Not So Innocent…VI

Part I –

Part II –

Part III –

Part IV –

Part V –

Mid-April, 2014

“Do me a favor and marry him.”

I will never forget the night I said those words. It was mid-April, our relationship is now more than just good sex. We are a full fledge couple. She is spending more time with in my college town than at her home with her fiancé. Initially, we were going to cut it off April 24th. That was a date we set to end everything. It was the end of something should have never happened, but its existence was so pure that it felt good. I loved this girl, and she loved me. This is where things become uneasy. We were on auto pilot the last 2 months without realizing it, and as we approach April 24th is when we start to figure out just how deep we were.

It was a Saturday night mid-April weekend and she came into town. We were going out to the bars with some friends. She loved going out with me. She always said she never experienced anything like it whenever she went out with me. The bar scene was crazy in my college town and I could tell she wasn’t used to it. But loved every moment whenever I introduced her to another world of mine.

So, we do our usual of showering. Me first, and then her. I always loved watching her get ready. From sitting on the edge of the shower wall, watching her put her make up on, to lying on my bed staring at her while she put on her outfit. It’s around 10:30 and we are just about done pregaming at my apartment. We get there and meet up with my friends, and we start our usual bar hop routine. However, tonight was different. She wasn’t as outgoing to my friends as she was. I could tell something was bothering her and I feared it was something to do with her and her fiancé. I asked her what was wrong, and she looked at me and smiled and said “nothing”. We went on through the night, shutting the bars down. We do are usual stumble back to my apartment. Once we get inside, we usually just start stripping off our clothes without saying a word to each other, because we know what’s going to happen, sex. Once we’re completely naked, I go lay down my bed so she can climb on top of me. She did, laid on top of me; however she didn’t start kissing me, and put her head in my neck/shoulder area instead. As my hands are rubbing her ass, back, and roaming, I begin to notice she’s crying. I immediately sat up, and she was now straddling me. (As much shit and hatred I got from everyone, to some of you thinking I’m a piece of shit for having a relationship with an engaged women, I was always a gentleman to her. I absolutely hated seeing her cry.)

As tears are streaming down her face, and me trying my hard to wipe them away as quickly as I can, she looks at me and says she doesn’t want this to end. I told her it had to which she obliged it did, but she still didn’t want it to. From telling me that I make her safe and nothing can touch her to making her feel like a new women, she wanted this forever. We talk for a good 20 minutes…Its one of those talks where I can’t remember the details but I remember how I happened. I don’t know if that makes sense. We talked about us, the past, how it all came to be, how it should end etc.

After calming her down, she started to smile at me again. God, she was so cute just straddling my lap, her body free, and wrapping her arms around me. I kissed her and she kissed back. This time was different though. We didn’t do our usual rough housing with each other, with me choking her while pounding her, shoving her face into the pillows, pulling her hair, or biting each other. We just had good, passionate sex. Nothing corny, just nice and slow, enjoy each other’s pleasure in a different way. I found out that I could her make her cum multiple times, and very quickly if I fucked her sideways with one leg on my shoulder. I came inside her with everything I had. I was drained emotionally, and just laid on top of her for a couple of minutes before regaining my senses. We lay there that night, just looking at each other, not saying a word except for these words. “Do me a favor and marry him for me”. “Okay” she replied. I didn’t want her to really, but I wanted to make her feel that everything was okay. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Sunday comes around and she leaves to go back home to her fiancé. Before I went to bed I texted her this: “I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again and be with you.” Just trying to be caring and supportive of whatever decision she makes.

The following Monday I get a text in the morning just as I’m about to wake up for class. It reads as follows: “(Fiance’s name) just saw the text you sent me last night as he was plugging my phone into the charger this morning. He’s now questioning me on what it meant. I’m scared now.”

Oblivion has now commenced…



  1. Fuck that. You werent trying to be carrying and supportive of whatever decision she makes. However, I do believe that the Nile is a river in Africa. ….

  2. You’re entitled to that. I understand how you see this. I would be lying if I said this didn’t hurt in the end. If she chose me or him, I would understand why. When she told me she was going through with the wedding, I knew why. It was her "safe bet". I was high risk in her eyes. Thanks for reading though, I sincerely appreciate it.

  3. From across the world, I wish you strength in this journey. May love prevail :’)

  4. Maybe I’ve missed it previously but why can’t you two be together?

  5. But why didn’t you keep her while all of this was going on?

  6. Honestly, I don’t even know. We talked about it. There were times where she wanted to just start dating me exclusively and end the engagement and there were times where she wanted to marry him. And I was so focused on graduating that semester and finding a job, I was just all over the place. But like I said, he was the safer bet. She’s happy, I’m happy… Grant it, she’s in a toxic marriage but we all make choices in life.

  7. Thanks man, I appreciate it. It was just bad situation from the beginning.

  8. I’ll write the next post tonight. Been busy with work so haven’t had time to gather my thoughts and start writing again.

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