Trouble in Deep Space Part 2 [SciFi, MF]

A few minutes after the Captain finishes, Jess walks into the main room and finds everyone waiting for her. "What happened with the Captain?" Court asks her. Jess waits a moment before saying, "Everything is fine. I talked to him and he said he'd explain everything to all of us tomorrow morning. For now I think we should all just go and finish the jobs he gave us and leave it alone till then."

Later that night they return to their bunks. As Brittany and Peter change for bed he says, "I don't know, Britt. I don't like that we are carrying illegal cargo."

Stepping out of her pants she turns and sees him shirtless. She pauses a moment to take in his muscular build and then says, "I don't like it either but from what Jess said it seems like he has an explanation for it."

He walks over to the dresser lowering his pants and says, "Right but why is he waiting until tomorrow morning to tell us? Something just doesn't seem right to me."

"Hey," she says. Coming up behind him she wraps her arms around his waist stopping him from grabbing his sleep pants. "Don’t worry about it. We'll know why when he tells us. For now, let me help you keep your mind off of it." She turns him around showing him that she has stripped to her bra and panties. "Sit down," she says, pushing him onto the bed.

In the next bunk over, Jess, Jordan and Ashley are getting ready for bed too. Stepping out of her jumpsuit Ashley takes off her shirt as she says, “So what exactly did you tell the Captain, Jess?”

“I just told him what Jordan and I saw,” she replies. Turning to look at Ashley she immediately drops her eyes when she sees that the other girl is topless. “Damn it, Ash! How many times do we have to ask you to turn around when you do that?"

Ashley laughs as she pulls her blonde hair out of its ponytail and lets it fall to her shoulders. “What’s the difference? It’s not like they’re something you’ve never seen before!” She walks up to Jess with her arms held wide as if she’s purposely trying to display her bare d-cups to her.

Jess laughs and keeps turned away saying, “Right, right! But still! I don’t need to see yours too!”

“What about you, Jordan?” Ashley says turning to her.

“Ha. I don’t really care that much. I mean, yea, you could just turn around but what does it really matter?” Grabbing up her shower basket she turns to Ashley and her sister. “I'm going to take a shower. See you guys in the morning,"

Ashley finally pulls on her nightshirt and says, “Alright. Good night.”

Jess wishes her a good night too as she climbs into bed.

“Night,” Jordan tells them as she leaves the bunk in her towel. When she reaches the elevator it opens before she can hit the button. Captain is standing inside.

"Oh, Jordan. Just the person I was coming to see."

"You…wanted to… see me? Sir?" Jordan says still standing outside the elevator.

"Yes," the Captain says with a smile. "Come on in. Going down were you?"

"Um..yes," Jordan steps into the elevator and the doors shut behind her. She reaches to press the floor button but the Captain steps in front of the panel while holding the lowest button down. "Sir, I uh, only needed to go to the showers…"

"Yes. But first I'd like to talk to you."

Brittany climbs on top of Peter, straddling him on her knees. He looks up at her and smiles. Bringing his hands up to her sides he slides them up and over her b-cup breasts. She smiles and brings her lips to his. He raises his hands to run his fingers through her short blonde hair. At the same time, she holds his head in her hands feeling the few day old stubble on his chin. Smiling between their kisses he begins to trail his lips down to her chest. His hands move around her back to the clasp on her bra. She feels it come loose as he starts to remove it. Unblocked by the fabric, his mouth and tongue can now reach her bare breasts. Moaning softly she reaches down to grab at the edges of their underwear. They have to shift a bit on the bed so that they can come off but she resumes straddling him on her knees and Peter runs his hands up her legs, toward her crotch and then up her stomach and sides back to her chest again. "Mmm…I love you," he says.

"I….oh! I love you too!" she says with a soft moan as she lowers herself down over him and he slips inside of her. He moans as well and holds her body close to his as he begins to thrust upward.

"What did you want to talk about?" Jordan says to Captain back in the elevator.

"I want to talk about what you and your sister saw earlier today." As Captain says this the elevator reaches the lower deck. Jordan backs up against the wall opposite him.

"Jess said you were going to talk to all of us tomorrow morning."

"That’s right but first there's your punishment to deal with."

"My punishment?"

"For going down here when I said not to. Now, like I told your sister, I'm supposed to deny you any payment once we reach our destination. But I have another option for you."

"What's that?" Jordan says hesitantly.

"You sound just like your sister," he says smiling. "But that's beside the point. You want to know your other option. It’s simple really. I want you to drop that towel, kneel right here and give me head or else I'll be calling the police to tell them about your family's living habits."

"What?! Fuck you! There's no way I'm doing that!" Jordan says clearly angered. She tries to take another step back but is already against the wall so she moves into the corner.

"Oh but your sister did," Captain says simply as he steps up toward her.

"Wha- You…you made Jess…"

"That’s right. And she was so very good at it too." He takes another step forward and reaches a hand out to Jordan brushing her long brown hair back over her shoulder.

Brittany’s lips press hard against Peter's as they kiss passionately. Moan after moan leave them as he continues to thrust upward and she lifts her body up and down on him. After several minutes she feels her orgasm growing. Their bodies move faster and faster as the two of them make love.

"I'm…almost…there…" she says gasping for air. ”I'm…almost….NNNGH! OHHH!"

Placing her hands on his shoulders her back arches and she tilts her head back as she begins to orgasm. Wanting nothing more than to cause her more pleasure Peter begins to kiss her breasts once more as he makes his final thrusts inside of her before he ultimately pulls out and finishes between their stomachs.

Collapsing sideways onto the bed they kiss. "I love you," he says.

"I love you too." Wrapped in each other's arms they sleep naked.

"You bastard!" Jordan yells knocking Captain’s hand away from her and pulling her towel tighter around her body.

"Maybe but it’s already been done. Now, you'll do the same or your family will pay the price and Jess's actions will be in vain."

"Fuck you. I won't let you get away with this. You've just openly admitted to blackmail and even if you call the police Jess's actions won't be in vain because she's proof you're a fucking creep and that's only going to add more jail time onto your sentence."

Suddenly there is a low rumble outside the elevator. "Ah. Well how about this then. If you don't do what I ask, I'm going to leave you down here with this thing."

"So now you are threatening to kill me? How the hell do you plan on getting away with that? I'm not doing a fucking thing you say."

"That's really too bad," Captain says, "Because I do have ways of explaining your disappearance. So…good-bye, Jordan."

A genuine feeling of shock strikes Jordan as Captain opens the doors and pushes her out of the elevator. "Hey! Wait!" she tries to get back inside the elevator but the doors close quickly. As they do she feels a thick tentacle wrap around her waist. Jordan screams as she is pulled into the darkness of the lower deck…


1 comment

  1. Ugh. Sorry about the formatting, everyone. I tried putting extra spaces between the scene breaks but reddit seems to keep removing them when it’s posted. If anyone could tell me how to fix that, that’d be awesome.

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