[M/F] x2: A potential career in going down (An hour of licking, cont)

continuations of: http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2u8n6h/mf_craigslist_success_an_hour_of_licking_long/

This is an update to a story that I posted several weeks back about meeting up with a woman (The Woman) from craigslist to perform oodles or oral sex on her. This isn’t a story with lots of explicit sexy details, it’s more a summary of a very interesting development in my sex life.

So to fast forward over the past couple months..

I wouldn’t say I have become The Woman’s oral servant or anything with quite such an implied power differential, but I’ve basically been meeting up and going down on The Woman almost every week for the past couple months. Our first meet-up involved me taking the day off work. Luckily things worked out that this wasn’t necessary for us to continue. I now often work from home, or visit the GTA for consulting purposes. Both of these scenarios often afford me the ability to “choose my own hours”, so to speak. Which means that I’ve had a lot of mornings or afternoons off in Toronto with my face buried between a now familiar pair of legs. Despite some newly set personal bests, and a large number of hours licking pussy, (much more than in any actual relationship I’ve been in of the same length), that is not the point of this update.

The Woman I’ve been meeting with leads a busy lifestyle (although with flex hours of her own) and has always made it clear that she would never ever want any of her co-workers, employers, friends, family, clients. etc etc to ever find out. Apparently she’s been having trouble maintaining her friendships and doesn’t want to jeapordize any of them by revealing her secretive oral affair. (Honestly, it doesn’t seem all that crazy to me, but I suppose I can understand). Anyways, it’s absolutely fine by me.

Except for one day when Toronto traffic is extra kind to me and I manage to show up at her place 30 minutes early. Very uncool of me, not to check before knocking at her door, but I do. She’s never hinted before at having someone visiting her other than me, but it turns out that she’s got one of her friends over. When she comes to the door she’s got a pretty upset look on her face and only says that I need to leave right away. But I can clearly see her friend in there, and she can clearly see me. I turn around and get out of there.. shortly after sending a couple short but very apologetic texts. I feel like a shit and head home.

Later that night I get an email from The Woman, and it sounds like maybe I haven’t ruined her life. At first she had tried to pass me off as someone visiting her for something work-related, but who showed up at the wrong time.. but I guess that didn’t pass the BS-o-meter on her friend. So she ended up telling her friend a bit about our “arrangement”. I don’t know what the relationship is between these two women, but the friend asked The Woman to give her my email so she could contact me and make sure that I was .. I dunno.. safe.. clean… sane.

Sure enough I get another email a bit later from the friend, saying that she would like to chat with me. We agree to chat online. She comes off pretty interrogative, but I guess that was the point. It seemed though that perhaps she didn’t 100% believe what she had been told about me and The Woman. It was a bit bothersome, but I really didn’t want to do or say anything that could make this friend think too negatively about me or The Woman, in case it would somehow affect their friendship. So I was just forthcoming about anything related to my arrangement with The Woman, but kept many details of my personal life out of it.. as I had done with The Woman..

The conversation eventually lightens a bit after she seems to be a bit satisfied that I’m not an obvious ass and that I seem to be at least somewhat considerate. She eventually says thanks for answering her questions and says goodbye. I email The Woman to let her know that I think her friend is a bit more intrusive than she needs to be, but that I think she was satisfied with our conversation.

Three days later I get this <paraphrased> message from the friend: “I realized that there’s not really any meaningful connection between you and <The Woman>. You want someone go down on, and she’s happy to be that person. I don’t know you socially, and have had the chance to chat with you in depth about it, so I think I’d like you to go down on me too.”

It’s a bit presumptuous.. except not because apparently she already knew that I was going to agree to it. Except that things are a bit tricky because the friend (now woman #2) doesn’t think The Woman should know. My lusty mind doesn’t see any conflict of interest and the next week I find myself getting woman #2 off on a Tuesday and woman #1 off on a Friday. That’s last week. It was a very fun and delicious week. Except it’s absolutely not sustainable. I don’t think I can reasonably be taking the time away from work to please 2 different women with different schedules in different locations on a regular basis.

But, I have to say I’m very very pleased how a rare-seeming success seems to have done a minor snowball into a bigger success.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/34s7gy/mf_x2_a_potential_career_in_going_down_an_hour_of


  1. Sounds like it is time for them to show a little appreciation and come to you.

  2. Do you find that your jaw muscles and tongue are in better shape than when you first met this woman 3 months ago?

  3. I’d have to say yes. I can now lift about 100lbs with just my tongue. I used to have to use my hands and arms and such.

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