Trouble in Deep Space Part 1 [SciFi, Coerced MF, oral]

The Captain, a fit man in his mid-40s with a lot of experience in his position, runs down a list of things his crew needs to have done by the end of the day. No one complains. The work isn’t hard and the pay at the end of this trip out into space is more than worth it. Before dismissing them Captain says, "And remember, no one is allowed down onto the lower deck. It is strictly off limits. Anyone who is caught going down there will be severely punished." No one knows what is down there. In fact, no one even knows what their mission is but they know that Captain means business so they heed his warning and go about their duties.

Back in their bunk, Jess and Jordan grab a few supplies before heading out to do their jobs. "How many times do you think he's going to remind us not to go down there?" Jess asks her sister. Laughing, Jordan says, "I don't know but I think we all understand by now."

"Yea, I mean, if anything it’s only making me more curious about what's down there." Jess sits up from tying her boots and tosses her shoulder length auburn hair back behind her ears and looks at Jordan.

"I know what you mean but I wouldn't risk it." After putting on her tool belt, Jordan pulls her dark brown hair back into a ponytail.

"Aww, why not?" Jess says, "You don't really think the Captain can keep an eye on us at all times do you?"

"Well no…Not really but still. That’s not the point," Jordan replies.

"Oh what is the point then?"

"Well what if it’s dangerous?"

"You really think there's something dangerous down there?"

"It doesn't matter if it is or not. We're never going to know."

"Well I think we should go check it out," Jess says. The two sisters argue over going down to the lower deck for several more minutes. When Jess says she'll just go by herself then Jordan tells her she won't let her go alone.

“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Jordan says stepping into the elevator. They ride it all the way down and are immediately hit with a terrible smell. “We are going to get into so much trouble,” she says covering her nose and mouth.

“Shut up,” Jess tells her turning on a flashlight they had brought with them; the sisters see something moving in the darkness. Unsure of what it is the two of them return to the elevator right away. "Whatever it is its alive."

"And that's not good at all.”

Both girls know full well that transporting living cargo is highly illegal in this part of space. "We've got to tell the Captain," Jess says.

"Are you crazy?! He said there'd be severe punishment for anyone that went down here!"

"Yes but I don't think knows we are carrying something illegal… Go tell the others. I'm going to see the Captain."

Sitting in his office, Captain turns to his computer and presses the CALL button on the phone built into it. The phone rings once and then is picked up. As always, the receiver only shares his voice with Captain, never his face. “I trust that everything is in order for the drop off?” Captain asks.

The person on the other line responds in an alien language. Captain nods and says, “That’s right. When you arrive, I’ll allow you to dock at the airlock and let you in. Once you are onboard I’ll let you know where everyone is and I’ll get into one of the escape pods and leave you to whatever it is you plan on doing.”

The person on the other end asks him a question and he replies, “Yes. There are five females and two males, not including me.” He listens again to the receiver and says, “Right. Good. Just wanted to make sure everything was going according to plan. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Captain hits the END button on the screen and sits back in his chair, letting out a sigh of relief. He hears a knock at his door and sits back up saying, “Come in.”

Jess enters his office nervously. "What are you doing here Jess? You should be down with your sister," he says.

"Yes I know but…there's something you need to know…" She walks up to his desk with her hands held behind her back and her head down.

"What is it?"

"Well you see, sir… we were just so curious is all and well…Jordan and I…we… we went to the lower deck…"

"Excuse me? Why in the hell would you go down there when I expressly said that it was off limits?!" Captain gets up out of his chair then and closes the door.

Turning to follow him around the room Jess looks up at him and says, “I…I know, sir…and I'm sorry but I came to you because what we're carrying is alive…and as I'm sure you know it’s illegal to carry live cargo…"

"Oh I know full well of what we are carrying, Jess," Captain says. Coming up to her he places his hands on her shoulders.

"You…you do?”

"Mhm…" Moving one arm across her shoulders he leads Jess behind his desk. He sits as he says, "And now that you know what's down there you must be punished.”

"Sir…I- We didn’t mean-"

“No. No I’m sure you didn’t. But there is protocol to follow. However…sometimes protocol can be bent a little.”

Jess is suddenly aware of his eyes crawling all over her slender body. “What do you mean?” she asks timidly taking a step back from him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jess stops and steps forward again so as to not upset him. "That’s right now let’s talk options."

"Options, sir?"

"Well yes, because the normal punishment I am to deal out is to remove your pay on this job completely. Instead though I think I might just make a call to the police and tell them about your family at home and how they get by on stealing from other people…"

"What?! No! Why would you do that?! Please just take my pay!" Terrified of her family being thrown in prison Jess rushes forward and drops to her knees begging him.

"Hmmm…I don't know…that just doesn't seem to be good enough…" Captain turns to his computer to bring up the number for the police.

"No! Wait! Please! I'll do anything!"

"Anything huh? I was hoping you'd say that…" He smiles as he looks down on her.

"What do you mean?" Jess says warily as she stands back up. "Well I suppose there is one thing that could keep me from calling the police…"

"What’s that?" still wary.

"Well that jumpsuit really doesn’t do your figure any favors…take it off.”

"What?! No way!” Disgusted, she backs away and starts for the door.

"Fine. Have it that way." Captain returns to his computer and starts dialing.

Hearing him press the buttons fills her with dread and she turns back. “Wait. Ok…I'll take it off."

Captain looks away from his computer with a smile on his face again. “Good choice. Now come around here where I can see you.” Following his arm, Jess returns to the other side of his desk where he had originally placed her. “I’m waiting.”

“I…ok. Sorry.” She takes a deep breath and unzips her jumpsuit from the collar down to her waist. Pulling out one arm and then the other she reveals a black tank-top underneath. Pausing a moment she regains control of her nerves as she slowly pushes the rest of the suit off from her waist down where she steps out of it and her boots showing that she was only wearing a pair of black underwear beneath the pants. Trying not to look at him she stares straight ahead.

Captain’s smile grows wider as her takes her in. “Go on,” he says.

“What do you mean?” she asks confused.

“Take off your shirt.”

Her jaw drops as she says, “But you said just the jumpsuit!”

“I know what I said. I’ve changed my mind though so unless you want me to still make that call you’ll take it off.”

“I hate you,” she says before moving her hands to take hold of the bottom of her tank-top. Removing it she shows him a black bra to match her underwear. “Satisfied?”

“No. In fact, take off the bra too.”

"Wha-" Jess doesn't bother to finish her retort. Instead she just glares at Captain as she reaches behind her back to unclip her bra. Bringing a hand up to pull one shoulder strap down and then the other she slowly lets it fall while keeping her arms crossed over her chest. Until this moment she had never been so glad of having just b-cup breasts. She watches as Captain loosens his belt as he says, "Now get back on your knees and give me head."

“You can’t be serious. You just made me strip half-naked. What more do you want?” she says incredulously.

“I just told you. Now get over here and do it.” He pulls himself out of his pants and then hits the CALL button on the computer. “It’s ringing.”

Running out of time and desperate to save her family Jess knows she has no other choice. “Ok,” she says. “I’ll do it. Just please hang up the phone.” Captain smiles and pressed END as she steps forward and drops to her knees slowly.

Pulling one hand away from her chest Jess takes a hold of the Captain. “Drop that arm too,” he says gesturing to the other arm covering her. “I didn’t ask you take off your shirt and bra just so I could watch you cover up.”

Glaring up at him she says, “I hate you,” again as she lowers her arm and lets him see her breasts.

With his eyes staring at her he replies, “Very good. Now continue.”

She gives him one more dirty look before looking down at his member in her hand. He seems to have gotten harder at the sight of her topless. Taking a deep breath, Jess opens her mouth and leans forward. As she places him in her mouth she closes her eyes. She pauses for a moment with her lips around him but then begins to move her head down his length and then back up slowly. Captain tilts his head back and sighs with pleasure …

Meanwhile Jordan gathers the rest of the crew in the main room. Sitting around the table again she tells them what she and Jess found on the lower level. Everyone reacts with surprise first at the fact that they went down there, second at what they found and then at the fact that Jess actually went and told the Captain!

"We've got to do something," Peter says.

"Right," Brittany agrees with her boyfriend, "But I think we need to lay low and see what Jess has to say when she gets back."

Agreeing that that makes the most sense they go back to their jobs so as to not arouse any suspicion.

What none of them know is that as Jess rocks her head back and forth Captain looks over at his monitor on his desk and sees Jordan telling all of them about what her and her sister found. He shakes his head but turns his attention back to Jess. “You’re doing an amazing job,” he says with a grunt.

I bet I am, you son of a bitch. Jess thinks as she continues. She has to adjust her position a bit when Captain leans forward over her. She pauses again when she feels his hand slide down the front of her body to cup one of her breasts.

“These are amazing too,” he whispers into her ear as he gropes her. “Oh don’t stop now. I’m almost finished.” Taking his other hand he places it gently on the back of her head and pushes her back down. She knows he’s telling the truth because he has started to get thicker inside her mouth. Knowing she is going to have to deal with him feeling her up she keeps going now using her tongue to speed up the process and get it over with.

When he does finish Captain presses his hand on the back of her head to keep her on him. Jess protests but her voice is muffled and she starts to beat at his legs with her fists trying to get free as he comes in her mouth. Captain smiles at her futile struggle and says, "Swallow this and I won't call the police on your family…"


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