Comicon Persistence! [M/F]

LONG Leadup. Please enjoy.

I attended a comic convention type thing just the other weekend. It was a 3 day event, and it featured a whole bunch of cosplaying competitions, which opened up the ability to have anyone dress up as their character of choice. Once such character is Tifa from Final Fantasy 7 with a white tank-top and black skirt. The girl has natural dark brown hair, pale skin, is incredibly fit (visible stomach lines), and stands just under 5 feet tall. I have a weakness for petite athletic girls.

On day one, she was quite shy and weary about all the people looking at her, which apparently caused people to think twice about asking her for a picture. I felt the same way, considering I had no idea what her age was (my guess being around 18 possibly less) and didn't want to risk coming off as a creepy guy. However, I grew up with Final Fantasy, so I couldn't resist. At one point, I saw her lined up for a group photo-op thing that was announced. I walk up beside her, and tap her arm. She did a half startled jump, half sorry-i'm-in-your-way side step. I immediately realized she was a very shy as she took the guarded pose, so I very formally ask; "would you mind terribly if I took a picture of you?" She then smiles brightly and says "oh sure, ya!" She makes a pose and I snap off a pic. I smile at her and say my thanks. At this point, she maintains eye contact and starts adjusting her hair behind her ear. I nod my head and walk off. At that moment I realize I should have taken a pic of us together, but when I looked back, she had already entered past the lineup entry way.

I run into her after that cosplay event and say that she should compete. She says “awww thanks!”, but I get interrupted by the group of friends I was with. The rest of the day, I see her once in a while along the vendor booths, sometimes with a friend, sometimes alone. I approach her again with a smile, and ask her if she is a Final Fantasy fanatic, and if Tifa is her favorite, and she mentions she is a fan, and it is Tifa and Lightning. I throw complements her way saying that she is pulling off the Tifa character beautifully, and eventually I say "see you around".

We end up bumping into each other inside another vendor booth again, and I comment "funny running into you here," and point to the various figurines on display that relate to Final Fantasy. She has an abashed look, as she is holding an appropriately themed keychain. At this point I comment about the cool irony of her standing here, and ask her for a selfie. She agrees, and I stand next to her, and put my arm around her shoulder. She smells fantastic. I snap the pic, and she has this huge smile this time. I comment on her great smile, and I turn to her, "you know, I am having a tough time guessing your age!" She responds with a blink at first, then says she gets that a lot. She says she is 18, which makes me several years older, but at least all is good. I comment "well, cosplay has no age bounds, am I right?" She does her cute laugh again.

She then does something surprising and asks if I wanted to cosplay, who would it be. I take this chance and answer "something that matches Tifa, so that I can take more pictures of you!" She smiles, looks down, and quietly comments "maybe". I ask if she will be Tifa tomorrow, and she says yes, and begins to blush. I wink at her, and say "okay then!" and walk away.

Day two comes, and I'm fully determined to spend time with Tifa. I never realized I didn’t ask her for her name, and if it is even appropriate. I wander the vender booths again and sometimes make my way to the interview panels with my group of friends. In the afternoon, upon passing a cosplay booth, I happen to run into her again, and she looks at me and laughs and waves. She is in her Tifa clothing again, looking as hot as ever. I walk over and comment about if she is manning this booth, and she mentions no, but that she is getting tips on cosplaying from the vendors. I glance over to the booth across the way that is featuring very provocative pictures and a girl in a bikini and body paint, and ask her “what about that one?” And have this half serious thoughtful grin while tapping my chin, trying to play it off as funny. She blushes and looks down and says that she can’t possibly pull that off gracefully, and at this point I’m totally eating up her sweet attitude. I say the usual thing about her not needing to worry if her body can do it, and that her body is better than that vendor’s, and etc etc. I ask her if she has ever done a photoshoot before. She says no, and I say that these conventions are the perfect place to practice! Just strike a few poses and even stick to the mannerisms of your character. I even tell her that I’ve done photography before. Her responses were always along the lines of “maybe”.

I mentioned I’m thirsty, and ask if she wanted to grab a drink with me, and she blinks at me as she realizes what I’m asking. She stutters a little, and ends up mumbling that she has to go meet up with her friend for the next panel. I immediately answer it calmly and say “oh ok, no worries, perhaps later”. I turn away, smile at her, and say “until next time!”

After dinner time, I pass her by as she is with her friend sitting near the food area, and she does a double-take as I approach. She seemed a little nervous, so I just raise my camera and do a fake tourist pose towards her, wink and keep walking. On my way back past the same table, I see her yawning. I approach her and say “how about I buy you some coffee?” She looks at her friend, and her friend just smiles back silently. She then looks at me and packs up her purse and agrees. So we line up and grab some coffee and sit back down at the same table, but this time, her friend is gone. We basically chat about nothing and everything, with my intention of making her always laugh. It is then that I learn her real name and that she is not a local resident.

Day three comes, and I’m unsure how to approach this girl anymore. I guess I’ll have to play it by ear. There is a professional cosplay competition going on, and I take a seat with my friends, and I notice Tifa is sitting a few rows back behind straight me in the last row. She smiles as I wave at her. There is a slight pause in the competition, and I take the moment to excuse myself, get up and sit next to her as she is now sitting alone.

She sits straight up and pulls down her skirt as I take my seat beside her. I notice her black skirt is shorter and her boots are bigger. I ask her about it and she said her current clothes are the original cosplay clothes but are really difficult to wear. I mention she is doing it very well and that the proportions of the boot length and skirts are perfect. She is still trying to tug the skirt down, but ends up settling it and placing her hands together at the skirt brim in between her crossed legs. I comment how her character can kick without worrying about it. Eventually I ask her if she wanted to practice posing with me. She agrees! Score!

We get up, and enter a hallway adjacent to the stage. I ask her to do a few poses, such as put her back to the wall and knee up with one foot resting on the wall and looking sideways, or her sitting down resting on her elbow, or the usual Tifa poses everyone is familiar with. She initially had a hard time with the one where she is crouching with one leg extended sideways, but she eventually got it after I showed her a few Tifa pics off some google searches. I grab a few shots of her and she is really getting into it. I even egg her into doing sexy poses, and she happily obliges, after I promise I will never post these pics online. I am a man of my word.

I help her up after one pose of her kneeling, and she limps a little. She mentions her boots are very stiff. I ask to see her feet because I have a micro firstaid kit in my pack. She comments about her feet being stinky, but I say it can’t be bad. We head over to a part the building where there are a row of unused seats behind curtains, apparently a bit of a storage space. She takes a seat, unlaces her boots, and then pulls off her sheer socks, her left foot of which had a rip in it. Sure enough, there was a blister on her foot. At this point I regain my composure after almost drooling at watching her remove her boots and do an upskirt right at me. I realize her white panties are wet probably from the photoshoot, so I take a chance. I grab her foot and she slightly flinches and makes a moaning noise of nervousness. I mention her feet are so soft which would explain the blister. She asks if it smells bad, and as I’m applying the blister bandaid, I reply, her feet smell great. I look up and she has this odd look of almost staring into space. I also mention that her feet look good enough to eat off of. She breathes in heavily, and then suddenly looks around nervously. I take a chance and kiss the tip of her big toe, to which she closes her eyes, breathes heavily, and doesn’t resist. I take it one step further and take her entire big toe into my mouth and suck on it. Her breathing becomes stuttered and heavy, and I move onto sucking her other toes and using my tongue to play with her entire foot.

Her legs open up, and she puts one of her hands between her legs and holds it there, and tightly closes her legs around her hand. I maintain the firm hold on her foot and end up slowly kissing and licking my way up her silky smooth and shiny leg. Her breathing becomes heavier as I pass her knee, and she starts whispering “oh my god” multiple times. I open up her knees to which she hesitates at first, then relaxes her muscles and opens her legs. I kiss around her inner thighs and notice her panties are completely soaked, but I intentionally avoid touching there. I keep kissing and licking around her inner thigh for a while, and she finally whispers “please” in between moans. I take that queue and slide her panties to the side, and lick her clit. She tastes like sweet juice. She takes in a loud breath and actually moans before quickly moving her hands up to her face. I look up and smile, and whisper “shhhh” while looking around. I resume going down on her and smile at the fact that she is now biting down on her gloved hand trying to be as quiet as possible. I step up the intensity and use more aggressive techniques by sucking on the clit and gripping it with my lips, and trying to stick my tongue into her vagina. I keep this up until she wraps her legs around my head and squeezes, forcing me to hold onto her ass and force my head down. She starts to flinch and jolt, stretching off the chair and almost falling. I keep up the intensity until she grabs my hair trying to push me back, so I slow down and lick straight up and down. She then pulls my face in again, so I don’t stop. Her jolts slow down until she is just flinching.

She loosens her leg hold on my head, so I move up her body and kiss her neck, and then her lips. We aggressively kiss and tongue wrestle, while she moans into my mouth. She then finds my tongue and sucks on it with peculiar strength. She pushes me back, then slides off the chair onto my lap. She then stands with her legs to either side of my lap, and pulls down her underwear, and places it on to the chair behind her. She then sits onto my lap, and begins to grind. She whispers “take off your pants” to which I oblige. She hikes her skirt up and sits back down and I slide in very slowly, despite how wet she is. We find a good rhythm as she rocks back and forth, with her hip sway in her costume adding to the kinkiness. She then sits on her feet and begins to lean back and sway her entire body up and down. I begin to moan, and she looks at me and slows down and says “tell me when you’re about to cum.” And brings her knees down to my sides, and grinds down hard and fast. I moan “I’m cuming” and she quickly slides off backwards, and shoves my cock into her mouth. I couldn’t help but moan and grab her hair as she relentlessly tongue plays, even after I’ve stopped cuming. It felt incredible.

She sits on my lap again and we lightly kiss. After a while, she rests her head on my shoulder, and we just sit there. I mention that I should have kept my camera rolling, to which she giggles in agreement. She puts her head back down and sighs, saying this was the best convention ever.



  1. Why does this read like a virgin told it to me? I would love a good convention hook up story but this just seems so fake. A huge lead up That’s too ridiculously sweet and innocent to lead to anything. Then only about a paragraph of sex. It reads like a fantasy in the head of someone building up to it, just to end with "Yea I went down on here and we boned and she totally came". I’ll say it was a sweet story but from personal convention experience and seeing the majority of guys there I doubt they could pull something like this off. The internet has ruined me into thinking your some "neckbeard " who thinks gentlemanly mannerisms get you laid with hot nerdy dream girls by saying m’lady and showering them with compliments. Real life is NOTHING like this. So sweet story but terribly boner killing.

  2. I also would hope you got her number and this wasn’t just a quickie at a convention.

  3. I do not get why people feel the need to declare this or that story is fake. This sounds like a perfectly plausible story to me. It’s not like he’s saying he fucked her while riding a unicorn or anything. Sheesh. Even if it is fake, who cares? What, do you want a prize or something for figuring it out with your sleuth detective skills? Honestly it would probably be a lot harder to sit down and make up all these details than to just go to a comicon and fuck some chick for reals anyway. If this story didn’t do it for you, just move on man!

  4. I just think it should be clarified whether a story is real or fake by whoever posts to begin with. If not then they are intentionally saying this is real, which is isn’t, so it’s misleading to begin with. Then if you know if it’s real or not it gives you a better way of guaging the writing itself. Whether it’s poorly done or not and the type of person who wrote it and for what purpose. If it’s a shit piece of writing and it’s a fake then obviously you’d enjoy it less. If it was a great story and fake at least it was a good read, this was a decent read like I said, but if he meant for it to be believable then he failed, he should know that in case he wanted to try again and make better works later on, it wasn’t realistic and it wasn’t very gone wild even. There is definitely a reason and purpose as to knowing if a story is fake or real to begin with. For me personally anyways. So your just some dickhead who really doesn’t care at all about the quality of the story or the person who wrote it so Feel free to go and fuck yourself with a generously large object without any lube.

  5. feel free to continue hurling the insults of a gradeschooler. anyway, thought i’d mention that there is no possible way to evaluate this story except in the sense of it being possible. because you’ve simply experienced conventions in YOUR way, experienced women YOUR way, been YOU, lived YOUR life, its amazing you could "discredit" a story so easily and absolutely. the world is absurdly strange. you may get a milf to bang you by telling her her nose turns you on while your at a horse race. who the fuck knows? unlikely, but isnt everything in a way? to me, the story isnt anywhere near "impossible". in fact, the leadup was so casually mundane and normal that im apt to believe it. the situations got the girl to trust him, the signs were there from the beginning, and at no point was an extreme jump made. fantasy is the root of reality, him imagining fucking her actually maybe led to it actually happening, or maybe he’ll wake up and so will you. stranger things, more unbelievable things have happened. doubt is healthy, but absolutist claims of a story you have no knowledge of is pointless and you go out of your way to seem to want us to believe YOU as if YOURE the authority on fictions! keep dreaming

  6. I purposefully left out details. I’m told I have very unique mannerisms and personality that make me stand out (good and bad). Read again what I wrote about my own comments. You’ll find they are extremely extroverted. I also know she uses the internet and is probably a redditor, so yes, I’m an avid believer in total and complete privacy, so rather than include what I say, I simply wrote down what I meant. However, if you need some sort of proof, I’ll give you something: <removed> . The rest is up to your imagination.

  7. Dude, you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. If she said don’t post pics don’t post pics.

  8. I spent a good chunk of my adolescence at anime conventions and this story seems perfectly believable to me.

  9. Hey it might be true, but it reads otherwise to me. I’m just skeptical maybe but from my first read it just doesn’t sounds that believable. Maybe it’s because you left out some details but I don’t think That’s it. I think there are just some gaps and the communication between you two is very little so it’s hard to believe you go from "getting a coffee" to convincing her to try and pose sexy for you, to noticing her damp panties and sucking on her feet. Plus u really glossed over the sex. It’s good to have a long lead up, which you did, but then the actual "goods" were pretty minimal. So it just reads to me more like maybe the first bit was true but the sex was imagined. Maybe That’s just it. I’m glad you replied though, I missed your proof because my Reddit was being ridiculous last night and wouldn’t load anything. I did say I liked reading it, but it just stands out to me as being unbelievable.

  10. Well then in general I’d say the same thing, fake or improbable or not likely or any other way of saying doubtful. However you want to interpret it is fine too. I’m just saying the writing doesn’t sounds believable to be from my own experiences. Obviously it’s going to differ by person and how they have experienced a convention or their own life. But with that said it’s still hard to believe the entire story, I mean if you choose to that awesome, I just liked it overall but felt it lacked credibility based on how we wrote it. And a ton of people lie or embellish stories in person so I take everything with a grain of salt, if it’s fake or not it means something to me as a reader but again That’s me personally, I’d like to know for certain, it would make or break the story for me, as I’m sure it would anyone if it was prove one way or the other. If this story was proven to be fake as Pamela Anderson’s tits then you’d look pretty dumb vouching for it and saying it didn’t matter if it was or not, now I took a pretty middle ground and just said I liked the story overall but it didn’t hold a believable factor for me because of the reasons I stated. And for the record I only threw in one elementary insult you fucking dingaling.

  11. Really hot story! I’ve certainly had guys spend a convention weekend "accidentally running into me" to say hi and chat some more, but never has ever come from it beyond maybe a selfie with me at best. Personally, I wish more con-goers were forward a little more like this!

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