When we first met [MF]

I hope this turns a woman reading this out there on as much as it has turned me on writing it. A hope wrapped up in a story.

As soon as our eyes and lips connected everything else about the world immediately melted away. Whoever we were as individuals, the lives that we led, the drudgery of our day to day, whoever others expected us to be evaporated upon the moment of our connection. With our mouths open and my lips pressing against yours, you respond with equal intensity pushing back, your tongue slipping its way into my mouth for the first time, running along the grid of my teeth before gliding between them and meeting my own. Just as with our lips they connect, tasting and exploring each other, electrifying our bodies.

As we kiss you feel my hands grip your upper arms just beneath your shoulders. Squeezing you firmly from the sides you can sense how much I need you as I push forward into you forcing you to catch yourself stepping backwards with one foot then the other, back and back, until suddenly you're pressed firmly against the wall, boxed in for my pleasure. As I push my hard body up against you the unbridled passion intensifies our breathing and redoubles the intensity of our locked lips.

Meanwhile your arms have been wrapped around my waist gripping my back as I pushed myself into you. You can feel the bulge in my pants distinctly against your stomach and you feel the warmth and wetness steadily grow from the increased blood flow between your legs. You are the cause for why I am hard and you are the reason I'm acting the way I am and I want you to know it. You do this to me and I want you to see, and feel, all of it. Rational and distinct thoughts dissipate into electrifying ecstasy as our breathing becomes heavy and your hands slip up the back of my shirt gripping my broad back before digging your nails into it and running them hard and slow downward.

Finally we separate, our lips bright red from the lengthy makeout session. I pull your shirt off over your head and immediately after you do the same to mine. For only a moment you get to gaze at my hard chest, tight and muscular with a happy trail leading down beneath the belt of my jeans before my lips are pressed against your body once again, this time against your collar bone. My lips and tongue press firmly along first the right side of your collar bone and then the left sliding up just far enough to kiss, lick, and suck your lower neck, the stubble of my face only adding to the orgy of sensations as you try to remain standing and stop yourself from losing complete muscular control and sliding onto the floor.

As I find my way back up your neck I whisper in your ear what you have been longing to hear me say about how I want you, the things I can't control because of you, and that I need you because of it. As I confess everything about what it is you do to me I lick just behind your ear before returning to those lips that I couldn't leave for long. Again our mouths and tongues become one, sharing the same space, entwining with each other.

Our bare bodies push against each other, our skin no longer burdened by the sensation of fabric but instead energized by the sensation of each others bodies. Only your bra stands between us and my hands wrap around your back finding the snap and it falls to the floor freeing your soft supple breasts to press firmly against my muscular chest. It's not long before I can't help but bring my lips down to your neck and past your collar bone once again, ensuring to spend ample time in each area one more time before gazing upon what you keep hidden from the rest of the world despite countless attempts from men to imagine them. My eyes take them in fully before letting my mouth do the same, first sucking and tonguing each breast but slowly increasing my intensity on the nipple, nibbling and holding one at a time between my teeth and pulling on them causing you to shiver.

Once I had my fill I carry my lips down to your soft stomach as your eyes close sinking into the back of your head as I slowly zero in to right above the waist of your pants. I pop the button and slowly undo the zipper, the pulsing warmth radiating from between your thighs. Exposing your panties I begin to slide down your jeans and you wiggle your sexy hips to help as they drop past your thighs and down to your ankles. I have you turn around so I can appreciate your ass kissing and licking the cheeks as I pull each pant leg off and away from you. My hands then hold you by the hips and you push your bottom out as you lean against the wall. I continue to lick and kiss your ass pushing my face into it before sliding my tongue and lips down to your upper thighs. I make you spread your legs as I feel the heat from your needy center press upon my face. I lick and tongue to the lower inside of your thighs making you press your ass out further, opening up for me, spreading your legs wider for me so I can slip my head between your legs and continue massaging you with my mouth.

I slowly work my way up the inside of your thighs going from one leg to the other before I have you turn around, your back once again to the wall. My tongue runs right along the lining of your panties as you shiver with delight at how such intense feelings can come from such light pressure of the tongue. I kiss with my lips the fabric of your panties separating your feminine center from me. Then I take the edges of the panties right on your hips and slowly slide them down and off. They're soaked on the inside.

It isn't long before my focus returns to your fuzzy kitten and I lap my tongue once and slowly along the outside. Then I do it again. After another short break I do it again. Each time I do it you can sense that my pressure is increasing only slightly each time. You begin to moan my name as I slowly begin to makeout with your other set of lips running my tongue along the inside of your folds, firmly pressing your button with the tip, and sliding it into your dripping needy hole.

The pace of your breathing, which had slowed to soft long draws with brief periods of light quick gasps , now quickly started to become heavy again as I pressed my face into your soft moist mound. Your hand reaches into my hair and pushes me in deeper as I tongue fuck you with the passion and zeal of a man who knows how to please. As your breathing quickens and begins to release strained moans of an orgasm on the rise, I stop and stand up kissing you on the mouth with one hand in your hair. Then I grip your hair firmly at the base so it doesn't hurt but I have direct control and pull you down to signal to you that it is now your turn to please me.

My jeans look ready to burst at the size of the bulge in my pants and you take a moment to kiss it through the fabric as I had done shortly before unwrapping you for me to taste. Then, slowly you undo my belt, pop open the button, and watch as a pair of boxers push out of the newly created opening for the stretched fabric to escape to. But it wasn't enough, it needed to be released completely. As you pull off my jeans you lift the band of my boxers out and away from the hidden mass beneath before letting them drop to the floor. Finally, I stand before you completely naked and my cock stands erect and waiting.

You don't hesitate to put your lips and tongue to it, teasing the tip just as I teased your clit. But it doesn't take long before you fill your mouth with my rock hard length both thick and long. You imagine how satisfying it will feel filling you inside and it makes you begin to suck my cock with a bit more intensity. Having my big dick in your mouth excites you. You love to be sucking it knowing that you are satisfying and pleasing me which can be deduced by my deep moans each time you take me deeper into your throat.

It's not long before I need to be properly inside of you. I stand you up and press you against the wall kissing you again and you wrap your feminine hand around my cock, stroking it, cupping my balls. Now completely naked nothing is between you and me and as I press my body into you, you carefully guide my shaft up into your tight wanting hole.

You gasp for air as I carefully and slowly push my thick length inside of you. How good it felt to finally feel the fullness of my cock inside of you satisfying you in a way you have never quite felt before. You squeeze your vaginal walls making me moan and press in deeper which ultimately causes you to gasp again.

Once I have slid completely into you a few times and you are used to my girth I grab you by the waist and pick you up deciding to fuck you against the wall. Your feet dangle over the floor as I take you pleasing myself with the one body I want to please it with. I fuck you firm and hard, deep and rhythmic. And as you lean forward to kiss my mouth we have truly become one unit directed by me but charged by you.

A short while later we move to the table, you bend over with your tits poking out in front of you and I guide myself in from the back grabbing and spanking your perfect ass as I do. You gasp again because it's always a little deeper from the back but its not long until you're moaning twice as hard. As I fuck you from behind I grab both your arms behind your back leaving you nothing to hold yourself up with but also unable to lay your head down because your arms are pulled so far back. Having no control you easily become lost in the sensual overload and with my balls slapping against your clit you have your first orgasm.

I slow down, giving you your arms back as I watch the waves of pleasure ripple up and down your body but continue to provide you with slow, steady thrusts. Although I can't feel it I can see how your orgasm stays in your body not disappearing quickly but slowly fading over a steady length of time. And by the time the orgasm fades to a warm glow I flip you over and re-enter slowly beginning to build you up again.

This time as I fuck you our eyes are locked on each other. You are mine and I am yours and finally we can bask in the glory of nothing being between us. As my thrusts increase in power and frequency once again I lean down and kiss your lips, playing with your breasts, and biting your neck. After a while I need to stand up again so I can fuck you proper and hard. Your whimpers turn to moans which turn to screams of pleasure as I growl, groan, and grunt taking full enjoyment of being inside of you.

Again another wave of orgasmic pleasure washes over you and once again I increase my pace until the peak is just over and then begin to slow down watching you shiver and shake disappearing into a world all your own. When you come back the warm glow once again radiates from you and this time you beg me to cum.

As I fuck you, this time with more intensity than ever before I consider where I'm going to cum. To cum inside your pussy would be a dream but not for our first time. For our first time I want to see you wear my cum, I want you to be marked by my cum and made into my perfect little cum puppy. So as I begin to reach my peak I pull out and you sit up opening your mouth wide. I feel my cum ready to shoot out of me with such intensity from the pleasure you provide me. Suddenly you feel the hot salty white stream hit your face just above your lips and shoot down into your mouth and on your chin shortly followed by another rope and another. You conjured up so much cum from my balls my cum found its way into your mouth, all over your face, and dripping from your chin and my cock onto your breasts.

You look up into my eyes and smile covered in my seed. Satisfied and exhausted I look down and smile back as we both are totally fulfilled. This is what we both needed. And from now on we had it whenever we wanted. You don't break eye contact as you take one finger and wipe the cum from your face into your mouth, showing me how much is in there and before you swallow you reach your neck down and lick the cum from your breasts that is dripping down. I then pick you up and carry you over to the bed and you burrow into me as we cuddle and relax until we are ready to go again.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/33z1gz/when_we_first_met_mf

1 comment

  1. Good story; romantic enough to make it believable; but not overly so so you detract from the the main point. Good Job – your hope has been realised:) – I thought it was clever how you made the reader wait as long as the woman – cruel but clever.

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