Sharing [F]riends and [M]aking babies, with a side of [M].

Until some testing was done, for the first few months of my wife's pregnancy, we weren't one hundred percent sure that the baby was mine.

She had gone out of town to for work and spent the night with a close friend of hers. It was a friend that she had previously fucked without me knowing. (That had been a rough time for us, but we got through it.) A couple of weeks before her trip, she mentioned that he had asked her if sex was a possibility. I know she cares for him and said that she could do whatever she wanted.

I was still in bed when she returned home. As she entered the bedroom, she took off her shirt and skirt and crawled in next to me. It had been a sunny drive home for her and she smelled fresh and raw. The heat from her body drew me closer to her. I knew what she had been up to the previous night so I asked how it went. In answer, she took my hand and placed it on the crotch of her panties. I rolled my middle finger across her and brought it up to my lips. I could taste the sweat and saltiness of a freshly fucked pussy.

Coating my finger in saliva, I reached over to her and slid my hand down from her mouth to her throat. I drew wet trails around each of her nipples, roughly pinching them as i continued down past her belly button and into her wet panties. My fingers slid past her swollen clit to her slightly open cunt, and I drew the moisture out with my finger tips. After rubbing the mixture of juice and cum all over her pussy lips, I plunged two fingers back in. She moaned deep in the back of her throat.

Kissing her, I brought my sticky hand up to our faces and alternated between licking the tangy, slightly earthy wetness and sticking my fingers into her mouth. One by one, we cleaned the sex off of my fingers together. I left my middle finger in her mouth and trailed kisses down her body. I love the way her scent changes when she's turned on. Even more, I love the way her pussy tastes after she's come. After kissing all the way down to her hip, I licked the inside of her thighs from halfway to her knee all the way to crease where her legs meet her body. Even there, I could taste drying cum. I moved my head as low as I could until my chin was resting on the bed. Flattening my tongue, I licked in broad strokes from just outside of her open vagina all the way up to her clit.

I imagined her friend’s long cock sliding in and out of her pussy. She told me that he is so long he can't quite fit it all the way in. The way he must have pumped in and out of her as she screamed in orgasm. The way his cock must have pulsed and throbbed as it filled her with his cum. Then, as I shoved my tongue inside her, I tasted it. I slid my tongue out, around her clit, back to her slick hole, and circled it a few times before plunging it as deep as I can into her. When I tongue fuck her, my wife becomes primal. Her moans are deeper and she starts taking more ragged breaths. I can tell she loves it when I suck all the cum out of her pussy. That day, she grabbed the back of my head and started humping my face, forcing my tongue and lips deeper into her. "Thank you! Thank you," she moaned as the taste of her sweet juices grew stronger than the earthier tang of her friend. I felt her body tensing up as she prepared to come. Her thighs gripped the side of my head and her abs lifted her upper body up off the bed. I slid one finger into her and started sucking her clit like a little cock, moving my lips in and out with just a slight bit of suction. She started to tremble as her breathing momentarily stopped. I looked up to see her eyes wide open staring at nothing as the orgasm built from deep within her. She let out her breath with a loud grunt and I could tell that she was cumming by the way her asshole clenched and released with each wave.

A few drops of cum leaked out of her and slid down to her tight asshole. I reached my head down to gather the drops. Swallowing, I tensed up my tongue and gently eased it just into her anus. I looked up to see her hand dropping down to rub her clit. She can be such a glutton. Taking this as a prompt to continue, I forced a little more tongue into her ass. From many times before, I knew it wouldn’t be long until she came again.

Instead, she pulled me up and said “fuck me”. I placed the slick tip of my dick at her opening. She bucked up against me and I slid into her in one stroke. The feeling of her wide and wanting had me quickly working with short and fast strokes. As hot as she was, I knew she could orgasm again. I angled my thrusts upwards, rubbing my head against the rough flesh on the top of her vagina. Her body started to rise up to mine. As by balls smacked against her asshole, I felt her grow wetter as she came. I slowed my fucking motion and thrust deeply into her as I filled her with my cum.

Someday, I’ll thank my wife’s friend for the help in conceiving our daughter.
