Too te(m)pting (f)or me to resist

I met a quiet girl on a uni engineering competition trip. I'd seen her in class and we had said hi a few times over the years. Let's just call her "J". J was cute with mid length straight hair and really had amazing boobs. Well, j sat next to me on the charter bus and the trip was about 3 hr long. We had plenty of time to chat and she really opened up to me about everything. I could tell she wasn't happy with her bf and I said "it sounds like you know what has to be done." I just made an observation that she was unhappy and should do something about it. J fell asleep on my shoulder before we reached the hotel.

That night we went out for a social event with the other unis. J stuck to me like glue and I realized immediately that I had fucked up. My gf is great and I had no ill intentions with J. She was cute, however and I felt a soft spot for her after sharing intimate details earlier in the day.

After a few drinks we were both sitting at the bar shooting the shit again. Her hand frequently found its way to pat my thigh when stressing key points or laughing at something I said. I could feel my pulse racing as the tension kept building. During an awkward pause, the first of the night, she mumbled something and I had to ask her to repeat herself. J turned on her barstool to face me and parted her legs just a bit. "I'm not wearing any panties" I heard it the first time and didn't want to beleive my ears. There was no question any more and I knew there would be no pretending about harmless flirtation. The quiet girl that I thought I knew had me at a total loss for words. I couldn't see J's pussy, but her short dress showed plenty of leg leading up to her bare slit. I can tell you details about it because I pulled her stool closer to mine and slid my palm up and over J's warm mound. Neither of us said a thing as my fingertip pressed inside as I stroked her smooth skin with my other fingers on either side.

I called for my check after about 30 seconds. We went to my room because J was sharing one with a female prof. She had my shaft out before the door was even closed and dropped to her knees to lick precum from the tip. She slowly drove me nuts up to this point and all I could do is run my fingers through her soft hair while she face fucked my throbbing cock. I came embarrassingly quick and she swallowed every drop. That's when I noticed how she was still rubbing vigorously between her own thighs.

I pulled panting J up by her free hand and tugged her into the bathroom. There I lifted her ass up into the counter and proceeded to kneel between her legs. Heat was radiating off her skin as I leaned in. Her mound was shiny with her own cum and I pressed my tongue against it. My palms were gripping J's waist as I lapped up her juices. She was in a frenzy before I even found my way to her swollen clit. I could feel myself getting hard again just from her excitement alone. The tight pussy my tongue was now stroking up and down didn't help things. I ate her pussy for a few minutes … I don't even know how long before she squeezed her thighs around my head and shuddered.

Finally, we found our way to the bed. I pulled her dress of over her head and she undid her own bra. The boobs did not disappoint. Her nipples were pale, but the tips were taught and surrounded by goosebumps. My mouth covered one and sucked in hard as I pressed her down into the soft matress. Her small hand tight around my shaft and rubbing. We kissed for the first time right as she guided me inside her tight warm pussy. It was snug, but there was no resistance due to how wet she was with her own juices mixed with our saliva. We fucked once more in the morning before showering together and had fun on the bus home too.

EDIT: formatting/typos



  1. Great story OP but when you reached the fucking part it felt like you didn’t want to talk about it or just bored with it, details are nice. The same goes for the other fuck and the bus ride. Also is there more as I am assuming gf is also in uni, I am also assuming she know you have a gf.

  2. I should have taken the reader into consideration a little bit more. For me, the hotness of it all was the buildup and spontaneity of everything. It was like raw animal instincts. Maybe I’ll do a follow up to describe the actual sex since I did leave people hanging. There was no butt stuff or BDSM, so reddit may be disappointed.

  3. Oh don’t get me wrong I loved the buildup and spontaneity, you were really good at describing it, that’s why I thought if this is the start then things will go up from there, and they were going up but you just suddenly end it. I also understand your point of view, for you the exciting part was how things turned around not the details, but for us its a story and we don’t want to fast forward. Last thing don’t believe the hype, I am one of those who doesn’t care about butt stuff and BDSM rarely work for me. You didn’t tell me if J knew you had a gf or not? Its ok if you don’t want to answer, just ignore it

  4. She knew. She broke up with her bf right after that weekend and tried hard to get me to split with my gf.

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