me and kim spend the night together, then take a 20 some minute long shower, and I have my little moan there. I unlock the door to my bedroom and peek in. Lauren is not there so I hustle in and put on some yoga pants and a tank top. I go back thru the bedroom to Kim's room and sit on her bed.

I mutter, "ok we have to have that talk now."

Kim says, "Katie, she is so not going to even care. It's not a big deal."

I am still worried and it shows. Kim gives me a big hug and works her magic on me with her sweetness. She says, "your sister loves you Katie she's not going to do anything to hurt you. Besides, I'm pretty sure she knew about the first time anyway."

I look at her incredulously, "what? why would she not say anything if she knew?"

Kim rolls her eyes at me and says, "probably has something to do with the fact that it's pretty awkward to bring up your sister's lesbian escapades in normal conversation."

The logic is pretty solid, so I agree that she probably did already know.

We go out into the living room and Lauren is there eating a sandwich and awkwardly says, "uh, hi girls."

I am so embarrassed.

We sit down on the couch opposite Lauren and Kim takes the lead, "Lauren, I know you probably already know this but me and your sister are sleeping together."

I am bright red and incredibly uncomfortable.

Lauren laughs and says, "yeah… I kinda figured that was happening with how clingy you two are all the time, and how Katie keeps having her little 'sleep overs'."

I am kind of shocked how cool she is being about this. Kim pokes me in the ribs and says, "see Katie-kat I told you she already knew."

I mumble out "well, I guess thanks for not telling anyone. I don't know if mom and dad would approve."

Lauren gets up and sits next to me. She pats my leg and says, "Katie, mom and dad would just be glad you finally are with somebody who actually cares about you, I know I am, but I promise I won't tell anybody either way."

I give her a big hug and and with a big grin say, "can I have part of that I am really hungry."

She smacks me and says, "No way jose!" just like she used to when we were little.

Kim laughs and says, "I thought twins were supposed to be like extra nice to each other?"

I giggle and say, "psh, who told you that?"


The next story http://redd.it/35uvfc

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/35utsz/ff_a_secret_rendezvous

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