[m/m] My first steam room experience

So to start with a little about me, I am 21 and darker skinned. I'm half black, half white so I came out the color of a hispanic, and people ask me if I speak Spanish on a regular basis. I'm average height (about 5ft 8in) and about 150 pounds. My build is muscular, but more on the lean side than the beefy side.

I work at a high end gym and health club where I get to know a good amount of the members, and after a workout I usually like to hit the steam room to wind down and make sure I don't get too sore afterwards. So I go inside, and it looks like the cycle is just about over. You can see clearly and the air is warm, but not hot. It's not too big of a deal, since the room works on a timer and I know it will kick on soon anyway. So I sit back and wait. Of course I could have splashed it with cold water to activate the steam but there is a sign that specifically said not to do that because it breaks the system, and being a worker there I should probably follow the rules.

That's when a member who frequents there comes in. He's an older guy, probably about 45 with graying hair and an average body. Really nothing too special, but he knows I work there and he greets me and I greet him and we start chatting a little. He asks about my life (it isn't uncommon for the workers and members to know each other really well there) and I think nothing of it.

Now I usually sit in the steam room with my feet on the floor, elbows on my knees and head pointed towards the ground. That's not very good for conversation, so I was sitting upright while talking to him. I haven't had any sort of homosexual desires in the past, but I would be lying if I said that I had never been curious. However the curiosity passed some time ago, and I wasn't having any reactions to being in the steam room with him. I readjusted, bringing my feet up so I could sit cross legged.

I guess I should explain that where most people tie their towel around their waist, I clip mine together with a key ring clip with the key to my locker. It's not that important except for when I opened my legs to sit cross legged, the clip popped off instead of just kind of unraveling like a tied towel would do. So the towel popped open, not revealing anything, and I just kind of laid it over on top of me.

But since my towel popped open and I recovered myself, the guy I was talking to (lets just call him Dave) would start standing in the middle of the conversation and readjust his towel, which was right at my eye level. He did it 3 or 4 times during our talk when the steam kicked on. Once the room was getting difficult to see through, he stood up, "fixed" his towel one more time but when he sat down he lazily laid it over his lap in way that honestly didn't cover much. As it started to get hot I excused myself, fixed my key clip, got an iced towel from right outside the door and came back into the room and sat down right where I was before.

I started squeezing the iced towel above my head and let the cold water drip onto me. It wasn't meant to be sexual, I always do that in the steam room. But Dave found it to be really hot I guess because he started to get an erection. I didn't notice until the towel fell off of him, and we both glanced at it at the same time. He made it look like he didn't know either. We made eye contact and I told him "Don't worry man, it happens."

He laughed and said something about hating how we as guys cant control when we get boners, and I kept glancing at it as he talked. At the first sight I just thought "yep that's a dick" but as I looked at it more I realized that it was actually huge. Probably 8 or 9 inches long, and thick. Now I know everyone on the internet is 9 inches long but I've seen my fair share of dicks through the locker rooms and this was a totally different beast altogether. Even earlier as he readjusted his towel I could tell that it was just… bigger, but maybe because he had a half chub.

Anyways I tried not to make a big deal out of it and said something along the lines of "yeah they have a mind of their own." And he jumped on the opening saying "looks like you have a mind of your own right now." I looked down and he was right, I had a full on boner. Even covered by my towel it was painfully obvious. I just looked at it for a minute, trying to think of something to say. I looked back up at him and still couldn't formulate words, only now he was rubbing his big hard cock, towel totally off of him. Even through the steam I could see that his fingers and thumb couldn't connect around the shaft.

I froze. I didn't know what to do. I had never done this before, not with a guy. I have a girlfriend, is this cheating? I mean getting a boner isn't cheating but any moves past this is definitely uncalled for. What if this blew up and got me fired? Everything was telling me to just get up and leave but before I knew it I was rubbing myself right along with him. Just masturbating right?

Wrong. It wasn't long at all before he moved over and grabbed my cock with his rough, strong hands. He started pulsing up and down my shaft and I… Idk I just shut down. I stopped thinking about everything that could go wrong and just let him do his thing. It was even harder to breath than I had first realized, partially because of the steam but mostly because of how exhilarated I was.

Suddenly, A warth came over the head of my dick. It was wet, too, but so was everything in the steam room. I opened my eyes and looked down at him sucking me off. That was too much for me to handle. I was about to come. My member throbbed in his mouth and I could see him jerking off with the hand he wasn't using to fondle my balls. I told him I was about to come, and instantly felt like shit, even before I actually finished.

I actually ended up pushing him off of me, and freaking out a little bit. I told him that this is my place of work and I really shouldn't be doing what we were doing. I apologized like crazy for letting go as far as it did, and Dave was actually very understanding about the entire thing. He gave me his phone number, saying that he was only in town for the weekend, and that I should stop by his place, but I never took him up on it. I told my girlfriend immediately and she was very understanding and forgave me.

I've never done anything with anyone else since. Even though I have had a guy jerk off to me while I was in the steam room, but I went the other direction that time and asked that he leaved. Anyways that's my story and I just thought I'd share it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/34flz4/mm_my_first_steam_room_experience


  1. Nice story. Is it real? First you mention that he frequents the gym then you say he is only in town for the weekend. And your gf forgave you? I’m not convinced. Enjoyed the story though.

  2. Yeah it’s real. He is a member of the gym, and he told me he was only going to be in town for the weekend. I guess he travels a lot for his work but lives here? I’m honestly not sure but I haven’t seen him since. That’s the only thing that makes sense to me since the gym is pretty high end. He definitely wasn’t a guest or anything I had seen and talked to him for months before. Yeah my girlfriend forgave me, her main complaint was that if I had any sort of attraction to men (which I didn’t know I did) I should have told her and that’s something we could have explored together. She was a little hurt but it blew over eventually thank goodness.

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